mistysbookspace's reviews
916 reviews

Bespelled by Laura Thalassa

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 I buddy read this book with Destiny. We read the first book, Bewitched back in January. I did like that first book but by the end of that book I was hating a certain character so much and it made me hesitant to pick this one up but I'm glad I gave it a shot because I enjoyed it more than I was expecting to and more than the first book. I can't really say too much about this one because of spoilers but there are a couple of things I want to mention. First off, Selene kept making stupid decisions and getting herself into some not so fun situations and that really got old because she never learned. Also, I find it hard to believe that a bunch of teachers would be like oh there's a murder on the loose, but we will wait to enact curfew until tomorrow that way y'all can still celebrate this specific holiday or whatever it was. Because of how much I hated a certain character in the first book I was constantly waiting for them to do something that would make me hate them again in this book, but that moment never came. After the cliffhanger in book one I was expecting something else that shocking to happen but the cliffhanger in this one just left me feeling like "oh that's it? That's not really that big a deal." I am looking forward to reading the next book whenever it is released. 
Pop Star by Eden Finley

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 This was the Lost in Romance Book Club pick for May. Yes I am behind on the books for my own book club, but I am working on getting caught up. Anyways As I mentioned in the into to this post I was in a slump in July, and I was struggling to really get hooked into anything until I picked this one up. I got through half of this book in like 1-2 sittings and was loving it so much. I had to put it down to read an ARC which is why I wasn't able to finish it until August but as soon as I picked it back up I flew through it. It was exactly what I needed to help pull me out of that pesky slump. This is a MM rockstar/military romance with a little bit of a mystery? Honestly, I could care less about the mystery I was living for the romance. Plus, the mystery aspect was very obvious. 
Unsexed: Memoirs of a Prostitute's Daughter by Marina DelVecchio

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 I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. When the publisher reached out to me asking if I would be interested in reading it I saw the word memoir and almost immediately declined but then I saw it was by an author I had read from before and the synopsis intrigued me so I decided to give it a go. I don't typically read non fiction books but this is the 2nd one this year that I have really enjoyed. This book is told in 3 parts. The first part details her life until she was about 8. This part is about her birth mother who ends up being a prostitute and everything Marina goes through in those years. The second part is about her adoptive mother and everything she goes through from the day she's adopted an onward. I'm assuming her adoptive mother is asexual. It's implied but never confirmed. Each mother is on completely opposite spectrums when it comes to sex. The last part it about her life after marriage on up to the present. The author doesn't hold back with her thoughts and feelings about things. She's brutally honest about pretty much everything. The things she goes through her whole life is hard to read about. There's a lot of triggering content so look into that before picking this book up. It seems wrong to say you enjoy a book about this but I don't know any other way to say it. It's hard hitting and I think there's a lot to take from this book like loving yourself is the most important love. If you can handle the content in this book then I definitely recommend giving it a read. 
Artificial Condition by Martha Wells

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 I started this series earlier this year and enjoyed the first book and was interested in continuing on. I picked up the 2nd book this month to fill a prompt for a bingo challenge I was participating in. I do still want to continue on with the series but so far I'm not loving it as much as everyone else seems to. This one was ok but not a whole lot happens. As of right now I feel like this story would have been better if it was a full novel and not novellas. 
Tempting the Dhampir by Elle Sterling

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 I won an ARC of this book from a giveaway I entered back in June or maybe it was May I can't remember now. I Was so excited when I found out I won because if you've been following me for a while then you know I love vampire books. This book is a about a Dhampir which if like me you had no idea what this was then it's a half vampire half human. This is the authors debut novel and for a debut I think it was a pretty good. I think at times it was a bit too descriptive and a bit repetitive and it had some minor plot holes. I loved that we get to briefly meet what I am assuming is going to be the characters of books to come and I loved the main characters of this book Sadie and Everett and thought they were so cute and their chemistry jumps off the pages at you. It did take way to long for anything to actually happen between though in my opinion. I was almost 60% into the book before things really started to happen. I liked their banter back and for and the communication!! Oh my gosh this was the best representation of communication I have ever read. I wish more authors would do communication like this. While I did really enjoy my time with this and I really looking forward to reading more books by this author I do have to say that the plot was very simple and things wrap up pretty easily. I would have liked a little more conflict maybe but at the same time I wouldn't want the author to sacrifice the amazing communication in this book 
Wrestling with Werewolves by Hazel Mack

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This is the 5th book in the Haven Ever After series by Hazel Mack and I've been buddy reading this series with Destiny and Malli. For the most part this series as a whole is a hit but this will make the 2nd book so far that I just haven't fully gotten along with. Don't get me wrong I have enjoyed each of the books just a varying levels of enjoyment. This one is currently tied with my least favorite book Tangling With Trolls. I enjoyed getting to see some previous characters make appearances. I love an age gap romance but I don't like being constantly reminded about the age difference letting us know once or twice here or there is plenty. My biggest complaint about this book has to do with the sex scenes. Y'all know I am a lover of romance and the steamier the better in my opinion but there was something about the sex scenes in this book that were weird. I don't really know what exactly wasn't working for me but I think it had to do with their actual wolves. I don't know it's hard to explain but if you've read this book and felt the same please let me know. My other complaint is about the main characters Richard and Lola. I liked both of them but at different times. I really liked Richard in the first half of the book but in the last half he kind of lost his personality a bit. As for Lola I liked her more in the last half of the book because she was actually standing up for herself and taking charge of her life. There other little things I could comment on but overall this was ok. I liked it enough to finish it but I don't think I would ever reread it but I am really really really looking forward to Lou's story. 
The Sum of All Kisses by Julia Quinn

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 This was another buddy read with Ashley and it's the 3rd book in the same series as the book above. This one had the humor from the first book that I was missing in the second book and it's an enemies to lovers romance which I loved as well. The only thing I find annoying about enemies to lovers is that it always takes so long for things to start happening romantically between the characters. I hope the last book in the series is just as good. 
A Night Like This by Julia Quinn

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 I've been buddy reading this series with Ashley. This is the 2nd book in this series and my least favorite so far. After the first book which I gave 5 stars this one was just ok. I wanted way more of the actual romance and this one lacked the humor that I loved so much in the first book. 
The Rebel King by Kennedy Ryan

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 This was a buddy read I did with Ali. It's the 2nd book in this series and we read both of them together and we are planning to read the 3rd one as well even though we haven't really loved the first two books. I loved the first 10 or so chapters of this but everything after that was underwhelming. I found certain side plots pointless and like the first book it focused more on everything except for the romance which I didn't like. 
Phoenix Unbound by Grace Draven

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 I buddy read this one with Destiny. This was a reread for her but my first time reading it. I've read other books by this author so I was expecting to enjoy this one. I did in fact enjoy this one. I loved the romance and the characters but it was a bit on the slow side and I wanted more from the ending. Also this is a personal preference but the chapters were way to freaking long for my liking.