mistysbookspace's reviews
916 reviews

My Fake Rake by Eva Leigh

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 I buddy read this book with Ashley. I've been reading a lot of historical romance this year and a lot of them have been buddy reads with Ashley with more to come. I've come to the conclusion that I'm not a big fan of the makeover trope and y'all already know I hate lack of communication in books especially when it's the main cause of all the drama that ensues. This book has both of those tropes. I didn't hate this book but I also didn't love it. It was just ok. I would definitely still read more by this author. 
Boyfriend for Hire by Kendall Ryan

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 I don't really have a whole lot to say about this book. This is about Nic and Elle. Nic is a male escort and has been for the past 6 years. He doesn't sleep with every woman but he's not opposed to it either. Elle was recently dumped. The guy who dumped her is one of her brothers best friends and he will be at his wedding so Elle's friend who is also her brothers future bride hires an escort to be Elle's date at the wedding. This might be slightly spoilery from here on so if you're interested in reading this book and don't want spoilers skip this part. Nic and Elle hit it off immediately. They have an instant connection from the moment they meet. I liked how after Nic and Elle meet Nic doesn't sleep with any of his clients after that. In fact he mostly doesn't see any of his clients except for one lady who he is pretending to be her grandson. He is struggling with his feelings for Elle so he backs away from the escort business. Most guys would have kept on do the job and sleeping with his clients but no Nic. My biggest complaint is how Elle's brother never did or said anything about how his best friend treated his sister. That part was so unrealistic. I also did really care for Elle's friend, the one who set her up with an escort to begin with. Overall this was just an ok read and I'm not sure if I want to even continue on with the series. 
Ravensong by TJ Klune

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 This was a buddy read with Jonny. A discussion post of this book is up on my blog now if you want to check it out. I'm absolutely loving this series. Honestly at this point in my TJ Klune journey I think I'm going to love everything he writes. I've only read 4 of his books so far and 2 of them were part of this series but he's just a phenomenal writes. In this book we are following Gordo and we get 3 different timelines. We have the present timeline, 3 months? prior and like 20ish years in the past. I loved that we got a different POV of what happened in book 1. I wasn't sure at first if I would like this because I thought it would just be us reading the same thing again but it wasn't. I admit that at first I was thrown off by this book not being in Ox's POV so that took a little bit of getting used to but once I did I was hooked. Gordo is very stubborn. He held onto his past betrayals like a lifeline and as my buddy read partner said it took an act of God for him to let go of that. I get why he was being stubborn I just wish it wouldn't have taken pretty much the whole entire book for him to move past that because I would have loved to of had more of Mark and Gordo together. I can't wait to start the next book very soon. 
The Pucking Wrong Number by C.R. Jane

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 This was the Lost in Romance Book Club pick for April. It was also the first book I've ever read from this author. I can say the author did a good job at making me want to keep reading the book to find out how things played out and for that reason I will definitely give this author another try however I'm really torn on this book. I was going back and forth on what to rate this book. It was between 2.5 stars and 3 stars and ultimately I ended up going with 2.5 stars. This book just didn't fully work for me. I think the reason it didn't work for me is because 2 complete strangers became obsessed with each other granted one more than the other but still it was beyond instant obsession and everything that happened after just didn't make sense not to mention it was off the rails crazy but at the same time I didn't want to DNF it so the author must have done something right which is why I said I'm willing to give something else by this author a try. 
An Offer From a Gentleman by Julia Quinn

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 I've been buddy reading this series with Ashley. We read the first book last month and then continued on with the series this month. She has long since finished all 8 books so I am behind. This is the 3rd book in the Bridgertons series by Julia Quinn and so far it's my least favorite although this book and the first book got the same rating from me. I loved that this was kind of a Cinderella retelling and I loved the FMC Sophie from the get go. My problem with this book has everything to do with Benedict the MMC. I couldn't stand the way he handled things and how he couldn't take no for an answer He just rubbed me the wrong way for the majority of the book. He did grow on me a little bit by the end but I couldn't look past his earlier behavior. I'm looking forward to reading the next book in the series next month.  
EXODAI: A Shockingly Honest Memoir of Love, Obsession and Torture by Elizabeth Hendrick

