hannibalhamlet's reviews
121 reviews

The Call of the Deep by Tracy Lane

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I exchanged this book from the author for an honest review.

4 Amazing stars for this amazing book!!!

Wow, where do I begin? I really enjoyed this read. I was never frustrated but once overall, when I found out who Mericle ended up with and the Ocean Spirit, and all that... but my frustration did not keep me from enjoying this book! Even though I didn't like who she chose, I loved the book and will read the next! Anyways, lets go into "depth" (lol see what I did there?) about the book.

The book is about Mericle Edwards, early twenties, she's in college rooming with her best friend Kelsey (gosh I loved Kelsey) and she is studying to become a vet. Mericle gets life thrown at her all at once, finding out not only is she not what and who she thinks she has been her entire life, she's the princess of the North Atlantic and must accept who and what she is to overthrow her vile father, the corrupt king. With the help of her teacher, Mat *swoon* and some other great people along the way, Mericle faces every obstacle thrown her way smoothly and very maturely!

What I really liked:
I really enjoyed Mericle and Kelsey's relationship. They were mature adults but they always had those funny teenage-like moments and their dialogue and jokes were so funny and real! I could picture them walking down the mall together right now, Kelsey trying to dress Mericle in something sexy and oogling guys, while Mericle is looking at jeans and a t-shirt and ready head back to the house to study. LOL, they were opposites but that's what I felt attracted them and make them such great friends!
I also really enjoyed that Mericle did struggle a little bit with the situation she was in. She could not imagine leaving her life and family, and school behind when she was walking into a bizarre situation practically blind. It really made me warm up to her and understand that she was scared, but willing to do what she was called for. I respected her so much! Tracy Lane could not have wrote a better main character than her, she was perfect.
MAT- noun, excessively hot male with white blonde hair, and piercing crystal eyes, sweet and a gentleman.
My definition of Mat. He was amazing!! Not only was he a great teacher to Meri, he genuinely cared about her and put his total faith in her and was a great mentor and friend.

The author did a fantastic job in descriptions of places, features of characters, creatures and of what information we had regarding the deep. I really loved the story line of the Queen and the corrupt king, and where Mericle fit into all of it. The author also did a great job making her merfolk different from other books I have read. I read mermaid books all the time, and I always love reading something with new features, and tricks as I call them. Controlling the water and using it as a super power? Totally awesome. The writing style was funny and quirky, which made for an entertaining read. I was never bored while reading this book.

My reason for 4 stars instead of 5 is I just did not see the chemistry between Jeff and Mericle. It seemed a little forced and kind of unnatural. They didn't really meet but like three times now that I think about it. I just couldn't feel what I wanted to from them, which I guess I am a little biased since I
Spoiler wanted Mat and Mericle to end up together.
I did enjoy Jeff as a character and felt his history with the king and his character was important, but other than that he didn't really seem needed, but I'm sure he plays a more prominent role in the second book! Overall wonderful read for anyone who loves mermaid books, and a little sweet romance. Great job Tracy! Can't wait to read book two.

His to Possess by Opal Carew

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Uhhhhmmm not much I can say for this review other than it was hot. Lol never read anything like it before. I read it in 1 day if that tells you anything. I am so happy who Jess ended up with I was rooting for him the whole time!
Eighteen at Last by Gretchen de la O

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DNF. Became boring and the story line fell apart after
Spoiler Max's dad died.
Their relationship became too sweet and unrealistic to me. I would like to say I would come back and possibly finish this book because I hate to not finish one, but this was just bad. I did enjoy the first book though.
The Training by Tara Sue Me

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NO. Just no.

I really loved the first two books of this series, but this one, I just can't. This is my first DNF book. I hate to mark it as that, but I would rather gouge my eyes out then read this. Maybe (I highly doubt it) I will get so bored and I have no choice but to finish it. But don't hold your breath.

I felt like the characters weren't the same anymore. The chemistry just wasn't there for me. This whole, be my girlfriend on the weekdays and my submissive on the weekend, is just a total turn off for me and ruined the story. I couldn't adjust to being a "normal" couple, then the weekend gets here and his bossing her around again and she is his submissive. Honestly, he just lost the authority in his tone, his actions with her. He didn't act like the same Dominant. I couldn't read any more of it. At the same time, I gave up pretty early, because it was that bad, maybe if I read past it, it will turn good (doubtful). I recommend the first two books, but just be thankful for them and skip this one.
Besotted by Georgia Le Carre

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this book was an okay read for me. I enjoyed the first and second one a lot. but this one was kind of pointless to me. they never really had any drama. yeah he killed his dad and there is always the worry someone could find out, but nothing happened. and I doubt I'll even read the fourth because its not even about lana and blake. its about her friend julie who we have NEVER heard of before. so why the hell does she get a book. I'm very dissapointed of how this series turned out.
Tangled Tides by Karen Amanda Hooper

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let me just say.....

This is my first time reading a supernatural book and I just fell in love with the merfolk sirens selkies gorgons... ugh I love all the variety. And Treygan and Yara's chemistry good lord!! I loved this book it is a must read. With that said you must be very open minded when reading this book. When I first read it, I was like omg there is a lot of info to take in about the mers, the selkies, yada yada. It's a lot of info at first but it all comes together and makes sense in the end. Loved this one. Read the second already and cant wait for the third.
The Marriage Bargain by Jennifer Probst

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This is hands down one of the best romance books I've ever read. Nick and Alexa truely grow in the progress of this book. As former friends as kids and having secret crushes on one another as teenagers, they both get into a predicament. She needs money to save her parents house and he needs a wife to get the rest of the business his Uncle Earl left him. Bless you uncle earl! They fought, they loved, and made a wonderful couple. The sex was hot, always sexual tension. And usually i get mad when something like what did happened at the end, but I ended up loving it because it made her and nick stronger. Must read!
Dangerous to Know & Love by Jane Harvey-Berrick

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five stars easily. this is the best book I have ever read. and if you take a look on my shelf I've read nearly 40. I have never been so touched and moved by a book in my entire life. I never expected this book to be so good. daniel is such an inspiring character I hope to be more like him. I loved Lisanne as well. I would love to meet the author and just thank her for this wonderful book. There was never a dull moment in this book. I never predictated some of the things in this book. it was amazing. highly recommended.