yannalovesbooks's reviews
62 reviews

Today Tonight Tomorrow by Rachel Lynn Solomon

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I just finished reading this book and I would honestly give it a solid 5 out of 5. I think that Rachel Solomon did such a great job capturing each character and their personality from Rowan's head strong and insecurities to Neils somewhat confidence and usage of big words. This book also tackles topics such as antisemitism, sex (and the whole taboo of it), and some touch on class. I am a sucker for romance (especially enemies to lover arc) so I thoroughly enjoyed this. I cant say that I have read something like this and aside from feeling bothered that Rowan self sabotaged herself multiple times (but don't we all). This book had me giggling and then on the edge of my seat rooting for them. Overall, its a witty, romance story that I dont feel like is seen often. I would definitely recommend it.
Practice Makes Perfect by Sarah Adams

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I don’t even know where to begin with this book to be honest and this is probably going to be such a brief review.

I loved this book. I’m in love with it and it’s definitely in my top 3 books of this year (so far anyway). The story was beautiful and although I didn’t read the first book, I will definitely be reading any book in this series that comes next.

To begin, the relationship between Will and Annie is so beautiful and so perfect and so raw and just so real. Here you have two people who think they know what they want from life (due to the lack of what they had in childhood), get all that is flipped when they run into each other. Together they are so perfect and the way they understand each other verbally and non-verbally is something so rare. They listen to each other (like really listen) and take the time to get involved in one another’s life (interests, the people, etc.).

As individual characters they are written SO WELL! The way Will’s troubled/rocky childhood has turned him into someone who resents the idea of being in a relationship (or more so trusting in a relationship) was done beautifully. It wasn’t just musky mentioned or brushed off, but was actually embedded into his character which you can see affects his actions and the way he goes about things. As someone who comes from a rocky childhood, Sarah Adams captured his fears and traits so accurately I was almost like “oh shit, why am I in this story?!” Now for Annie, again, it was done so well the way her parents dying when she was young and her grandmother struggling affected who she became. The way that made her fear changing the she was viewed by the town and her siblings because she feels like she doesn’t have the right to be hurt or affected. I loved that this story took the time to build up their pasts so well but have it actually make up who they are as people.

I can’t say enough how much I love this book. With how funny and humorous Annie, Will, and the whole town was I loved this. The whole town and how deep their personalities were really transformed this book. I truly was falling in love with every single one of these characters and wanted to get to know their pasts. The dynamics between all 4 siblings (+James) was honestly so refreshing and hilarious and reminded me of what my own siblings could be like. I just know that there is gonna be a book on Maddie and James and I will definitely be reading it. I do want to also mention that although Ethan (Will’s brother) wasn’t really in story, for good reason, I’m so interested in him to as a character. Also, NO THIRD ACT BREAKUP!! Also it doesn’t have that annoying miscommunication trope (well kind of but not really, it’s way more natural and not out of nowhere and doesn’t last long because luckily, this couple knows how to communicate!!! Yay!!!)

Overall, this book will make you cry, laugh, smile, and just feel every single emotion possible to human. It is so relatable with its family dynamics, the homage to romance readers, and the various fears that may plague us or people we love. I would recommend this book a million times over! Thank you Sarah Adams for creating such a heart- felt, warming, throbbing, book.
The Wedding Crasher by Mia Sosa

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This is the first book in a while that I actually read in one day (and in typical me fashion I did not read the first book first lol)! I loved this book with all my heart and watching Dean and Solange’s stories start off separate but come together in the end was amazing. Here you have 1 person who thinks they know exactly what they want from life and a 2nd who knows nothing of what will make them happy, yet in the end they figure it out together. They both grow and learn with each other and realize that life may take you in a completely different direction!

This book to me FELT so much like a rom-com and I ATE IT UP!! I was imagining it truly as a movie and tbh I don’t think I would mind if it was! The banter between the two along with the sentimental parts made for an overall amazing read. So this is definitely a 5⭐️ read and praise for @miasosaromance !
Business or Pleasure by Rachel Lynn Solomon

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Once again I loved this book (shocker! jk since we all know by now how much I love RLS) and so I would rate this book a solid 4.5 ⭐️! This book was such a light and fun read for me while still being very captivating and thought-inducing (for a lack of better words). 

The relationship between Finn and Chandler just was…how do I put it? Lovely!! I loved that RLS explored them with the physical element so early on (which makes sense since that’s obviously the plot) and then later showed how inner turmoil could really have an effect on the emotional aspect of it. At the beginning of the book, we see Chandler having a major career crisis and a “did I choose the right path” moment (which btw is TOO relatable) leading her to embark on a one night stand with a mystery man named Drew (aka actor Finnegan Walsh). Anyway, it goes wrong but now she has to work with him (Oh No!!). However, as they work together on his book, they also work together on each other
Love and Other Words by Christina Lauren

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[Spoiler Alert?]
This book truly had me going through a whirlwind of emotions from feeling shocked and sad to feeling upset to relief even to blushing. I found myself stuck in the book and could not stop (even staying up until 1 am just to read). The authors do an amazing job at capturing the flaw in character we as people tend to have. The wanting to not deal with hard emotions and finding ways to deal with things that may not be in the healthiest way. Blaming people for things out of out control and even blaming ourselves. The book is full or fun characters and honestly I love feeling as if I watched Elliot and Macy grow up. It made everything that happened in the book more real since I felt like an attachment almost. The book does have some steamy parts (not surprising since its a YA and romance book). But PHEW THIS BOOK AHHHH. I was anticipating so much and just praying for a happy ending. READ THIS!!!
Georgie, All Along by Kate Clayborn

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Oh my god I don’t even know where to begin on this review and to be honest I think I’m gonna finish it in the morning!!

