misstumnus's reviews
982 reviews

The Vanishing Stair by Maureen Johnson

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I am very grateful I'm only reading this series after all three books are out. I enjoyed Book 1 more but this was good too. On to Book 3!
Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel

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I started off wondering how Station Eleven would match up to The Stand, which is one of my favourite books. Station Eleven has a similar theme but is also so different. Absolutely loved it.
Nora Roberts Land by Ava Miles

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What a fun premise for an utterly intolerable book.
The Institute by Stephen King

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This felt very old-school Stephen King. It won't make my top 5 Stephen Kings for sure, but I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Almost Heaven by Judith McNaught

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When even your guilty pleasure lets you down
Truly Madly Guilty by Liane Moriarty

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What a snooze. The build up was soo slow and disjointed. The payoff, when it finally arrived, was just not worth the pages and pages and pages it took to get there. Very disappointing.
Dark Fire by C.J. Sansom

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3.5 stars! I enjoyed the first book more but still a thoroughly good read. On to Book 3!