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nightshade82's review
PW is a huge dampener but thankfully she's not a major character so she's not in the book all that much. Sabina is trying to settle into her new mage life, which means no feeding off humans. It's bagged blood only for this magepire. But, as usually happens in these books, a huge kick up the ass happens and her happy new life is thrown into turmoil. She has to find the murderer before they put a stop to the peace treaty between the dark races.
I'm still a HUGE fan of this series, I love Jaye Wells' writing style and her sarky wit as well as her characters. And I really can't wait to read more, it's just disappointing that Wells already has an end line in sight for the series.
boneist's review
deblbrice's review
nvrenoughshelfspace's review
Alright. To start this one off, there were a lot of things that I liked and some, not so much. One thing was that Mac got kicked down a couple of notches. What an angry little pup she was. I'm glad that Georgia is going to have a true chance at happiness because it wasn't going to be with her. Also - someone else who things too highly of themselves - Pussy Willow. I just wanted to slap the s*** out of her. There are some people who take the how "playing a woman" role to the wrong level and she is one of them. Also - it's a bit annoying how Sabina blames herself for every DAMN thing that happens. Self indulgent much?
But, back to the story. I'm over all pretty happy with the way things were going. It's nice that I didn't immediately think that the killer would have been Macie. I thought, hands down, Alexis. Hated that girl; wish Sabina could have whooped her ass. I'm sad to have seen Orpheus go, but I think it was a good move. There are a lot of paranormal stories that go on with no key people dying and it's just not believable. Which brings me to Macie. She passing sucks but I kind of always saw her as Sabina's shadow. Even though she was a fully-developed character, it just
I love the relationship between Trampire and Mr Giggles. Two of the best nicknames ever by the way! It's been a great ride for those two and I'm hoping it goes the longrun. Which brings me to Sabina's relationship with Adam... you know. It headed in the right direction this go 'round. I always hated how he pushed her towards the Mancie way of life - but, at least I know there was an actual reason. For such a key character, he gets his butt handed to him on the regular. It's quite funny. I'm still kind of wishing that Sabina would have picked Slade. There's just something about him that makes me think that they'd be the better pairing.
All in all, I liked it. Two predictions for the grand finale -- her dad is not dead and he's Caine!
teresatronic's review
whattamess's review
Jaye Wells has done a wonderful job developing Sabina Kane's character. I can see the change in how she was in the beginning. The change from vampire assassin who killed her friend and gave the world the middle finger. To the "domesticated mage" who has a conscience of right and wrong and learned how to care for others.
I wished there was the fun bantering between Giguhl and Sabina as in previous books but the emotional ending of this book made up for it. I hope we get to see more of Giguhl's comic relief in the last book.danaelaine's review against another edition
whattamess's review against another edition
Jaye Wells has done a wonderful job developing Sabina Kane's character. I can see the change in how she was in the beginning. The change from vampire assassin who killed her friend and gave the world the middle finger. To the "domesticated mage" who has a conscience of right and wrong and learned how to care for others.
I wished there was the fun bantering between Giguhl and Sabina as in previous books but the emotional ending of this book made up for it. I hope we get to see more of Giguhl's comic relief in the last book.lynseyisreading's review against another edition
It was a slight disappointment then, after all the high emotion and drama from the end of that book, to discover that three months later at the beginning of this one, they have morphed into the world's dullest couple. Adam is being Mr. Judgy Von Holier Than Thou about Sabina's vamp side. And their shows of affection are mostly limited to unromantic pecks on the cheek and an occasional arm draped around a shoulder. I realise once the main couple get together the sexual tension part will be missing as we move towards more comfortable togetherness, but surely there should still be sexual attraction? I would have liked to think that after only a matter of weeks they still find each other more appealing than this.
And it wasn't until much further into the book that I began to understand the possible reason for Wells writing them this way, and by the midway point, the drama stakes for these two have been upped almost beyond bearing for both of them. And all was forgiven. I still love Adam and Sabina as a couple despite their problems and now having finished the novel I am back to being optimistic for them at the very least. Who ever said love was easy, eh?
The mystery plot was also a little slow to get going. I have to say if this book was a football match, all the goals were scored in the second half and I did have a moment in the middle wondering what had happened to these characters that used to be such fun. Even the ever glamorous Pussy Willow has turned from a fun-loving cross dressing fae with a heart of gold, to a drag queen bitch diva from hell. Her and Gighul are having some kind of "issues". I'm not at all sure what's going on there but I hope we get the old PW back soon.
All in all, not the finest of the series so far, but a must read in terms of plot development. This is one of those occasions where I wish for half stars because I would give it 3.5, but since the end was so good I'll round up to 4.
4 Stars! ★★★★
Review Copy: Received from the publisher for an honest review
chelsfoust's review against another edition
This is a wonderful Urban Fantasy, every one who loves reading paranormal will love this! I give this book 5 stars.