nickimonkey's reviews
409 reviews

The Dead Romantics by Ashley Poston

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I loved this book so much. I honestly can't decide if this is better than the Seven Year Slip or not.

the whole time I was reading this book I was hoping he would somehow find a way to come back to life because if I spent hours reading this book only for him to stay dead, I would have been pissed off. For some reason, the only thing in my head was the scenario in Ghost Whisperer where the ghost of Melinda's husband went into the body of someone who had crossed over. My mind wasn't expecting something more practical like a coma, but I love it either way because they ended up with their happily ever after. Plus now they could both see ghosts so she had somebody to understand her in that way.
Hale by Anastasija White

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The first half of this was pretty good but then it went all downhill. It got to the point where they were having sex almost every chapter and I had to skip. I'm grateful I didn't read about the break up because if the other reviews I've read were anything to go by, it was ridiculous. I love that. His ex-wife became her almost best friend but compared to the other series this author writes that was the only good part
Technically Yours by Denise Williams

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Forget about this being a second chance romance. This is more like a fifth chance romance. I loved seeing all the representation from stem to POC and non-binary characters, but sometimes it felt like it was being shoved in your face. You don’t really need to tell me what a persons pronouns are. If anything we as readers should be able to infer what the pronouns are by the way you write your story.
Camera Chemistry by Chelsea Curto

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I don’t think I’m into medical romance 
Raiders of the Lost Heart by Jo Segura

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I thought this was interesting because I never read a book about archeology but the romance was nothing special
The Wyncote Wolves: The Completed Series by Cali Melle

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DNF'd at book 5 out of 8

The books started off okay but then they became repetitive quickly to the point of fully like I was reading the same book

prologue- some bad situation happens between mcs
misunderstanding- over something stupid 
last chapter- the couple gets back together in the last few pages
epilogue- always six months later and get engaged or married

relationships always go 0 to 100

I thought this was just a fluke because it was her first series but every review I've read on other books from her other series the same shit happens

never reading this author again
The Goalie Who Stole Christmas by Cali Melle

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The starting off concept was beautiful and believable. However with her books the misunderstanding is always over something stupid. Also why are all the epilogues six months later and why do they always get engaged. It’s so predictable that I feel like I don’t have to read the last three books 
The Faceoff by Cali Melle

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I was so excited to Hayden’s book but that quickly ended when I read the prologue. I’m all for enemies of lovers if it makes sense. Hating someone so much that you trick them into sleeping with you or falling in love with you so you can fuck their life up is not it. It’s pure evil. I pretty much skimmed through the whole thing to see the ending and it was almost exactly like Cameron’s ending