However for starters I am ABSOLUTELY UNAPOLOGETICALLY IN LOVE WITH LEVI AND GEORGIE! They are such amazingly written characters.

Hearing about Georgie’s struggle with whether or not she is a “mess” or just always ducking up in my life is so relatable it makes my heart ache with understanding. To not have your life together or know what you want is something so many people struggle with that I felt like I truly *seen* her and in a sense met this person in my own life. However it also made me think about all the friends I know who live in the present and how I really should appreciate them and TELL them how much I appreciate what them. To have those people and those connections who pick you up when you’re down even if they may be going through their own stuff is something so rare and so beautiful.

As for Levi, wow wow wow I don’t know what to say!! His past and the way his family dynamic was really resonated with me (almost more than I’d like LOL)! On the surface he was nearly the opposite of what Georgie was, but then when you look closer, you realize that he’s just as lost (if not more) because as the book states, he never had a soft place to land. He has been forced to grow up and learn into this idea of who he was mainly because he resented the person his father wanted him to be and for that, just wow. Watching his character growth throughout the book was beautiful and so so amazing. Being able to watch him become vulnerable and deal with the struggles of his past and make mistakes, yet get back up made me love his character to my CORE!

Now aside from Georgie and Levi, I absolutely LOVED the town and their families. I loved hearing about Paul and Shyla because they are just so fucking hilarious!! They remind me of people I know in my life and so I just could not stop laughing (especially the end scene with Evan LMAO). Hearing about Annabel’s worried and vulnerability during her labor scene made me understand her and feel her even more. I see myself as Annabel as well as Levi and so to hear Georgie tell her that it’s okay if life isn’t going as planned and that all of us are messes, it felt safe and comforting. Harry and Annabel cracked me up and their relationship also made me swoon (along with Levi and Georgie ofc!)

Although the Fanning siblings are hardly mentioned (as far as saying their own dialogue), I must say that after the intimate moment Evan had with Levi and Liv had with Georgie I liked them a lot more. And for me it felt even more personal since here we are seeing a broken family slowly wanting to mend what has happened in the past and realizing that it wasn’t all their fault because *they were just kids*!

Overall, I loved this book so much and it was EASILY a five star read! I would read again for sure and can’t wait to annotate my physical copy once I buy it
Ever After Always by Chloe Liese

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3.5 so I rounded up!!

I honestly ate this book and let me tell you why.

Firstly, I related so much to Aiden
With You Forever by Chloe Liese

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Omg I loved this book so much (wow! shocker! Iyanna loved another spectacular Chloe Liese book)!! I really don't know where to begin so I guess I'll start with the fact that I absolutely loved that I happened to finish this book on Thanksgiving and then they mention Thanksgiving in the book.

ANYWAYYY *sorry in advance for typos I am typing really fast on my computer*

Axel. Bergman. This is his book and boy was it truly worth it. He is such a complex character that has so many perfect imperfections, that it truly made this story layered. I love the fact that we get to actually watch Axel grow and learn as a character while not removing anything that makes him him. Axel is seemingly a quiet and reserved and "emotionless" person to be able to have the dual POV to juxtapose all these pre-existing ideas about him was beautiful. He has so much on his mind all the time that he isn't actually able to put into words sometimes due to his autism (which again, shout out Chloe for her amazing rep of autism). I loved the way Axel viewed the world with art and the way that he painted out his emotions using colors that depicted what he was feeling. I found it just so beautiful the way his love for Rooney blossomed as he began to figure out what exactly what he was feeling. The way he slowly comes around and shows that he loves and cares about people in general was amazing to watch/read unfold (like with Skugga and Harry, Rooney, Parker, etc.).

Now Rooney, Rooney, Rooney. As per usual with Chloe's books - she was almost too much like myself. The going through education for many years and trying so hard throughout high school and middle school to make your parents happy/proud/maybe fix the problems they were having had me like, "Wait...is this fucking play about ME?" I admired that she did not know what she wanted to do (except that she loved science - which same #womeninstem) but also liked that although she was hesitant to take a break, to stop going, going, going in fear that it would make her have to confront her feelings for Axel, the sadness and resentment she feels toward her mother/father, and the sadness/immense guilt she feels for being chronically sick with IBD but not wanting to burden anyone with saying so. What I love so much about Rooney is that she seemingly has her heart on her sleeve (when compared to her counterpart Axel) however that just goes to show how complex her character is as well - because it wasn't as "on her sleeve" as it may seem at first. She and Axel shielded themselves from love that they were too fearful to admit to one another, but just in different ways.

