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impressionblend's reviews
564 reviews
Astonishing X-Men Ultimate Collection Volume 1 by Joss Whedon, John Cassaday
So. Much. Fun!
I'm sorry, X-Men, I'm sorry I ignored you my entire life. You win. I am yours.
I'm sorry, X-Men, I'm sorry I ignored you my entire life. You win. I am yours.
Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol. 1: Cosmic Avengers by Brian Michael Bendis
Picked this up because of the upcoming movie. I enjoyed the story, but at the same time it kind of seemed like a big introduction to the real deal. I will be picking up the next volume to see where is this going.
Blog, Inc.: Blogging for Passion, Profit, and to Create Community by Joy Deangdeelert Cho
Excellent book for bloggers! Regardless of whether you're a beginner, know a thing or two, or if you are a pro—everyone will find something useful here. I will definitely be reading this again at some point to see what I pick up the second time around.
Les Gardiens de la Galaxie, Tome 2: Angela by Brian Michael Bendis
Hmmm... Well, I still liked this volume, but it made me question whether or not I want to continue reading Guardians of the Galaxy. It's not a good sign that the part which I found the most interesting about this volume was Thanos and the Infinity tie-ins. Considering that I haven't really read Age of Ultron, I found the plot a bit confusing—I had to stop reading and go look things up. However, nothing was more frustrating than the random fighting. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for awesome fight scenes, but when they come out of nowhere—it's just poor writing. This volume did have some interesting parts though, and hilarious dialogue, as well as beautiful art.