yannalovesbooks's reviews
62 reviews

When in Rome by Sarah Adams

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This book was SO CUTE!! It definitely has a romcom feel to it and I couldn’t stop gushing and kicking my feet reading it!

As you guys know (or now know), I started with reading Practice Makes Perfect first (for some reason??) and now having gone back and read the first book I can say that I LOVE THIS TOWN!! I am absolutely in love with all the people who live in Rome, Kentucky and just can’t get enough of the Walker siblings! Not to mention, I loved that I got to see more of James’ personality in this book and that just makes me even more excited to read more about him. He’s SO FUNNY and always quick with the jokes or “missing the signals” (he in fact did not miss the que and is just nosey), but I love him so much now!

I feel like going and reading books out of order is such a weird phenomenon because I get more details (obviously) that just paint the picture to what I thought about the the world even more (wow I really need to read books in order more
Bride by Ali Hazelwood

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Was very entertained and also SUCH A CAPTIVATING ENDING OMG??? Also the epilogue AHHHHH

Like genuinely didn’t know where this book was gonna go at any point and I enjoyed the mystery plot of “where’s Serena”!!! So good!!

4.5 ⭐️
A Game of Fate by Scarlett St. Clair

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I honestly liked this book way more than Persephone’s POV?? I loved the plot in this book and just being able to see how the gods all interacted with one another was HILARIOUS!

I also just really loved seeing Hade’s POV because it was not only lowkey relatable, but I also didn’t feel as annoyed with some of his actions (because omg he’s logical??).

Anyway I loved this book and I’m so excited to continue this series!!

#slay #onedayread #idkwhyimdoinghashtags
Everything For You by Chloe Liese

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I absolutely loved how protective Gavin was of Oliver in this book (especially in the viggo scene LMAO).

Anyway this book was truly something special and I loved the amount of vulnerability Chloe put into this story. It goes beyond Gavin and Oliver being opposites, because it shows that someone who is super positive or someone who is pessimistic (grumpy) can be misleading. Everyone deals with their past in different ways and this book did such a great job at highlighting it.

I truly loved this book and I love this family so much :,)
Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros

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Oh??? My??? God????

I actually don’t know what to say except that my whole life was poured into the story. I am so speechless and unsure what to say (which is actually a first)???

This book just changed the trajectory of my life is all I can say for certain and I think everyone NEEDS to read it. Without a doubt, my top book of 2023, thank you Rebecca.

P.S. are you gonna pay for my therapy?? Because my heart went through actually LOOPS!!


I feel like now that I have sat with the book, I may have been really overhyped so im gonna dock down my star rating a bit!!
The Do-Over by Lynn Painter

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Edit: I wanted to change this to 3⭐️ because after sitting with it, I don’t think it should be the same rating as some of my most fav books (ex: Bergman series)


I loved every second of it and that’s not even an exaggeration! I fell so deeply in love with both Nick and Emilie and felt their emotional pain and turmoil as they went on through their many days. The book does talk about grief and divorce (which may seem heavy) but it does so in such a good way that it helps the readers understand what that’s like. Aside from that, the book was completely entertaining with its witty, sarcastic, and overall hilarious dialogue!

I absolutely loved this story it was beautifully written
If Only You by Chloe Liese

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Wow wow wow. In typical me fashion, I started by not reading the first book, but rather THE SIXTH?? And let me just tell you…IM IN LOVE.

I am completely in love with Sebastian (Seb) and Sigrid’s (aka Ziggy) slow build to trust and to eventually something more. I love that @chloe_liese didn’t just brush away Seb’s personal problems and ways of coping once he found Ziggy. I love that she took the time to really explore them individually AND how they are together. That they both didn’t just rush into the relationship but even after they had feelings for one another, they took time to put in the work.

Not to mention THIS BOOKS FAMILY DYNAMIC!! When people say it take a village, Liese meant that. Each one of the siblings and nieces and parents, etc. in this story are written with so much depth it left me craving more of their chaotic and loving family energy.

This book was truly such an enjoyable read!! It made me feel every different type of emotion and I am so grateful that I decided to check it out. Please please don’t forget to check trigger warnings for this book! Luckily it’s also listed when you open the book (whether physical copy or e-copy).
Only When It's Us by Chloe Liese

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I actually have no clue why I put off reading this book for so long because it was so so GOOD. I laughed, I cried, I smiled wide and kicked my feet, it was everything.

The whole time throughout the book I saw some of myself in Willa and it was just so beautiful to watch her and Ryder slowly break down those barriers and trust one another. It’s so hard to do that especially when life doesn’t seem like there’s anything but hurt, but in the end watching them learn to be able to confide in one another, to be able to reach out for help and trust- was beautiful and so important.

This book has less of the rest of the siblings in it, but I am by no means mad at that! It stands so well and I was so tangled up in their story that I hadn’t even noticed really until the end. It was really nice to get more Elin and Dr. B dialogue in this book which I really loved to be honest! Not to mention we get to see more of the relationship dynamics with Axel, Ren, and Ryder which was really nice.

Some quotes I loved:

“Hate, enmity, rivalry are all passionate responses…they are incomplete expressions of one core human emotions: love. Love is a many faceted feelings my. It’s anything but one dimensional…we don’t bother people we’re indifferent to. We provoke…those who get under our skin and make us feel, people who incite our passion.”

“You have to risk trying and failing. You have to release the baggage from your past, so you can have room to welcome your future.”

“Your best is always good enough..your best just doesn’t always mean that things will turn out how you want it.”

Overall I really loved this book and it really touched my heart. I definitely think that it really shows a lot of vulnerability and tells us that it’s okay to take things slow and on our own time. That there is always someone out there who cares about you.
Two Wrongs Make a Right by Chloe Liese

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This book was so so good!!! I would definitely say it’s a 4.5 ⭐️ read!

Some of my fav quotes:

- “Sometimes thoughts lie, but our hearts don’t.”

- “It’s the things that went unsaid, rather than the things we did say, that have hurt the most.”