penniew79's reviews
361 reviews

Don't Hate Me by Eden Emory

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This was my first time reading anything from this author. I do feel like it was a good book. It was a slow burn, that got better by the middle. This is normally not my type of trope. I feel like I would have liked it much more if it would have been. If you like assassin/secret service type tropes then this is for you. I will say the spice level is very high and there is lots of spicey moments throughout the book. I love books that portray LGBTQ+ and this one does deliver on that. It was however my first time reading a spicy one of that genre. It still was a good book in the end. Once their back stories start coming into view by the middle of the book, it gets so much better.

I received this ebook as an ARC from Good Girls PR. I was not asked to give my review and my review is of my own honest opinion.
Does It Hurt? by H.D. Carlton

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I was not sure if I would like this. I have many titles by this author that I’ve wanted to read. A friend gifted me this copy. When I opened it up and see a shark with the quote “move over baby shark, daddy shark is here now”, I was kind of worried what I had gotten myself into. I literally started this book at 9 am this morning and it’s close to 10 pm. So, it is easy to say that I could not put this book down.

Sawyer is on the run from the authorities. She tends to use guys along the way and steals their identities. Why is she on the run? Well, that would be an important spoiler. You do learn a little bit here and there.

She manages to go to Australia. She runs into a man named Enzo. She has no interest in him, because he doesn’t seem like someone she would want to steal an identity from. He works and swims with sharks. Somehow one day is going to end up with one heck of a twisted ride. So many dark things happen and have happened at that lighthouse. You are going to get a rollercoaster of twists and turns.

There are many triggers that I am not sure that I am allowed to really list on here. This is DARK!
Mr. Robinson by Jessica Lee

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Let me say something first, before this I had never read age gap romance. And I also thought this was an MC romance. The girl being 12 when she met Thomas who was her friend’s dad, did make me cringe and I almost put it down. I have daughters and it almost made me not want to read it. But I do not believe in not finishing a book. And I am glad that I didn’t. Also, I was sad that there was not an actual MC in the story.

As for my review, I honestly loved the book. I couldn’t wait to read the next one. (Luckily, I was picked to be an arc read for this author and was able to get an arc copy of the next book and will be reviewing it as well). The age issue was relieved when nothing happens til she’s 18. Chelsea does go back and forth between Thomas and his son Conner. It does get annoying sometimes. There’s many twists and turns and oh my goodness moments. This book is steamy! And I love how she uses references of the show Sons of Anarchy to give you an idea of how Thomas looks. I definitely recommend this book!
Mrs. Robinson by Jessica Lee

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So if you have read Mr. Robinson, now you are going to find out what is going on after that cliffhanger! Now we have a baby on the way! But we don’t know who the father is? And now Chelsea is choosing Conner who is completely blind to her and his father. And it doesn’t help that he’s now dealing with a drug addiction. The main thing that bugs me in this book is that she keeps going back and forth between the two. I get it though, she’s young and confused. She’s torn between her high school romance and the man she’s been crushing on and finally has now. But eventually people start finding out more and more about her and Thomas. And as expected people are not kind. This will take you on even more of a rollercoaster than expected. I hope to hear more about the side characters. The author mentions that she is planning to do more books surrounding other characters from these books.

I received this ebook as an ARC from the author. My review was not influenced in anyway. It is my honest review.
Bartered Vows by Alexa Michaels

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This is my second book that I have read from this author. And like before she did not disappoint. In fact I loved this book more than her other book that I read.

- Dark romance
- Billionaire
- Arranged marriage
- Grumpy/sunshine

Lia is a peppy and cherry woman who is a pediatric doctor. Her parents are wealthy and she grew up wealthy. You cannot tell it because she has such a good heart. James has not had the best life growing up. He and his brother Elliot had a very hard life. James worked hard, and did many illegal thing and still does, to give he and Elliot a better life as adults. Even though, Elliot’s wife is the most disgusting person you will ever meet, and Elliot is the sweetest.

Lia’s father has made some bad money deals with James. And James has given him only two choices. One he must be killed. The other is, to save his life, Lia will marry him. Her father brings this up to her and because she is as sweet as she is, she agrees.

It happens right away. But you learn throughout the book that Lia is tougher than you thought and that James is softer than you thought. So it makes them surprise each other so much that feelings are easily developed.

Even the side characters are intriguing. Elliot is my favorite side character. He’s so perky and lovable. I love how she brings in mental illness with him. I would love another book that would focus on him, but I wouldn’t be upset if it focuses on Lia and James. I just loved them so much. They were adorable with each other. “Little wife”. Make sure you add this to your TBR right away!

I received this book as an ARC. My review was my honest opinion and was not influenced in anyway.
Butcher & Blackbird by Brynne Weaver

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I was unsure if I was going to like this book. I thought it was just going to be another smut book with some gore that was over hyped. I WAS WRONG!