The moments that Rooney and Axel shared together were some of the most beautiful moments, dare I say, thus far in the series. They shared quiet whispers and quiet smiles and loud laughs and nonverbal conversations that was so, so beautiful. I was trying so hard NOT to highlight my whole ebook LMAO Chloe Liese really has a way with words! ALSO THE ENDING??? I LOVED THAT WHAT!!

As with every book in this series, the side characters and the rest of the Bergman family were just *chefs kiss* IMPECCABLE! I absolutely loved Parker and Bennet and their little meddling/jokes that they made to Axel. I loved Skylar of COURSE because she was witty and has a little sass to her, but also because of the wholesome moments we got to see with just her and Rooney and the way she looks up to Axel. The Skugga and Harry content also made me laugh so much and feel like it was such a homey and domestic feeling for Axel and Rooney to have them.

Of course I have to mention the Bergman brothers because as always they provided some of the most funny moments in this book and seeing them interact made me both laugh so hard and feel very deeply. Viggo (yeah I know, "here we go again.." I hear you saying) really made me laugh, but also really dropped some good wisdom (as always) with his romance advice. To be completely honest, I loved how much more of this soft side we got to see of him when it came to Axel and telling him that he shouldn't deny himself love if that's what he wants. Also to see this protective side of Viggo when Oliver was sad really made me feel like we are getting more and more of who Viggo really is. Have I mentioned already how much I am excited for his book?? Oh! I have?

Something I also HAVE to address before I end this review is the Uncle Jakob character who made it so Axel has to marry in order to access his inheritance to begin with. His letter to Axel had me so emotional while reading and to just hear how his love slowly blossomed but ended tragically made me so so sad but it also made me realize why he would want Axel to marry to begin with (especially since at the beginning I thought that it was very random). I also loved how you can tell how Uncle Jakob's letter impacted Axel's letter to Rooney later on. Overall it was very heartfelt and very emotional and I loved this book so much.
Always Only You by Chloe Liese

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Omg omg omg I loved this book so much. Dare I say more than “If Only You”??? I’m truly gonna keep this review short and simple, but wow. The way this story talks about Frankie and her struggles with being loved and cared for since she suffered from a physical illness and autism really really resonated with me. Her and Ren dynamic was not something I was expecting (from what I got from book 6 If Only You), but it was actually something I loved.

I thought they were gonna be the typical grumpy x sunshine duo, but it was so much deeper than that. They shared genuine vulnerabilities and instead of just making it so they were immediately together happily ever after, we actually got to witness Frankie at her low point and unable to deal with having someone genuinely caring for her that they would put her first. Ren was such a nerdy guy and I loved him so much for it. He had so much more depth than, once again, I thought he would after I read If Only You.

I also loved the whole Bergman family ofc!! Seeing them in their element always makes me happy and I can’t wait to read Freya and Aiden’s book next. I also loved that I got more insight into Dr. and Mrs. Bergman than I did in the 6th book. I definitely see why people want a prequel on them. Viggo of course had is hilarious moments (but is it reallyyy a Bergman book without him and his comments LMAO).

I look forward to what continuing this series will bring me
The Woman in Me by Britney Spears

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I actually have no words.

This book was extremely powerful and extremely vulnerable and I am just utterly speechless at just how much Britney had to go through.

In a lot of ways this book was very inspiring to me as for a lot of things she was saying, was relatable in a sense even if it wasn’t exactly how it was for her. It really opened my eyes even more to how the media really portrays people in their worst moments or can be deceptive of what is actually happening just for a good story. Britney is unapologetically herself and doesn’t leave a single stone unturned in her story because if there is one thing she will not be- it’s silenced. 13. Long. Years. Of. Silence. Of silence and judgement and being traumatized over and over again by her OWN FAMILY. The people you are supposed to trust in this world- the people who are supposed to teach you trust and safety when you’re a baby. But as we all know unfortunately, that is often not the case.

The whole time I was reading this I just kept thinking to myself about how much the world and the justice system and the media really failed her. At some of her lowest moments she was demonized and depicted as being incompetent when we all know WE WOULD ACT THE EXACT SAME if we endured what she had been through. I am so grateful that Britney released this book and finally told her story and to be honest, I believe everyone needs to read it. I don't usually read memoirs or nonfiction books, but I just had to and I am not disappointed. Britney Spears is beyond a strong woman who was tested so much, yet she never withered. For that, I admire her so much.

One of my favorite quotes I think in this book was,"I'm probably the least fearful woman alive at this point, but that doesn't make me feel strong; it makes me sad. I shouldn't have to be this strong." Like that really hit me because I feel like that is something we as humans forget. We forget that while it is good to be strong, we shouldn't have had to go through some of the worst experiences in life to get there.

All the serious and impactful parts aside, this book really had moments that made me smile and made me laugh just reading them. Stories from adolescence that we all can relate to. To mentions of some very iconic people and artists that we all know and love. To some chaotic and never-told before stories from Ms. Spears herself.

This book was a gut-wrenching, joy-ride, tear-fest, and so much more that really left a mark on me forever.

We love you, Britney Spears.