
Jižní louka by Astrid Lindgren

hao9bujian's review against another edition

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dịch k hay bằng quyển Những đứa trẻ nhà Mác ten tinh quái, quyển đấy dịch giả 9-10 tuổi thôi thì phải nên căn phong ngô ngố hợp trẻ con lắm. bản dịch này cũng hay nhưng hơi gượng, nhưng không sao vig bảo gốc cũng chỉ có từng ấy từ thôi mà. phần minh hoạ xin phép tặng riêng 5 sao vì quá đẹp. nhưng mà sao truyện buồn z bác này hay viết truyện vui vẻ thuần khiết cơ mà, đây giống cô bé bán diêm phiên bản ít trực diện nhưng cái kết lại làm mình nghĩ mãi :(

lisavegan's review against another edition

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I have no idea how to rate this.

The artwork is lovely. Really beautiful!

The story depressed me. I think the end isn’t supposed to be depressing but I can think of a few interpretations and one of them I find depressing. Not only do I find it depressing but I don’t like it. And it’s the one that makes the most sense too.

When I first noticed this book via GR friend Hilary I was almost certain I have read it as a child. Reading it now I can’t recall anything from it and I don’t think I read anything that dark when I was very young (except Hansel and Gretel maybe) so I doubt I’ve read it before now.

For me right now maybe it wasn’t the right book at the right time because it was too gloomy and sad for me to enjoy the story. I loved the artwork though.

I would not recommend this book to most of the children I know because of its desolate melancholy story. Yes the ending was cheerful and even a tad amusing if you want to make certain interpretations and I think most children would, but there is so much despair throughout until the end.

5 stars for the artwork. Even though well written and effective for enjoyment only 2 stars for the story. 3-1/2 stars from me on this day. I’m glad I read it today and not 55 or 60 years ago. I would have been too sensitive for it then, I think.

Everybody seems to like it much more than I did so go read other reviews!!

Read on Open Library.

treegirl28k's review against another edition

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What an intriguing and surprisingly emotional children's book! The connecting of color to the emotions and experiences of the two orphan children create beautiful imagery and feeling within the reader. The illustrations are beautiful as well. I was initially hesitant to read this to my eight and six-year-old children (length, sadness), but they were immediately drawn in to the story and recognized the hope and joy at the end of the story. We even discussed if they could be in heaven.

Overall, a lovely book that allowed my children to show empathy!

anna_landberg's review against another edition

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emotional fast-paced


awhillary01's review against another edition

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dịch k hay bằng quyển Những đứa trẻ nhà Mác ten tinh quái, quyển đấy dịch giả 9-10 tuổi thôi thì phải nên căn phong ngô ngố hợp trẻ con lắm. bản dịch này cũng hay nhưng hơi gượng, nhưng không sao vig bảo gốc cũng chỉ có từng ấy từ thôi mà. phần minh hoạ xin phép tặng riêng 5 sao vì quá đẹp. nhưng mà sao truyện buồn z bác này hay viết truyện vui vẻ thuần khiết cơ mà, đây giống cô bé bán diêm phiên bản ít trực diện nhưng cái kết lại làm mình nghĩ mãi :(

helenagravahs's review against another edition

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fulgrät pärm till pärm

linnjbookis's review against another edition

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Väldigt fin och känslosam bilderbok

sinesi's review against another edition

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I cried the whole time. I really love children, so reading about them suffering hurt me a lot. Having started it when I was little and then quit, I always thought the whole book was about the first story, which was about two children working and starving.

Although, I don't believe all the children of the four stories died, reading it I had a feeling they all died for some reason. Maybe I read too much into it, but it was very touching.
SpoilerI gathered that the children from the first story froze to death, the second one gave her soul to a tree, third one drowned and the fourth one died because of the illness. Although they all ended with children finding a happier place.

Ma nutsin terve aja. Ma väga armastan lapsi, seega lugedes nende kannatuste kohta tegi väga haiget. Kuna ma alustasin selle lugemist, kui olin väike, siis ma arvasin kogu aeg, et terve raamat oli esimese loo kohta, milles kaks last töötasid ja nälgisid.

Kuigi, ma ei arva, et kõik lapsed neljas loos surid, siis seda raamatut lugedes tundus mulle, et nad kõik surid. Võib-olla püüdsin ma liiga ridade vahelt lugeda, aga see oli südantliigutav.
SpoilerMa leidsin, et lapsed esimeses loos külmusid surnuks, teises loos andis ta oma hinge puule, kolmas uppus ja neljas suri haiguse tõttu. Samas need lood lõppesid kõik sellega, et lapsed leidsid õnnelikuma elu.

hviid's review against another edition

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tiltunen's review against another edition

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”För länge sen i fattigdomens dagar…”

Så börjar varje berättelse i denna sagosamling. Boken består av fyra sagor, titelsagan ’Sunnanäng’, ’Spelar min lind, sjunger min näktergal?’, ’Tu tu tu!’ och ’Junker Nils av Eka’.

Alla dessa sagor är väldigt sorgliga, och de bärande teman är fattigdom, sjukdom och döden. Dock är de alla otroligt vackra också, språket är så fint och rikt. Texten kryllar av anaforer som tycks spela en stor roll för strukturen i sagorna.

”När våren kom till Myra, då byggde Mattias och Anna inga vattenhjul i bäckarna och seglade inte med barkbåtar i dikena, de mjölkade Myrakorna och gjorde rent hos oxarna, de åt potatis doppad i sillake och grät ganska mycket, när ingen såg det.
”Bara jag levde till vintern och fick börja skolan” sa Anna.
När sommaren kom till Myra, då plockade Mattias och Anna inga smultron i hagarna och byggde inga lekstugor i backsluttningarna, de mjölkade Myrakorna och gjorde rent hos oxarna, de åt potatis doppad i sillake och grät ganska mycket, när ingen såg det.
”Bara jag levde till vintern och fick börja skolan” sa Anna.”

Nu måste jag erkänna att det här är nog första gången jag läst en bok av Astrid Lindgren. Jag har såklart sett flera Pippi Långstrump filmer, dock på finska. Jag skulle läsa sagan ’Sunnanäng’ inför ett seminarium och jag blev så rörd av den att jag ville läsa hela samlingen. Och vilken tur att jag gjorde det! Varje saga lämnade mig helt mållös och med gåshud över hela kroppen.