This book is hilarious. And you will find yourself deep into reading before noticing you have just about finished the book. It has just the right amount of smut, that doesn’t take away too much from the plot and storyline. You have lots of comedy, but some drama and action and wow moments. The gore is pretty gruesome, but it works perfectly into the story. Just be warned of the Cookies and Cream ice cream.

Think Dexter. But with a couple and more comedy. You have your serial killers. And then you have your serial killers who hunt and kill serial killers. Of course the FBI would take them in just as quickly as they would the regular serial killers. Sloane, aka Blackbird, aka Orb Weaver, aka Peaches, loves to hunt and kill the bad serial killers. She finds pleasure in it. And she doesn’t mind popping out an eye to take with her. Rowan, aka Butchet, aka Man-Guy, is also the same as Sloane, in the since of he only goes after the serial killers. I mean all serial killers are bad, but at least they’re going after the ones harming innocent victims, right?! They meet and both are impressed with having heard of each other. So they decide to do a yearly hunting game. And you will read over their yearly hunts and conversations and watch them grow closer and closer together. You will also see some super crazy serial killers that they hunt throughout each year.

I cannot wait to see what the next book brings. And figure out who The Phantom is.
To Carve a Fae Heart by Tessonja Odette

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This is a great fantasy, enemies to lovers, romance. Which are my two favorite tropes!

Evie is the main character. She and her sister Amelie are sent to the fae realm to marry the stag king and his brother, after the last two girls were killed. Amelie is very against it, so Evie must continue with the process in attempt to keep a war from starting between the realms.

All in all I thoroughly enjoyed this book. I cannot wait til the next one comes out!

I won this ebook through a Goodreads giveaway. My review was not influenced in any way!
À La Folie by Nova Kane

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I try not to sign up for too many ARCs anymore, but when I saw this one I could not resist! A dark circus romance?! Of course sign me up! And this book did not disappoint. A novella, but it packs a punch! I absolutely loved it!

Indie - a sweet & innocent type in the beginning, but she’s not so innocent. She lives at home with her alcoholic father, her mother passed in a car accident, so she’s basically the responsible. One night her friends want her to go to this circus. They have been hearing about it all over TikTok. But it’s not your typical circus. This one is definitely “adults only”. The Cirque Du Désir is much too dark for children.

Lux - burned badly as a child in a home with a mom who didn’t care and his father figure beat him, he lost them both to the fire but was left with bad burns. As an adult he forms the Cirque Du Désir. He is the ringmaster. And he has shown no one his face and keeps it behind a clown mask. Not even his cirkies have seen his face. He never participates in the events. He just sits on his thrown for all to see as the dark events happen around him. That was until Indie came into the Big Top that night. Then everything changes for both of them so quickly.

This book is full of spice. There’s a good bit of triggers.
So make sure you check them out before reading. This book is very very dark. If you love some deep and dark romance then this definitely is for you!
Awakening The Forgotten Goddess: An Urban Fantasy, Greek Mythology Reimagining by Rebekah Sinclair, Rebekah Sinclair

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Rebekah has done it again! Now the first book will forever be my absolute favorite, I still loved this book. I love this series!

I was thrown off at first, Rhea is bad?! Well that one you’ll have to find out for yourself, because I’m not telling! Hermes is determined to find his fated mate. You are going to go along with him so much through this book. Not only is he getting pieces of the past brought back to him within memories, but he’s gaining powers as well as he goes. Maybe, more powerful than we thought. You will meet new characters through his journey, as well through Rhea. Of course my absolute favorite new character, and new book boyfriend, has to be Lucas. You’re going to see more wolves, more shifters, and even vampires in this book. Tons and tons and tons of action. Which makes me want to see this put out as a movie series. And I have noticed in this book, that you don’t just get Hermes’s and Rhea’s point of view chapters, but other characters as well. I absolutely cannot wait for the next book to find out what will happen next!
The Unforgotten Flame: An Urban Fantasy, Greek Mythology Reimagining by Rebekah Sinclair, Rebekah Sinclair

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Rebekah, you had me crying for real!

This novella gives us the backstory of Callie, Calypso, and her two fated mates. You will get the story of how she suffered for years and years of torture. You will be there when she finds not one, but both of her fated mates. You will also get a little backstory of Hermes, when he’s looking for an unknown woman that he keeps dreaming about. And unless you have not read, Forgotten Goddess, you should know who she is, except this time, she’s going by a different name. If you know, you know what I’m talking about.

This book, like the first one, describes in beautiful details of everything around the characters. From the towns, to how the characters look, how they dress, and even the food that they eat along the way. She doesn’t hold back on the attention to details at all. There is more romance, spice, emotions, and action in this book. Especially, the action. It is jammed pack with it. A small book with so much inside for sure! I cannot wait to read the next book!