misstumnus's reviews
982 reviews

You Will Know Me by Megan Abbott

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A 3 because I enjoyed reading it but I feel very dissatisfied after finishing. Why weren't people more upset about an adult man basically raping a 15 year old? I felt terrible for Drew throughout, poor neglected kid. I wish we'd gotten chapters from Devons perspective because she was basically a robot, not sketched out at all. Eric was a tool.

Bah but I'll probably read more by the author.
The Dutch House by Ann Patchett

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Sorry to everyone who recommended this to me! I just couldn't love it. I enjoyed the writing but perhaps my expectations were too high. Found it too flat and even the fairytale parallels didn't help.
Vinegar Girl by Anne Tyler

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I've read other books by Tyler and loved them. Did the author phone this one in?

The Taming of the Shrew could be retold in such a great feminist way — and has been — but this book does not. Don't get me started on Kate's
The Flatshare by Beth O'Leary

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Cute, quick read. I liked Leon a lot.
Clock Dance by Anne Tyler

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A very pleasant 3.5. I wish the supporting characters, like the neighbours, had been fleshed out more, I wanted to know more about them. Won't be my last Anne Tyler.
The Unhoneymooners by Christina Lauren

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Super fun and cute, and I literally giggled out loud while reading it.
Divergent by Veronica Roth

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Ugh. I had many thoughts but then I read this review and it's spot on.
