patambro's reviews
318 reviews

A una palabra de la muerte by Antonia Arjona Diaz

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No se porque razon, tal vez sea yo, pero este es el segundo libro que no me gusta mucho. Tenia potencial, pero el autor saltaba rapidamente los temas, le falto trabajo, no se, tampoco los dialogos estuvieron muy logrados. Se noto que quiso meter algo de romance que para mi quedo un poco descolgado. Amen del final que la protagonista aparece con un detalle q en ningun momento se habia hecho mencion.
En fin, que le doy 2 estrellas porque me agarraron con animo.
Cómo crear una novela. Planificación by Jean Larser, Eva Navarro

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Muy interesante. Me parecio completo. Con tips realmente buenos. Es el primero que leo de este tipo. Le doy 4 estrellas porque realmente ayuda.
The Age of Mages by Ilana Waters

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Bad. Bad. I dont have any other word for it. test
I quit reading. Sorry.
Salvaje by Cheryl Strayed

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Es un libro magnifico. La narrativa de Cheryl Strayed me cautivo, me puso en cada paso del Sendero del Macizo del Pacifico, me hizo llorar cuando su madre fallecio, poniendome en su lugar a pesar de no haber experimentado ese dolor (mi madre con 86 esta vivita y dando lata gracias a Dios), y realmente creo que el libro es muy bueno y la aventura epica.
It is a magnificent book. The narrative of Cheryl Strayed captivated me, put me at every step of the Path of the Pacific Massif, made me cry when her mother died, putting me in hes place despite not having experienced that pain (My mother with 86 is alive thanks God), and I really think the book is very good and the adventure, epic.
Aloha, Baby! by Ann Omasta

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It was a nice book. Those you cant put down but not because its important, or have intrigue, no, this book is so easy to read that I read almost from the beginning til the end without interruptions. What can I say, I thought that maybe the final is going to be different, with more details, I cant say what I like the end to be because it will be a spoiler, but nevertheless, the book is really nice.
Beautiful Maids All in a Row by Jennifer Harlow

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I like the book. But what "Beautiful maids..." has to do it with the story: I dont know. I supose nothing at all. I was pissed with her a little, because I know she has the right to be mad because all the things she's been through, but I think its time for her to move on. Ok. There's not much what can I say about it.
Paper Princess by Erin Watt

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I L.O.V.E. IT!!!! Im just in love with the characters, Easton, Ella... even the twins! So good. The style is impecable. Kudos for Erin Watt.
Broken Prince by Erin Watt

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The story was good, not that good as the first, but good. It tangles a little in the middle, but overall, the book rate for me, because it continues with the Royals stories, is 4 stars. At the end it caught again my attention and I cant put it down.
Twisted Palace by Erin Watt

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A great saga. I really enjoy it. I recomended. This book as well as the first, kept me hooked until the end.