owihd's reviews
196 reviews

The Madness of Lord Ian Mackenzie by Jennifer Ashley

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I'm still undecided about the rating, I finished this in 2 sittings. The pace was definitely a plus point. I can't quite put my finger on what I didn't like, nothing in this story really sticked out to me or stayed with me but it does a great job of eliminating boredom. I didn't know what to make of the mental illness rep, I'm curious what people think.
Idk it was good but not enough for 4 stars(, which for me means 'I really liked it but it had minor flaws')
Basara, Bd. 13 by Yumi Tamura

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Diese Reihe ist viel brutaler als ich dachte, heutzutage steht ja für gewöhnlich eine Altersempfehlung dran. 
Ich habe literally ein bisschen geflennt in diesem Band. 
Sternebewertungen sind schwer, ist aber eine 5 Sterne Serie für mich, obwohl mir die Romanze bisschen am arsch vorbei geht. Ich frage mich welche Materialien die Autorin zur Vorbereitung der Serie gelesen hat? Ich fühle mich so als ob ich nebenbei Kriegsführung lerne. Naja ist Teil einer Revolution ig
Aber wirklich, die Grausamkeiten die Tatara immer wieder mitbekommt sind teilweise echt schwer zu lesen... auf bestimmte Art bin ich auch froh, dass Ageha abwesend ist, weil er dann nicht weiter gequält werden kann :,p
Ich verstehe jetzt aber auch, wie das noch über 10 Bändern hat, Shuri wird noch ne ganze Weile brauchen bis er und Tatara auf einer Seite sind bezüglich Herrschaftsform und Zukunft allgemein. 
Ich bin so traurig dass dieser Manga nicht mehr gedruckt wird und manche Bänder so 80€ kosten, richtig herzlos 
Basara 11 by Yumi Tamura

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Ah ich habe Schwierigkeiten einzelne Bänder zu bewerten, es fließt alles ineinander. 
Dieser Band aber ... war nicht einfach zu lesen,
ich hoffe die Zeit im Gefängnis dauert nicht mehr lange an
The Duke Gets Desperate by Diana Quincy

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lighthearted medium-paced


This was over before I knew it. I did like it but really I'm not a hate-love girly, even though at the end we got the love love ofc but nevertheless. 
Strickland -ridiculous name - was also such a ridiculous man? I mean i get him, his situation was truly 🙂🔫 But at the beginning the imagine in my mind was just a bull with steam coming from its nostrils, the way he kept 'barking'. But at the same time he was easy going? It's an odd mix, idk how it worked. Raya and him really, egging each other in 24/7. Even though the miscommunications, plural, we're all resolved quick enough there was so much of it. Actually I didn't mind it, but
he really acted like he didnt know her at all when he didn't tell her about the amendment or whatever.
Didn't care for the sex, normally I skip it and I think I'll stick to that 

Idk it was fun, this really got me wanting more historical romance 
Get a Life, Chloe Brown by Talia Hibbert

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 23%.
Didn't feel it, also reading too much currently idk what I was thinking 
I think ill try going from book 2 some time else 
Stalking Jack the Ripper by Kerri Maniscalco

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adventurous dark tense


I liked it well enough. 
やわ男とカタ子 4, Volume 4 by 長田亜弓

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Omg we are finally getting somewheree 🥹 
I'm so mad this has no official translation or anything ?! 
Thank you to the poeple who sacrifice their private time and energy to translate this ❤️🫶 
They Called Me a Lioness: A Palestinian Girl's Fight for Freedom by Dena Takruri, Ahed Tamimi

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adventurous challenging emotional informative inspiring reflective


I think this is a great introduction point to the subject matter of israel Palestine. Compared to memories other non-fiction books string together facts, which can be helpful, but this personal account really guided me through a life under occupation in a way history books can't.
Although it is a heavy topic, and I cried many times, this was also so inspiring. 
It didn't only teach me about Palestine and Ahed Tamimi herself but generally about resistance, about questioning the rules and workings around you. 
I appreciate this book very much, it included some insights I wasn't aware of and displays well how it isn't enough to just condemn some illegal settlements and singular Israeli politicians; these are just symptoms born out of zionism as a whole. Living in germany is unbearable with the narrative of Israel as a democracy and self defence going on 10 months into this genocide...
Nevertheless, germany is now one of the few countries still standing by israel, unquestioning and complicit. 
I can't believe we were born the same year and I was living such an oblivious and privileged life, and in parallel Ahed Tamimi was experiencing brutality at the hands of Israeli military and settlers starting so young.  
But I truly believe that a free Palestine is imminent. From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free ❤️🇵🇸
The Perfect Nine: The Epic of Gikuyu and Mumbi by Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o

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adventurous funny hopeful inspiring relaxing


This was such a positive tale
(except for the fact that Kĩhara was killed ????)
. I'm so glad I read it. You know what, Gĩkũyũ and Mũmbi had the right idea, everyone should do this before marriage - it's inevitable that you'll weed out all the wrong people.