mistysbookspace's reviews
916 reviews

Crimson Spellscape by Jina S. Bazzar

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 I was sent this bool by the author in exchange for my honest review. If you've been following me for any amount of time you've seen me talk about this authors books before. I've read several at this point and haven't found one I didn't like. I think this was a great first book in a series. We are immediately thrown into the story which I love and learn about things along the way. We have a strong female main character, humans with supernatural abilities, paranormal creatures, a murder mystery and an agency a lot like the FBI that is tracking a cult. They know the cult is responsible for the murders but they don't know who is in the cult or why they are killing these people. The reveal at the end came as a surprise to me. I definitely didn't see that one coming. The only thing I have to complain about is that I wish there was more information on the cult and why the leader did what they did. Like we know what they wanted but why did they want it so bad. I loved the action and there's potential for a future romance in the books to come which I totally wouldn't be mad about. This was another hit for me by this author and I am looking forward to reading more. 
Until I Saw You by Dianna Roman

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 This book was recommended to me by my friend Michelle to fulfill a prompt for Tropeathon which is a readathon with cohost. I hadn't heard of it before that. She had actually recommended me 2 books and while they both sounded good I was more drawn to this one. I am so glad I decided to pick this one up because I loved it so much. This book follow Harper and Riley. At the start of the book Harper is in a relationship with an abusive man but he has finally realized enough is enough and is pretty much hiding from him. He is presented with a job to work for Riley who is blind. He has a few seconds here and there where he can see but they don't happen all that often and the doctor says eventually they will stop. I don't have any experience with being blind so I don't know if what I just described is even possible. I do feel like the author did a great job of portraying how someone who is blind feels with losing their site and how others treat them differently. I felt so bad for what Harper went through and I hated that he continued to blame himself for it but I loved seeing growth throughout the book. Harper is gay and until Harper Riley had always been straight. I love love loved how Riley was all in with Harper despite never being with a man before. He never questioned his feeling for Harper and didn't care what anyone else thought about it. The relationship was so cute and honestly it was just perfect. This book does tackle some hard topics like domestic abuse and rape. These things happen off page but they are talked about after the fact. I just loved this book and would definitely pick something else up by this author. 
Forced Bonds by J. Bree

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 The bad thing about reading books that are part of a series back to back is that it's hard to come up with things to say about the books that you haven't already said in the other reviews. I'm still really enjoy these books but this one is probably my least favorite of what I've read so far. This review is going to be slightly spoliery so if you haven't started this series yet please skip this review. From the very beginning of this series I have been vocal about how much I hate Nox. He's my least favorite MMC and for good reason. I honestly don't think he could have ever fully redeemed himself but I was looking forward to learning about his past and why he is the way he is and seeing him grow and possibly come to love Oli. I didn't realize how much I was looking forward to this until the ending of this book. The cliffhangers of these books are going to be the death of me and each one has gradually gotten worse so I'm afraid of what the next books have in store for us. When I read the last sentence of this book my heart was racing and I was on the verge of tears which says a lot of an author can make me feel this way about a character I've hated up until that point. I think the reason this is my least favorite of the books I've read so far is because the focus wasn't on the romance as much in this one which I get but you know I like my romance. Even though it's my least favorite overall I'm still hooked on these characters and their story and I can't wait to read the next book but I'm also a tad bit scared. 
Leather & Lark by Brynne Weaver

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 Destiny and I buddy read Butcher & Blackbird earlier this year and both loved it. We couldn't wait for the next book to come out in the series. It was a highly anticipated release for me. I had very high expectations going into this one and I did really enjoy it just not as much as Butcher & Blackbird and I can't really explain why that is. Something was just missing in this book for me. We get everything that Butcher & Blackbird gave us in this book from the humor to the crazy messed up murdery bits but everything kind of seemed to be dialed down a notch. I still really enjoyed this book and I can't wait for the next book to be released because I need more if the Kane brothers as well as the FMC. 
Nevernight by Jay Kristoff