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 The author reached out to me on Instagram asking if I would be interested in reading and reviewing her memoir. I admit when I saw memoir my immediate thought was this isn't going to be for me. I don't tend to read a whole lot of non fiction but I'm coming to realize that if a non fiction book reads like a fiction story I can enjoy them. I read the synopsis for this one and was immediately intrigued so I agreed to read it and I am so glad I did. First I have to say that this book is full of trigger warnings so be aware of that and do your research before going in. As it says in the subtitle for this book it is a shockingly honest memoir. The author is brutally honest in the telling of her story and I would also say brave in how transparent she is. Obviously for privacy reasons there are things she has to change but overall this is her story and how she grew to love and accept herself. I know little to nothing about the world of S&M/BDSM aside from stories I have read all of which were fictional. This is an eye opening read. It's definitely not for the faint hearted and won't be for every body. We are first introduced to Elizabeth in this book when she is still a child. We fly through her childhood years within the first 4 chapters. After that is when things start happening. Elizabeth has pretty much always known she was a lesbian but she is a Christian as well and because of that she always had trouble accepting that she was a lesbian. This book goes through everything that Elizabeth goes through throughout her life to try to find the love and acceptance she so desperately wants. With this being a memoir of the authors life I am hesitant to list any complaints because this is an account of her real life and everyone's experiences are different. I felt like the author just flew through everything. Like it felt like there was a lack of emotion which I can actually understand. This was a hard time in her life and I can imagine that recalling everything was hard. Also it ended abruptly. Like there was this big build up to it and then it just kind rushed through the end. Again I can understand why the author did it this way but I guess with the build up I was just expecting a bit more. Overall I really enjoyed reading this book which seems wrong to say about a book focused on trauma. I would love to have a follow up on this memoir detailing after. How did she dig herself out of the whole she was in? Was she able to find the love she deserved after being able to love and accept herself? 
The Wallflower Wager by Tessa Dare

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 OMG this was so freaking good. This is the 3rd book in the Girl Meets Duke series and by far my favorite so far. I read this whole book in a day. I had planned on reading it over a 2 day period but I was so sucked into the story that I couldn't stop reading it. These 2 have a different takes on the roles that women and men have in society during this time period and I loved that. Their chemistry is off the charts from the very beginning. There are a lot of animals in this book and a lot of times they bring the humor to the story because of the mischief they case the main characters to find themselves in. Both characters have traumatic pasts but they bring out the best in each other. I loved that this book didn't really have a 3rd act breakup. I guess you could say that it does but to me it didn't count as a break up. Honestly I just loved everything about this book and I can't wait for book 4 to be released. If I'm not mistaken I think that will be the final book in the series but I could be wrong about that. 
The Viscount Who Loved Me by Julia Quinn

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 Last month Ashley and I read The Duke and I by Julia Quinn. I've been wanting to read this series for a while now and I've even owned the first 2 books for a while but I kept putting off reading them. This month we decided to continue on with the series by picking up The Viscount Who Loved Me. This is Anthony Bridgerton's story. He is the oldest Bridgerton boy. This is another one where the MMC really got on my nerves. I know the behaviors and the way things are handled are a product of the time period but I was really hoping we would get something different because the way things happened really bugged me at times. That being said I did still end up enjoying this. It was funny at times and of course it had some steam. Looking forward to picking up the next book soon. 
Savage Bonds by J. Bree

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 I read the first book in this series last month with Destiny and Malli and we decided to continue the series this month. This is the second book in The Bonds That Tie series. This is a why choose romance. We have Oli and her 5 bonds Atlas, Gabe, Gryphon, North and Nox. In this book Oli starts interacting with her bonds more and getting to know them. While she still doesn't want to bond with them she's not actively trying to push them away anymore. I love that she has grown somewhat closer to all of them albeit some more than others. I still hate Nox and North although North did grow on me just a smidge. I have to say something happened between her and one of her bonds in this book and I didn't expect it. I was expecting it with another one of her bonds but either way I loved it. I also have to mention Oli's friendship with Sage again in this review because I love it so much. This one ends on a cliffhanger and man what a cliffhanger it was. I need to read book 3 ASAP!! 
Memento by Amie Kaufman, Jay Kristoff

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I've been in the mood to reread this series for a while so when Destiny suggested we buddy read them together I jumped at the chance. I know I read this when it first came out but I heard that Goodreads had deleted the book at one point so I have no idea what my thoughts on it were back then. This time around though I did enjoy reading about what happened to Aidan before the events of Illuminae. Because this was so short I didn't really have time to connect to the characters or care about them but still an enjoyable read.