Das Buch liest sich viel mehr wie ein Roman statt wie ein Sachbuch, sehr zugänglich und bewegend. Eins der Bücher die man lesen muss, wenn man in Deutschland lebt. Ich war an so vielen Stellen den Tränen nahe, die Lebensgeschichte von Gökhan Gültekin ist sehr detailliert zusammengestellt worden, seine Standhaftigkeit in jeglichen Situation ist echt bewundernswert gewesen. Ich wollte auch nur anmerken, dass es sich lohnt das Taschenbuch zu holen, die Qualität gefällt mir sehr (die Blätter sind vielleicht ein ticken zu rau).
This was well written I just found it way too predictable although it was fun reading about the various outings and dates. Another point I really liked was that our female main character is a plus sized woman and it's not the main theme/ she's comfortable in her body. But if I am to enjoy a love triangle both love interests need to be at least sorta acceptable and here... there was only ever one choice.
Okay this was so healing, at least in the beginning... I did not expect the plot, nobody told me this was a series! I do like arranged marriages, that it was between two different species was new and it is so nice reading something where the the love interests like each other from the beginning and it is not interest based on lust, maybe I should read more friends to lovers 🫢 Btw I have to say when he described humans I was repulsed by myself for a minute :S
In the beginning I wanted to rate this considerably lower, it took me a little bit of time to warm up to the characters (by that I actually just mean Moncrieffe (and I still don't like him)). If Genevieve hadn't found out and cleared up his plans right at the beginning I would've dnf'ed, but I was pleasantly surprised that this book didn't go in that direction with that being the main conflict at the end The way Ian and Harry were dragged through the mudd in this... the author must have projected some people she hated on them. I don't recall feeling second hand embarrassment quite this often in other books, was amusing tho In sum: this is a good palate cleanser, it's just vibes and funny and lightweight 🌸 Genevieve's such a likable character, honestly being quiet but not shy is so true
I liked Judes characterisation, especially the "villains" never seemed to be doing bad just for the sake of it, everyone had their prerogative. In the beginning I just found the pickup of the story a bit slow, it got better towards the end and if I continue I'm sure the second book is going to be even better. I believe this is catering towards a younger audience and I felt that in the writing, also someone has to count how often "gaze" was said cause ... Specifically for this narration of the book I just couldn't hold back laughter each time the narrator said "you're no killer" with that whack voice TT Generally I imagine the voices of some characters very different from the narration, but nevertheless apart from the "you're no killer" it was very well done.