spookysoto's reviews
1172 reviews

La aventura de la noche de San Silvestre by E.T.A. Hoffmann

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Una historia muy rara pero interesante. Relata la historia de un hombre que regaló su reflejo en el espejo.
Buyology: Truth and Lies About Why We Buy and the New Science of Desire by Martin Lindstrom

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Pretty interesting book about neuromarketing. The author's voice is pretentious and arrogant (he calls himself THE expert on marketing several times), but once you pass that, it has a lot of interesting ideas and information.

The best part for me were the real life examples. and how our subconscious mind react to the smells and visual, tactile, auditive input.

We could question the ethical implications of using fmri technologies to manipulate people into buying stuff, specially since only big brands and companies (or governments) could access it, but regardless of its use, it's interesting to me that we think we act one way but in reality we act in another, mostly guided by instinct. I also like the part that confirms that traditional research tools aren't too reliable.

The book doesn't tell you why people act the way they do (so you as a marketer could apply that knowledge), it only tells you how people behave and what areas of the brain light up while doing it. I wish this information could be more practical. Despite that, the examples given are cool. (Is evident he hates microsoft and loooove apple).

This book isn't perfect but is interesting, I recommend it.

A History of the World in 6 Glasses by Tom Standage

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This was a great book. If you're interested in history and beverages I highly recommend it to you.

It explores world history from the point of view of the discovery and consumption of several key beverages: beer, wine, rum, coffee, tea and cola.

I learned a lot. My favorite chapters were the ones about coffee.

I recommend it, specially in audiobook format.
Los muertos by James Joyce

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Melancólica, se extiende demasiado en algunos momentos. Un poco aburrida.
Un regalo de mi gran amor by Kiersten White, Kelly Link, Jenny Han, Matt de la Peña, Holly Black, Ally Carter, David Levithan, Rainbow Rowell, Gayle Forman, Laini Taylor, Stephanie Perkins, Myra McEntire

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Twelve cute stories. Some are magical, others quirky, and all off them are cute. There's nothing wonderful about this collection, but is cozy and uplifting if you want to read something light on the holidays. It also a great way to get to know 12 authors without having to commit to reading a whole novel. I think the only one I've read before is Gayle Forman.

Here is the individual rating for each story. My favorite one were angels in the snow and beer buckets and baby Jesus

Midnights 3/5
The lady and the fox 3/5
Angels in the snow 3.5/5
Polaris is where you'll find me 2.5/5
It's a yuletide miracle, Charlie Brown 2/5
Your temporary Santa 2.5/5
Krampuslauf 1.5/5
What the hell have you done, Sophie Roth? 2/5
Beer buckets and baby Jesus 3/5
Welcome to christmas, CA 3/5
Star of Bethlehem 2/5
The girl who woke the dreamer 3/5
Silber. El Tercer Libro de Los Sueños by Kerstin Gier

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Esta tercera entrega del libro de los sueños me resultó tan entretenida como las demás. Aquí descubrimos la identidad de Secrecy y concluye la historia principal que inició en el primer libro.

En total a la trilogía le doy una puntuación de 3/5, siendo el primer libro mi favorito, pero todos fueron entretenidos, ligeros y con toques de humor. Estoy satisfecha con la conclusión que nos brinda este.

Me gustaron los personajes, el mundo de los sueños y la voz de la protagonista Liv. Me agrada que en ninguno de los libros el enfoque sea el romance y que se trate más sobre la amistad y la familia. Mi única crítica es que nunca se explicó bien cómo funciona el mundo de los sueños y por qué los protagonistas pueden hacer en él lo que hacen. Me gustaría conocer más sobre eso, el origen, el por qué y cómo de ese mundo.

Siento que al igual que la otra trilogía de la autora, Rubi o piedras preciosas, Gier no se toma la historia muy en serio (lo que valoro mucho), sabe lo que está escribiendo, algo ligero, divertido y entretenido que no pretende descubrir por qué la gallina cruzó la calle ni ser la obra más profunda del planeta. No tiene la típica angustia existencial del clásico adolescente de literatura juvenil, ni diálogos pretenciosos con Pseudo filosofía a la John Green (¡hey, no hay nada de malo en que te guste JG!). Es un libro para pasar el rato, entretenerte y pasarla bien. Definitivamente leería más de Kerstin Gier.

