
Omgitt Av Dårlige Sjefer by Thomas Erikson

gfay99's review against another edition

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Pretty interesting and accessible for this type of book, if a tad repetitive. Could have probably been a 50 pages shorter, but overall some useful learnings, and told in good humour.

maaike_g's review against another edition

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informative medium-paced


vladja's review against another edition

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informative medium-paced


ray2006's review against another edition

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inspiring medium-paced


jenc424's review against another edition

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I picked this book up purely because of the title. I mean, seriously!?! How many of us have had bad bosses and lazy employees? Very intriguing.

I found the author very experienced and pragmatic in his color coding and advice. He breaks up different personalities by color coding them -red, yellow, green and blue. Ultimately, most people are more than one of these colors at the same time and interact differently depending on the person to person color ratio.

There are definitely many things to consider in this book. One big takeaway was a scenario where the boss had been mad at an employee for years because the employee didn’t know how to do his job. Well the reality was that neither the employee nor the boss understood what this employees’ job was. It’s interesting how universal lack of communication is in the workforce.

Overall a good read, but a bit long winded for me.

maria_thebookworm's review against another edition

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challenging funny informative medium-paced


pinkpanther123's review against another edition

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informative medium-paced


moundhousedude's review against another edition

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inspiring lighthearted reflective medium-paced


Much more informative than I thought it would be. It legitimately gave a lot for aspiring leaders to think about. 

runnerjules's review against another edition

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Een teleurstelling. Ik was laaiend enthousiast over Eriksons eerste boek "omgiven av idioter" en aangezien ik binnenkort een nieuwe job begin als team manager nam ik daarom met hoge verwachtingen dit boek ter hand. Een vergissing. Veel herhaling. Veel gebakken lucht. De auteur teert verder op het eerste boek en lijkt de inhoud gewoon wat te herkauwen, zonder veel nieuwe informatie mee te geven, laat staan concrete voorbeelden. Net die voorbeelden maakten het eerste boek zo boeiend. Ik heb me door dit boek gesleept, wachtend op het moment dat "het" toch nog zou komen, maar nee, "het" kwam niet. Een goed concept uitmelken is nooit een goed idee.

wingreads's review against another edition

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funny informative lighthearted slow-paced