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 This book has been sitting on my shelf for a while but I kept putting off reading it despite knowing I would enjoy it. I'm glad Destiny finally got me to pick this one up. I admit this one took me a little bit to get into but once I did I was once again hooked on one of his stories. I listened to the audiobook while following along in the book which I think was the right way to go with this one because of the footnotes. Those alone took a while to get used to and honestly I still don't think I was used to them by the time I finished reading the book. I don't necessarily think we needed all of the footnotes because they didn't really add to the story overall but it was a nice addition all the same. This book gave me a little bit of everything. There's a lot of action, gore, some romance, some humor and great worldbuilding. It was just a well rounded book and I look forward to jumping into the next book hopefully soon. 
Blood Bonds by J. Bree

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 I've been reading this whole series with Destiny and Malli. This is the 3rd book in the series and I'm still really enjoying my time with these books although at this point things are really starting to stand out to me a little bit in not a good way. This is a why choose romance. We have Oli and her 5 bonds Atlas, Gabe, Gryphon, North and Nox. I put them in the order in which I like them as well. At this point 3 books in things are starting to get a little bit repetitive. It's just little things here and there like how Oli keeps saying she doesn't want to complete the bond for reasons that are now known but spoiler alert she has completed the bond now with 3/5 of her bonds. It's just things like that that are really standing out to me now. I still think there hasn't been enough groveling by most of the guys which at least 2 of them definitely need to be groveling a hell of a lot more. Despite these little niggles that I am starting to have I'm still really hooked on this series and each book has ended on a heart attack inducing cliffhanger that makes you need to pick up the next book asap. 
Foxglove by Adalyn Grace

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 This was yet another buddy read this time with Destiny, Erin and Regina. Destiny ended up DNFing pretty early on and I can't really blame her. If I didn't actually own a physical copy of the book I probably would have DNFed it as well but I'm glad I stuck this one out. Needless to say after reading and loving Belladonna I went into this one with pretty high expectations and it ended up being somewhat of a disappointment. There's going to be spoilers from this point on so if you're interested in reading this one skip the rest of this review. I don't mind love triangles but if you're going to include a love triangle don't introduce it in the second book after 2 of the characters already have an established relationship from book one. I was absolutely hating the direction this book was going in the start and I was having to force myself to pick up the book each time. A little past the halfway point is where things started to pick up for me. I was on the fence about whether or not to keep my preorder of Wisteria because of how much I was hating this at first but after finishing this one I knew immediately that I was going to be reading the final book. That's how much things turned around for me. 
Just Like Heaven by Julia Quinn

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 This was another book I buddy read with Ashley and we plan to continue on in the series in June. I loved this book. I actually prefer this one to the Bridgerton books so far. I loved both of the characters and their romance. I will say they could have been better at communicating but the lack of communication didn't take over the story like a lot of books do. I found this to be funny and cute and I can't wait to pick up the next book. 
Romancing Mr. Bridgerton by Julia Quinn

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 I've been buddy reading this series with Ashley this year. She has already finished all 8 books in the series so I have some catching up to do. This is my favorite book in this series so far. I love Penelope and Colin's romance. I will say I think all the Bridgerton men can be stupid at times and Colin is no exception. We learn who Lady Whisteldown is in this book. I was between 2 characters and one of them was right but I did end up getting spoiled for who it was before I read it which is annoying but it was my own fault. I', curious to find out how/if Lady Whistledown will still play a part in the story from here on out. 
The Kingmaker by Kennedy Ryan

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 I buddy read this book with Ali and we will be reading the 2nd book in June. It seems that I have an unpopular opinion on this book. I didn't hate it by no means it was just another ok book. I loved the FMC. She's a strong female lead who knows what she wants and doesn't take crap from anyone. She starts this book off being a virgin and I loved how this was handled. Most of the time being a virgin is made out to be a bad thing but not in this book and she doesn't let anyone not even her friends pressure her into something she knows she's not ready for. Maxim I think is supposed to be the male equivalent of Lennix. I liked there romance in the beginning but when that came to an end abruptly they barely spent anytime together and the book became too focused on the politics for my liking. The ending was a bit predictable to be but I'm looking forward to picking up the next book.