This made me uncomfortable at points, and I don’t know if in a good way or in a bad way. This was also magical, and I loved the last half of the book. I see there are similiarities in Finnish folklore and North American indigenous folklore
All four short stories were amazing. The first one: the Langoliers. The story kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time. It was such an interesting take on the time travel problem. Second: Secret Window, Secret Garden Predictable and gave me anxiety on how long it took for the main character to realise his reality. The ending was a nice touch though. I can definitely see the writer’s pov in this story Third: The library policeman Loved it from the very beginning. I love how Stephen King uses humanity and its faults as an anxiety inducing plot device (as in the first story). The more the story progressed the less ”scary” it became but still very nice. Fourth: The sun dog Poor Kevin, the story was short and sweet and intriguing. Perfect soft landing for the last story.
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
This book had an interesting premise, but fell short for me in the execution. The main character, or other characters for that matter, didn’t really do it for me, and the political setting was not for my taste. I liked the beginning but overall, mediocre for me
This book was so hyped I was kinda scared when I started reading this, but it did not disappoint. I loved the premise, the historical contexts, the storytelling and the characters. The ending? Amazing. Addie la Rue? Amazing. I would love to read more about her life both before and after the ending, which is a good indicator of a great character and story.
I had mixed feelings about this book, on the other hand, I loved the main character, but on the other hand, l hated the setting. I did not know this was going to be one of those college stories (or technically she’s not yet in college) paired together with Prince Artur/secret society, which were definitely up there on things I dislike with this book and in general. Also trying to find the killer of her mother and deliver justice is so cliché. The romance was just.. kinda there. The references in the characters and in the magic to US’s bloody history of slavery was great and far more interesting, but overall the book did not do it for me.
I really wish this book was better, since it had so much potential. The premise was interesting: sickness that makes you sleep. But I feel like this book played out like one of those basic disaster movies, where I just follow characters and see how the virus spreads until they found a cure, yaay. Didn’t feel like I got anything out of this.
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
This book is the perfect combination of everything that a book should have. Beautiful setting, vibrant characters, interesting fantasy, cute romance, personal development, fighting for what’s right, and a wonderfully happy ending. I loved this so much.
I feel like this book was kind of mediocre for my taste. For me, the author tries to convey accurate portrayals of anxiety and depression but it doesn’t translate very well to the characters that are left kind of plain in their 1. ordinary nature but 2. also on their pretensious nature. Aka the characters seem ordinary but they are more like pretensious images of what a college-aged characters and relationships should look like. I didn’t feel the connection between the characters and the afterfeel of the book was basically a sad limbo. So 3/5