knitswithbeer's reviews
918 reviews

Miss Polly Had a Dolly by Willow Rose

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A little disjointed at first but then developed into a gripping read. There were a couple of plot lines that seemed to be pointing to an obvious conclusion but then, bam! the ending was quite unexpected. The subject matter was at times uncomfortable to read as it entailed abuse of children but it was never gratuitous.
I recommend this book and will be trying some of the author's others.
Sticks and Stones by Susie Tate

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Written by a fellow GP. There is much that I recognise in this story about med school and hospital trainee posts, but you don't need to be a medic to enjoy it. I probably would've finished it sooner but mislaid my kindle until I 'tidied' my craft room (aka moving stuff around...)
At times I was angry (at the characters), laughed with them and even cried. I will search out her others.
Broken Heart Syndrome by Susie Tate

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Bought and read in an evening so yes I enjoyed it. Even though I read this after book 2, there were no spoilers. Again well written characters and scenarios making me remember medical school and hospital jobs. Definitely recommended and will possibly read book 3 tomorrow...
Beyond Repair by Susie Tate

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Number 3 and just as well written. Not only are the characters well developed their interactions are too. I found Russell a bit OTT but was almost expecting the next book to be about him and Jimbo. Goodie seems to be off tangent but we'll see.
Very much liked the short insights into general practice in this book; bloody hard work that to loved ones can seem too demanding but still, rewarding.
The Locksmith's Daughter by Karen Brooks

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an excellent read. I'm familiar with the era and aware of Walsingham's mooting as the first real spymaster but this take was intriguing, if a little difficult to get into at first. There were several points where I thought, "the story can't end here" and of course it did not, but there were many cliffhanger type moments. The only thing that didn't gel was Walsingham's final action in the epilogue.
Even the author's notes about further reading were informative!