It ain't bad as a book. It's just one of those books for me where you "drop" because you see more shiny, interesting books you want to pay attention too.
It also felt like the story was jumping around a little so sometimes I got lost
I mostly started reading this book due to the hype I've seen online about it. It is also my fault that I didn't google and didn't realise he had.... spicy stuff in it (I also was silly and didn't look at the back cover until I was 40 pages from the end to see the spicy symbol)
This book feels like it was there for the spicy stuff. The "mystery" part of this book did not feel like it was thought out that well. It felt like there was no clues who could of been breaking her cafe and the side characters (mostly the cafe stuff) to have any clue who could of been breaking it.
the romance part did not feel natural? developed enough? It also felt like it was just there to get to the sexy part. Only reason I'm rating it a 3/5 compared to a 2 or 2.5 is it was a super quick read and I would read 60 without knowing it.
I took (give or take) a week off from reading this book to complete another book I borrowed from the library that had a 1 week express loan. Once I finished that book and came back to this one I just, don't care about the story anymore.
It's one of those 'meh' 3 star books that ain't anything amazing that I felt like Ive read several times before
Woah! Glad I picked up this book when I saw it at my library.
It felt like an emotional rollercoaster; diving deep into the innerworkings of people's emotions. I haven't felt such strong emotions towards a book in awhile.
I loved Rika trying to unlock Kajii's inner emotions. Purely by going around these places to eat the food that Kajii likes.