De mort naturelle by James Oswald

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Este libro me gusto, resulto bastante ágil y entretenido. Ocurren muchas cosas a la vez y se involucran muchos personajes, pero no perdí el hilo en ningun momento y me mantuvo intrigada hasta el final.
Hay un momento en el final que me pareció muy fácil, muy deus ex machina, o sea muy conveniente para que la trama avance
Spoiler La carta que recibe del abogado explicando todo, es demasiado conveniente
. Tambien el Unsub es un poco obvio
Spoiler Bueno, uno de los unsubs
. Existe un elemento sobrenatural que no sabia que el libro contenía, me sorprendió porque es inusual en este tipo de novela policial, pero entiendo pudo ser mejor trabajado dentro de la trama.
Spoiler El tema sobrenatural me recordó mucho a la pelicula Fallen con Denzel Washington, misma que recomiendo mucho. En el caso de Fallen, es más evidente que la parte sobrenatural existe. Pienso que como está planteada en la novela, era preferible que se dejara abierto, es decir, como que era posible que fuese real como que no, tipo el exorcismo de Emely Rose.

Esta es la introduccion a una serie de libros con el inspector McLean, y me parece lo suficientemente interesante y entretenida para continuarla.
The Good Girl by Mary Kubica

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This isn't a great mystery/thriller book, is ok I'll probably forget it in T- one week. The idea was there but the execution was off, but besides that I liked it for what it was.

The problem I had was with the characters, they weren't interesting and because of that I didn't care what happened to them. I had problems with the judge's behavior, He didn't feel real to me.
Spoiler But at the end his behavior made a lot more sense
. I didn't like the way Colin was portrayed, we were supposed to feel sorry for him, but in spite of having a tougher childhood and life, ultimately he made his own decisions and he chose to have the life of a criminal, so no, sorry I'm not sorry for you, you reap what you saw.

The other thing that could make this book better is fixing the pacing, it has too many uninteresting accounts of the events, specially the ones from Colin's POV. I liked the timeline and POV switches but I wouldn't have chosen to put Colin's.
Spoiler It gave away he was dead, because we didn't have any Colin after POV , so his dead had no real impact

Finally I really liked the ending and that's why I chose to bump it from 2.5 stars to 3.
Spoiler I guessed it right from the start, I even guess Mia wanted to get back at her father, but still I think it's well done and not entirely obvious and that's no easy to do.

I read this as part of my bookclub, almost everyone hated it, so I wouldn't recommend it, but I liked it.
Jennifer Valtiovalta by Max Barry

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This is an unusual, different and interesting novel. It's a dystopian society where capitalism and consumerism dictate everything in life. You are your job, the people don't even have a last name anymore, they take the name of the company they work for. To be unemployed is a disgrace greater than being a murderer.

All is moved by money. You have to pay the government if you want justice, you can hire the police to make a contract kill, if you don't have money you can't get an ambulance. This is an example that had me thinking that today's healthcare system is certainly (and sadly) coming to this:

"Sir, I need to know if the victim is part of our register. If she's one of our clients, we'll be there within a few minutes. Otherwise I'm happy to recommend-"
"I need an ambulance. I'll pay for it, I don't care, just come!"
"Do you have a credit card, sir?"
"Yes! Send someone now!"
"As soon as I confirm your ability to pay, sir. This will only take a few seconds."

I also think this book reflects the lost of ethics, roughness and savage politics of some corporate environments, where talent and hard work have little to do with success, and people are often used, manipulated, exploited and then discarded when they aren't needed anymore. People are just products.

The novel raises interesting ethical and moral questions that makes you think about the extreme consumerism that governs our everyday life. It has an ensamble of characters with storylines that interweave between them. The chapters are short and that makes it very fast paced. I liked it, I'll probably try another book from Barry.

Bingo #25, Protagonista con tu misma carrera

Matrimonio de sabuesos by Agatha Christie

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Esta es la colección de historias del matrimonio de detectives Tommy Y Tuppence Beresford, a quienes conocimos en el Misterioso señor Brown. Tuppence es impulsiva, carismática y muy intuitiva, mientras que Tommy es más práctico, con menos imaginación y por eso es capaz de ver con mayor facilidad los hechos reales. Son la pareja perfecta, complementándose.

Esta colección tiene como hilo central el hacer homenaje a detectives de la novela negra de la época, la mayoría de los cuales no han trascendido, lo que hace que en este momento, a menos que estés familiarizado con ellos, se te pasen de largo. En varias ocasiones se menciona al más famoso de todos, Sherlock Holmes (por qué es tan famoso?, NPI :/ ). Pude reconocer también al padre Brown, aunque no he leído sus libros sí he visto par de capítulos de la serie. En el último cuento, Christie se vuelve meta y nos menciona a Poirot. Los demás detectives no los conozco.

Es un libro entretenido pero no es nada del otro mundo, especialmente porque la mayoría de los crímenes que se investigan no tienen que ver con asesinatos y más con robos y espías, tan típicos de las novelas de la época (1929). Ya he mencionado anteriormente que prefiero las novelas largas de Christie. Lo recomiendo para fans de la autora, no creo que sea imprescindible para el lector común, a este le recomiendo mejor el Misterioso Sr. Brown.