mistysbookspace's reviews
916 reviews

A Feather So Black by Lyra Selene

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 This book wasn't even on my radar until Destiny asked me if I was interested in reading it. After reading the synopsis for it I thought it sounded like something I would enjoy. I also have to thank Destiny for sending me the extra copy of this book that she had. So what to say about this book. Did I like this book sure. Did I have major issues with this book? Absolutely! Mainly the pacing. It was so slow and most of it felt like filler. Not to mention the repetitive inner monologue of Fia. The author did a great job of hooking me and making we want to find out how everything was going to play out in the end and she also did a great job of making me pretty much not trust any of the characters. Some of them I was right to not trust and some not so much. The ending also left something to be desired. I felt like it left off in the middle of the story. It didn't really resolve anything and d left me a little bit confused. As for the romance in this book there is kind of a love triangle of sorts but not really. I definitely preferred her with one over the other however she has been in love with one of them her whole life and all of a sudden her feelings switch to the other one it just wasn't realistic. You can't stop loving someone that fast and that easily. Had this been shorter and gotten to the point quicker as well as wrapped things up better I could have enjoyed it even more. I am willing to give the next book a shot but if it's anything like this one I won't hesitate to DNF it.  
The Governess Game by Tessa Dare

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 Once again the banter in this book is on point. I laughed so much reading this one. I loved the inclusion of the kids and they even added some humor to the story. This one is cute and steamy just like the first book. I also love the inclusion of the couple from the first book. I did feel like the ending was a bit rushed but overall another great addition to this series.  
Obsidian by Jennifer L. Armentrout

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 I've had this book on my kindle for a while now so I was excited to pull it out of my Kindle TBR jar. My biggest complaint about this book is the MMC Daemon Black. I couldn't stand him. He was such a jerk and seemingly for no reason. His reasoning is revealed at some point in the book but he never redeems himself. His has his nice moments but then he ruins it by opening his damn mouth. I honestly wanted to throw my phone across the room several times while reading this because he was pissing me off so much. Everything else about the book was good. I'm intrigued by the story enough to continue on in the series and I've been told it gets better from here so I am counting on that. Also I know I said I hated Daemon and I do however I still wanted him and Katy to be together.  
The Invocations by Krystal Sutherland

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 After reading House of Hollow last year with Destiny and enjoying it I was interested in reading this one however I wasn't in any hurry to get to it. I did end up preordering it though because at the time I really wanted the preorder incentive. Destiny and I decided to buddy read this one together as well. This book was just as gruesome and detailed as House of Hollow. I will say the who done it reveal in the end kind of got me. Definitely didn't see that coming. Also I couldn't really stand one of the main characters which really dampened my enjoyment of the book overall.  
Empire of the Vampire by Jay Kristoff

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 Oh look yet another book I buddy read with Destiny this month. I've read several of this author books that he has cowritten with other authors and have enjoyed all of them. Until now I hadn't read any books that he wrote on his own despite owning several of them. For some reason I just kept putting off picking his books up so I'm so glad I finally read this one. As I mentioned in my review for Wolfsong I love vampire books and this one was no exception. This wasn't what I was expecting from a book with vampires but I absolutely freaking loved it. To me it was perfect. The author isn't afraid to break your heart and I equal parts love that and hate that. I am so so excited to be starting book 2 very very soon.  
Gallant by V.E. Schwab

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 This wasn't originally on my TBR for March but when I saw it at the library it reminded me that Destiny and I planned on buddy reading it so I picked it up. I loved the atmosphere of this book and I really liked the character and how they grew throughout the story. Something happened in the end that I wish didn't happen and I also would have liked more of the after but overall I really enjoyed this story.  
Belladonna by Adalyn Grace

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 I buddy read this book with Destiny, Erin and Regina. Before I get into my thoughts on this one I have to say the hardcover books are freaking stunning. They are the prettiest books I own. As for my thoughts on it I loved it so much. I loved reading a book that had Death as a character. The only book I can think of that has Death as a character was The Book Thief and in that book he was just the narrator. I loved the romance obviously and I also loved all of the characters. I wasn't able to guess the culprit so that was a complete surprise when it was revealed but there was something that I did guess. I thought for sure I was way off course so imagine my shock when I realized it was actually true. I loved this book so much and I am looking forward to getting to the next book soon.  
Broken Bonds by J. Bree

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 I've seen a lot of people talking about this series which is why I suggested it as our March pick for the Lost in Romance Book Club that I cohost with my friend Michelle. I ended up also buddy reading this with Destiny and Malli. Malli is rereading this series but Destiny and I are reading it for this first time. I love a why choose romance. That's what made me want to read this book. So we have the FMC Oli and then then her 5 bonds Atlas, Gryphon, Gabe, North and Nox. Of the 5 Atlas solidified himself as my favorite from the get go. Gryphon and Gabe grew on me a bit by the end but both of them as well and Nox and North have a shit ton of groveling to do but after what happened in book one I don't think Nox is redeemable. The 4 guys were awful in this book. Like so awful they made me want to throw my phone across the room. I was hooked on the overall story and I will be continuing on in the series. I am willing to trust the process since Malli loves this series so much.  
All Systems Red by Martha Wells

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 Several people in a Discord group that I am decided to read this series and it has been on my radar for a while but I kept putting it off because I don't tend to read a whole lot of sci-fi but I am glad I joined in on reading this because I ended up really liking it. I don't really have a whole lot to say about this one. I loved the characters and the bit of action and it's a good setup for the rest of the series which I really look forward to getting to.  
Starling House by Alix E. Harrow

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 I buddy read this book with Destiny. When Destiny suggested this as one of our buddy reads I jumped at the chance to read it because of the synopsis. I read the synopsis and it made me think it was going to be a haunted house story kind of like How to Sell a Haunted House. I went in thinking it was going to be like that book but that wasn't really the case. I was expecting some action which we do get but not until the end. This is totally my fault but because I went in with certain expectations it hampered my enjoyment just a bit. The first half was kind of slow for me but once things started happening my enjoyment of it picked up. I love reading books that are high stakes like this but characters are still able to find love. Yes there is a bit of a romance but don't let that deter you. It's weaved in seamlessly and it doesn't overtake the story. I will say by the end there were still some things I was a little confused about but overall I enjoyed it.