penniew79's reviews
361 reviews

Soul of a Witch by Harley Laroux

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I have truly loved this series. I love how each book has given us a different point of view from the first book through other characters. Especially this book, since we finally get the point of views and love story of Everly and Callum! Everly was on the side of the evil cult, but deep down she never was. And she turns out to be the hero in a way to help everyone in each of the previous books. So it was wonderful hearing her side of things, but also seeing her and Callum come together. The Souls Trilogy has been amazing. And I have especially loved the Bonus chapters!
Out on a Limb by Hannah Bonam-Young

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Oh my goodness this was such an adorable book! I just loved it! It would make for such a good movie. You have the random couple who have found out that they’re expecting and a romance blossoms from that. It screams movie! A great rom com and I could not put it down!

I won this book through a Goodreads giveaway.
Best Hex Ever by Nadia El-Fassi

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I enjoyed this book more than I thought that I would. It’s a cute story with some witchy and magical whimsies all through the story. It was a great and fun read that seemed to go by so fast as I was reading it!

I won this book through a Goodreads giveaway
Betty Crocker's Cookbook by Betty Crocker

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I found a copy of this at my grandparents and just fell in love with all of the recipes. I’ve made several different things from it. Even adding my own twist and such to some over the years. It has been a staple in my home.
The Taste of Home Cookbook by Janet Briggs

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I have loved their magazines for years. When I saw that there was a cookbooks, of course I had to grab it. There are so many categories. And the recipes are so easy to follow. I have made several. I use this book during the holidays the most.
Vengeance of the Forgotten Goddess: An Urban Fantasy, Greek Mythology Reimagining by Rebekah Sinclair, Rebekah Sinclair

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Oh my goodness! I can’t believe the story is over! I have truly loved this series so much. This final book took me on such an emotional rollercoaster! I laughed a lot, but I also cried some. This author can pull at every single emotion you have with this book. The ending was absolutely beautiful. I will read this series over and over again, just so I can relive this experience again. The war alone will keep you on the edge of your seat while you read. A special thank you to the author for giving us this beautiful and amazing series!
To the Bone by Alena Bruzas

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I am giving this 4 stars rather than 5 for one reason only, I do not feel that this is a book for a young adult. Maybe in the top of the age group for young adults, but it is pretty gory and graphic with the horror parts of the story. Other than that this was totally my kind of book! I love horror! And this cover is beautiful! I was shocked when it arrived and was a hardcover book. The story of Ellis and Jane is very interesting. I do love the tidbits of actual facts from history in this book. It honestly was better than the description made it out to be. The story ran smoothly and didn’t drag at all. I appreciate that in a book.

I received this book through a Goodreads giveaway. My review is of my own opinion and was not influenced at all.
Sage Warrior: Wake to Oneness, Practice Pleasure, Choose Courage, Become Victory by Valarie Kaur

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This was such an amazing book. Giving you an insight to Sikh religion and ways of life to help you with your on path in life. This book is helping me so much in life. I have been going through a tough time and really needed this. Thank you to the author for writing this book!

I won this book through a Goodreads giveaway. My review is of my own opinion and was not influenced at all.