patambro's reviews
318 reviews

Digital Fortress by Dan Brown

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I really like Dan Brown. And this one didnt disappointed me. The characters are great. I remained hooked, trapped.
El Vizconde Irresistible by Erica Ridley

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Fresca, entretenida, novela corta pero que se lee con gusto.
Hired Bride by Noelle Adams

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Nice, with a protagonist sweet but blunt, I really like the book. I enjoy it.
Donde vuelan las mariposas by Andrea Adrich

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Me ha encantado!! No solo por que como romantica que soy me encantan los finales felices, sino porque ademas Andrea Adrich toca un tema tan candente como la violencia de genero, pero aun asi la novela no pierde el aire romantico, y llega a un final tal vez esperado, pero mas que nada deseado. Nada mas esperado que un final feliz para un personaje tan sufrido como Sofia.
Rise of Memphis - January Chronicles by Kitty Kendall

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K.Kendall has a big imagination. The story itself its not much like an erotic pleasure. No much to add
The Pocket Watch by Ceci Giltenan

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I like it. I like the whole idea or concept, but I dont think Im reading the sequel because one of the worst things that I reject most it's that the author writes in ancient english. Even if I could understand it, I dont like it.
Anyway, although this little thing, the book it's ok.
Altered Genes: Genesis by Mark Kelly

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Altered genes its a soon non fiction novel. It shows you the horror of a pandemia that could possibly happened in a future not so far.
Although Mark Kelly couldnt help but have hope and this is how it ends, with hope of a better future. I give 4 stars.
I like it very much when you see the research that a writer do to give us a realistic plot. And this have all the ingredients for a great novel.
Friends With Partial Benefits by Luke Young

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I was delightful with this novel. I have to admit it wasn't much appeal to me the older woman – young man thing, but the author manage to put things through and I adore them. It seems Jillian and Brian were meant for each other. The plot leads you and you'll find yourself longing for their embrace. It has the right amount of foreplay and sex. Not less, not much. They both fought for their desires and the final was unbelievable. It was fun, overall, and sexy and lovable.
I'm not a saga person, although I'm going to look for the next adventure for sure.
Daisy McDare and the Deadly Art Affair by K.M. Morgan

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Well I have to say that this book it's complete naive. Has a lot of inconsistencies. In what world a decorator begin to look for a killer? In a Neverland world. Besides, the search for the truth it was so simple, lack of deep thoughts. Well, I'll give 2 stars because I was in the mood, because I think it doesnt diserve it.