bryiennefaye's reviews
463 reviews

Twisted Palace by Erin Watt

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3.25 stars

Although I am not particularly attached to this series, I still enjoyed how the secrets and betrayals between the characters unfold toward the end.
Tarnished Crown by Erin Watt

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From the moment I learned that Savannah and Gideon dated, I was already so intrigued by their history and why things got so messy between them; add that to the question of why Gideon is sleeping with Dinah. Reading this novella made me understand Savannah's character from when she first met Ella and her warnings about the Royals. And after learning what Sav and Gid have gone through, I'm glad that they have the second chance they deserve.
It Happened One Summer by Tessa Bailey

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Was so scared to read this book but look at me giving this book a 4-star rating! It Happened One Summer is a book about trusting yourself and finding that you are more than what people might think of you. The characters are definitely memorable, especially with how much depth they carry themselves and how we get to know them as the story progresses.
The Red Zone by Meg Reading

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3.25 stars

I accidentally bumped into this while browsing for a book to read because we had no internet. And surprisingly, I really enjoyed it. Although there's no grand plot that will have you reeling in this book, I really loved the character dynamics, snide remarks, and banters between Mae and October.
The Fantasy League by Meg Reading

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2.5 stars

Decided to read this book because I did not know that this was supposed to be the first book in the series. Like The Red Zone, this was also cute, but the pacing was too fast for my liking.
At Night All Blood is Black by David Diop

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“To translate is to betray at the borders, it's to cheat, it's to trade one sentence for another. To translate is one of the only human activities in which one is required to lie about the details to convey the truth at large.”

At Night All Blood is Black captured the deeply harrowing realities of war. How a man not only goes to war once the captain whistles but also how he slowly loses the one inside his mind where he fights what truly is moral and humane. It's beautiful in a way that we are reading it from the mind of the man whose mind slowly spiraled after the death of a friend whom he could not kill despite the latter begging him to.

However, was it really necessary to compare war trenches to a woman's genitalia?
Shadow Me by Tahereh Mafi

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Tell me it's in Kenji's POV, and I'm immediately sold.
It Ends with Us by Colleen Hoover

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Changed my rating from 4.5 stars to 1 because the author is, apparently, problematic.

PSA: If you ever decide to read this book, please don't solely focus on the romance—it's just a sub-plot. This book is so much more than that. Also, read the author's note once you finish the book.

4.5 stars rounded up

“And as hard as this choice is, we break the pattern before the pattern breaks us.”

Naked truth? Reading this consists of me tabbing my books with red tabs every time I see red flags waving and me going through the five stages of grief.

Anyway, this is also to say that I only love red if it's Taylor's Version. That's it, bye.