td3's reviews
1157 reviews

Moloka'i by Alan Brennert

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I loved this book! It was heart-breaking at times, but I also found it uplifting and I love how Rachel and her father were able to maintain a close relationship in spite of the hardships that occurred. I also loved the character of Sister Catherine and how she was such a constant and important part of Rachel's life. I enjoyed reading about the Hawaiian folklore and history. I had no idea that the US even had leper colonies and that it has not been so long ago that they were closed. This is definitely a book I could read again!
Room by Emma Donoghue

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I wasn't too crazy about the writing style at first, but the story really grabbed me further into reading it. It was a fast read and hard to put down.
Ghost on Black Mountain by Ann Hite

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What a good read on a dark stormy night! I enjoyed this book, although the ending was not quite the way I envisioned it. I would not be surprised to see some of the characters from this book in future stories.
The Paris Wife by Paula McLain

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What a life! Reading this made me realize 2 things: 1 )I need to read more of Hemingway's books and 2) I am so thankful my like is not like that (even though living in Paris for a while would be exciting.)
These Is My Words: The Diary of Sarah Agnes Prine, 1881-1901, Arizona Territories by Nancy E. Turner

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This book is going on my list of favorites! I loved Sarah and the other characters and the relationships she had with each of them. She had already lived a lifetime by the time she was 20. I especially liked reading about how her relationship with Jack evolved into something she had longed for in her dreams. I was sad to see the story come to an end.