aishaayoosh's reviews
127 reviews

Gather the Daughters by Jennie Melamed

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Quite a disturbing novel but one that grips you and leaves you wanting to know more right through to the end.

Compelling and well written.

I would give it 5 stars as it was such an easy read...but the ending left me wanting to know moreeeee - I wanted a happy ending !!!
Erotic Stories for Punjabi Widows by Balli Kaur Jaswal

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Hilarious ...especially when you really really imagine old biddies talking in Punjabi about a mans banana ripening too fast then going to mush !! Lol!

Apart from all the sex (which was banging ...bahahahhaha), the book has a decent story line with unpredictable plot twists.

Totally worth a read!

The Snow Child by Eowyn Ivey

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Brilliant, so full of freedom and longing for the wild.

The Anatomy of Peace: Resolving the Heart of Conflict by The Arbinger Institute

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“While we complain what the other party is doing, his or her mistreatment of us gives us justification for our mistreatment of that person. Each party gives the other reason to keep doing exactly what he or she is doing”

This book is full of useful self-reflective anecdotes on how we treat and see others around us. Most importantly the book really narrows in on how we see ourselves in relation to others.

It brings to light conflict situations many of us will have faced in a work and family environment with resolve on how to approach and deal with them.

I did have to keep going back and forth in the book, so at first I wanted to give it 3 stars because it felt like I kept forgetting the points raised but when I got to the end - I totally got it!! (Aha moment!)

It is useful to highlight the parts you may want to refer back to.
I recommend you write down examples of scenarios that you may have come across to better understand the message the book is trying to convey.

The Yacoubian Building by Alaa Al Aswany

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A book club in Nairobi that are focusing on reading and promoting African literature across the continent chose this book. I’m all for supporting African Authors so thought GET IN!!

Well I finished this in little more than a day and find when I can’t put a book down it definitely deserves 5 stars!

This is an original Egyptian Arabic novel translated into English by Humphrey Davies who has done a good job of keeping the feel of Arabic sentiments and descriptions.

There are so many stories going on in this crazy, full of drama, never a dull moment novel.
The book is made of several characters all at a cross section from different classes living in the same building in modern day Cairo.

It has everything you could want from an Egyptian story, corruption, misery, Islamism and plenty of love stories.

Aswany has done beautiful work of representing the Egyptian culture to a T!!

I definitely recommend it and there is also a movie on YouTube to follow on after finishing the novel...yay!
The Secret Lives of Baba Segi's Wives by Lola Shoneyin

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The stories are hilarious and remind me so much of home. The women are strangely relatable and the twist on sexuality is a welcome look at something so often ignored in African literature.

Full of parables it!!!
Paper Aeroplanes by Dawn O'Porter

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I bought this as a kindle deal since I had read Dawn O’Porters book ‘The Cows’ which read really well.

I would say this is an okay book. It’s about three teen girls going through school in the 90’s - periods, detention, sex etc.

I would definitely recommend The Cows over this one.
Mindfullness: a practical guide to finding peace in a frantic world by Mark Williams, Danny Penman

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This is the second time I’m reading this but without doing the exercises( it’s not practical at the moment).

However it pointed out to me (again) how chaotic things get everyday. Making sure to bring myself back to earth and out of the chatter in my head! Enjoy the moment right now!!

I’ve paired the idea of mindfulness with praying because it can go hand in at the least I get to do it everyday...mornings and evenings.

One thing that has definitely benefited me and I see the difference... my phobia of flying has decreased and I’m slowly enjoying the turbulence on flights and not totally freaking out to passengers near me!!

5 flights in the past week and 4 more to go next week (small, medium and large flights) ...I have been diarising my reaction after every trip and it’s getting better .... so thank God and mindfulness for bringing me to focus on where I am NOW!! It’s beautiful and I can marvel at the work of his hands from an aerial view in peace :)
If I Could Tell You Just One Thing...: Encounters with Remarkable People and Their Most Valuable Advice by Richard Reed

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Well I’m going to share my kindle highlights for this one - there’s something in it for everyone!

Second time read.
Cutting for Stone by Abraham Verghese

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One of my favourite books EVER!!! ...I fell in love with Ethiopia and now this book that was set there just took me back ...

Reading this book has felt like a voyage of discovery.

Interesting all the way through, so many twists and turns ..don’t be put off by the size of it! Beautiful!!

Sad to put it away :(