Although unpopular opinion, this was the best book in the series so far. There was a lot going on but the character development has finally gotten Violet to be such a bad ass. The travelling to different islands ruled by the various gods was the best part of it. Ridoc's humor is also unmatched. There was a lot more funny little moments between the squad that I loved.
Honor has never been the equal of wisdom.
You preach peace while only having known its privilege.
This was a beautiful story and I thought I read it when I was younger but I'm not so sure now. I love the moral of this story, it's just beautiful.
Lovely quotes:
It made her think that it was curious how much nicer a person looked when he smiled. She had not thought of it before.
Mother says as th' two worst things as can happen to a child is never to have his own way- or always to have it.
One of the new things people began to find out in the last century was that thoughts- just mere thoughts- are as powerful as electric batteries- as good for one as sunlight is, or as bad for one as poison. To let a sad thought or a bad one get into your mind is as dangerous as letting a scarlet fever germ get into your body, If you let it stay there after it as got in you may never get over it as long as you live.
Contrary to popular belief, I actually enjoyed this book much more than the first. I'm not sure why, but this one had me more hooked. I'm excited to read Onyx Storm next. I think Violet's character development has come a long way, as well as Xaden's. I'm also very interested to see what happens next with the possibility of Xaden turning venin and Andarna's new found dragon type.
Quotes I liked:
Violence, remember it's only your body that's fragile. You are unbreakable.
What you want to be doesn't change what you are without work.
This is my 2nd time reading Fourth Wing and I enjoyed it a bit more than the first time. I think the first time was just too overwhelming with the amount of names of characters. However, when reading the print copy I was really able to slow down and take it all in.
Even temples can be rebuilt, but books cannot be rewritten.
This was kind of a slow read to me, but it got much better toward the end. I think the plot was very interesting and unique. I liked the gothic vibes, and I have to admit that Francis in this book has to be one of the best and most wholesome characters I've read about in a while.
She wanted to be liked. Perhaps this explained the parties, the crystalline laughter, the well-coiffed hair, the rehearsed smile. She thought that men such as her father could be stern and men could be cold like Virgil, but women needed to be liked or they’d be in trouble. A woman who is not liked is a bitch, and a bitch can hardly do anything: all avenues are closed to her.
Throughout the story, I was mildly entertained, and I wanted to give it a 3 star. However, the ending absolutely broke me and I cried more than I have. Cried for a book in a very long time. So I had to bump it up to at least a 3.25 star.
Why be miserable when you can be happy? It's an obvious choice to me.
I have come to understand that death, for the sick, is not so hard to endure. For us, eventually, our pain ends, we go to a better place. But for those of us left behind, their pain, only magnifies.
He explains, the times where there is only a single set of footprints were not when He walked beside them, but instead, when he carried them.