A review by sinesi
Päevanurme by Astrid Lindgren


I cried the whole time. I really love children, so reading about them suffering hurt me a lot. Having started it when I was little and then quit, I always thought the whole book was about the first story, which was about two children working and starving.

Although, I don't believe all the children of the four stories died, reading it I had a feeling they all died for some reason. Maybe I read too much into it, but it was very touching.
SpoilerI gathered that the children from the first story froze to death, the second one gave her soul to a tree, third one drowned and the fourth one died because of the illness. Although they all ended with children finding a happier place.

Ma nutsin terve aja. Ma väga armastan lapsi, seega lugedes nende kannatuste kohta tegi väga haiget. Kuna ma alustasin selle lugemist, kui olin väike, siis ma arvasin kogu aeg, et terve raamat oli esimese loo kohta, milles kaks last töötasid ja nälgisid.

Kuigi, ma ei arva, et kõik lapsed neljas loos surid, siis seda raamatut lugedes tundus mulle, et nad kõik surid. Võib-olla püüdsin ma liiga ridade vahelt lugeda, aga see oli südantliigutav.
SpoilerMa leidsin, et lapsed esimeses loos külmusid surnuks, teises loos andis ta oma hinge puule, kolmas uppus ja neljas suri haiguse tõttu. Samas need lood lõppesid kõik sellega, et lapsed leidsid õnnelikuma elu.