thorby's reviews
244 reviews

Buried Deep and Other Stories by Naomi Novik

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 54%.
Araminta - 2.5
Interesting premise, yet a very uninteresting execution. I felt weird about the sexual implications between Lady Araminta and the captain since the captain was consenting to Lord Aramint, not Lady Araminta. A real shame to not explore Araminta's gender identity as well. She didn't seem to mind living and presenting as male.
After Hours - skipped to avoid spoilers as I want to read the Schoolomance series
Vici - 1.5
Exceptionally annoying protagonist that I just hated. Vici was okay. The story up to Antony killing the dragon was interesting, everything else was just boring. Not much else to say.
Buried Deep - 3.5
Decently enjoyable. Would have been better with more story. Lots of weirdness about fat people in this one, which killed my enjoyment.
Spinning Silver - 4
Super biased because I absolutely adore Spinning Silver (the novel) and was happy to read the short story version. The novel is definitely better, but the short story has its own charm.
Commonplaces - 1
Definitely a "me" issue with this short story as I have never read or watched anything related to Sherlock Holmes. With no knowledge of Holmes' story, it's just boring.
Seven - 3
I enjoyed the worldbuilding of this short story a lot. The city of Seven is an interesting place. I also enjoyed Kath's character a lot! Grovin sucks. I would have read a full length novel in this world and I wish I could have!
Blessings - 3
Honestly, I rated it Blessings 3 stars for its potential. Exceptionally short, but with a protagonist and story I would have liked to read about. It honestly probably deserves a lower rating because it was boring.
Lord Dunsany's Teapot - 2
I was intrigued reading Novik's introduction to this short story and then was immediately disappointed. Really boring and I don't care for war stories or men.
Seven Years from Home - DNF
Dragons & Decorum - DNF
Castle Coeurlieu - DNF
The Long Way Round - DNF, might try to revisit it later.