hannibalhamlet's reviews
121 reviews

Rush Too Far by Abbi Glines

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I love rush so much. Honestly I can't get enough. I read all 3 books in Blaire's POV. When I saw the first one was rewritten in Rush's POV, I knew I had to read it. He frustrated me in the first book but seeing his side of the story really put everything in perspective. This book had me in tears again since it was the same book. I hope one day to find someone to love me like Rush loves Blaire. My favorite love story so far!!! ❤️❤️
Unteachable by Elliot Wake

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Such a wonderful read. Finally we have a heroin, who isn't scared to admit her life sucks ass, but also doesn't complain about it the whole book. This girl went through so much shit through the book and grew up with nothing it was unbelievable how strong of a woman she was. And honestly what's the big deal she fell in love with her teacher? They met before school she's 18 and she didn't know he was a teacher and he didn't know she was a student. Perfectly legal. The romance always had me going. Sexual tension during the classroom was awesome. The sex scenes were hot and steamy, and also had a lot of meaning behind it. Loved the ending, and Hiyam (the little bitch) got what she deserved. (I kept accidentally calling her "hymen" in my head LOL)I am proud to see the heroin take what life handed to her, and turn to into something good. 5 stars. If you like student teacher books like me this is the one for you. With constant steamy scenes and also the heroin not being a whiny little brat, then you have found your book.
Forty 2 Days by Georgia Le Carre

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yet again another wondeful book from Georgia. sadly, I couldn't rate this as 5 stars because of Blakes behavior in the first part of the book. it was very disturbing. he should have known she would never leave him for no reason. so I feel his actions were unnecessary in the beginning. luckily he got much better. I love blake and am proud of how strong Lana is in this book. she has really grown a lot! such a great read. I cant wait to read the next.
Great Expectations by Charles Dickens

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I had to read this book for my English class. The writing structure was a little difficult to understand, but the book was overall very good. Dickens does a great job of going in to detail about everything, and he made it very easy to imagine what everything looked like. I wish the ending and went a different way, but I really did enjoy seeing Pip grow and develop into a young man.
Claim Me: The Stark Series #2 by J. Kenner

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This was such a wonderful read for me. I love this series very much! That plot twist at the end was intense! This book is very similar to Bared to you and Entwined by you, by Sylvia Day. I am a huge Sylvia Day fan so of course I loved this book. If you have read those books by Sylvia day and want something similar this is for you! I do wish Damien and Nikki could have told each other they loved you way earlier, because it was very obvious anyway... and I would like to see Damien open up even more. I am very excited for the next read.
Stepbrother Dearest by Penelope Ward

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3 great starts for this stand alone novel.

This was such a good, fun book to read. Why did I only rate if three starts then??
My reason for three stars is because I typically do not like books that "restate" events that happened earlier in the book again told by the other main character to add to the plot. In this book, half the story is retold in the guys point of view which I didn't like. I felt like the author was out of ideas and retold the story instead. With that being said, I did enjoy being able to get into Elec's head and know what he was really thinking during the story. I love dual point of views but restating the story isn't my thing. If it was, I would have gave 4 stars.

What I loved about this book:
1.The characters were real-life like. No sugar coating, no pretending, the problems the characters went through were real life situations, and I could relate to them. I love when authors really but some heart and soul to the story.
2. Everything was tied together good and properly. For example if something was mentioned earlier in the book, and brought back up again in another situation, it made sense where it was placed in the story.
3. The chemistry was so hot. I love taboo, and this just was steamy but I liked how it didn't happen all at once. It was a gradual process.

What I hated/disliked about this book:
1. Elec was so different and an ass hole after the seven year break (at first, he got better right at the end)
2. I personally thing the big situation was dragged out a little to much and the minor characters were given too much spotlight when they should have been focusing on Elec and Greta.
3. Elec's mom situation was kind of annoying. She acted like a child.

I would like to also add if you are a big taboo fan this is a great short read. I am glad I read it and would recommend it to others.
Captivated by You by Sylvia Day

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Do not let the 4 star rating fool you. I am so disappointed beyond words.

The only reason I gave 4 stars, is because I love this series so much, and the characters. I guess you could say my rating is a combined score for the series as a whole, because if I rated this on this individual book (like I probably should have) I would give it two stars.

Why 2 stars Kailey?? Gideon is perfect!! My answer? Yes Gideon is perfect, well not really but you know what I mean by that. Gideon is so flawed but it is his flaws that make him the wonderful man and husband he is. I REALLY loved Gideon in this book. The dual point of views were perfect. I loved getting to see in his head. Gideon will open up in this novel more than he ever has. Yes he is dominating and overpowering, but Eva knew that from the start.

Eva was a rollercoaster in this novel for me. As much as I have always loved Eva in this series, she really pushed some bad buttons on me this time. I feel like Gideon was always bending over backwards for her... With that being said, the huge argument at the end of the book she did have a point, but at the same time why couldn't she just realize what Gideon was ultimately trying to do for her?? Protect her!! She refused to look at the bigger picture in things, and I feel like she acted childish in some situations. Gideon is her husband now, not her boyfriend. There is a HUGE difference! She is his and he is hers, they are one flesh! She acted with out him on things I think he should have been included in. With that being said, I am so proud of Eva's independence in the series, and her continuous actions to show that women do hold power. I loved that she said in the book something along the words of "Most people want to be like their mother when they grow up, I want the opposite." Eva's mother is a gold digger, who can't live without a rich husband and fat wallet. Eva is not her mother!! She is just like her Father Victor, prideful, and hardworking. I will always admire Sylvia Day for writing Eva that way and showing how important women's roles are!!

I am not a fan of Cary's story going on right now. The whole baby thing is a little annoying in my opinion in addition to the story. Honestly, if I had to guess it, the baby isn't really Cary's and we have just been putting up with his bitching the whole time for nothing. But I could be wrong. I love Cary's character especially like in the first book. I hate to see Cary's character downfall because of some blonde bimbo. I think Cary is important to Eva's wellbeing and he is sort of an anchor for her, like Cross is but in a different way.

The crap with Brett Kline (I may have spelled that wrong) was irrelevant in this book to me. I am glad that he was not brought up too many times but when he was I was jus like **yawn** can we get past you? I mean Eva is married to the hottest man on the planet and he actually gives a damn about her unlike you who just cared about when he was going to get to have her in a grimy bathroom stall. I personally think Brett lost his chance. Eva offered herself to Brett and he was too arrogant to take it so why should Gideon suffer for it now just because Brett has finally come to his senses? Yeah hell no. Gideon showed more restraint than I would have if Eva had done half that shit to me. I get that Eva was faced with the situation that the man she once wanted so much in that way, but didn't want her like that, now wants her in the way she wished for from the beginning. But all has changed now! For her and Gideon are married. In other words, fuck off Brett. I'm not even going to get in to Corinne and Anne because there isn't much I can say about them with out spoiling the book so I won't go into depth about them. But I do hate them more than ever, especially Anne. She really grosses me out, like how she acts around Gideon. Corinne, I can deal with because they were engaged at one point and had a relationship, Anne was just a distraction and meant nothing so it is kind of creepy how she acts... Just saying.

Overall, this was an okay read for me. I loved the intimate scenes between Gideon and Eva. Mrs. Day can write some steamy scenes I can tell you that. I do hope the next book goes more in depth to the characters as a couple and there is WAY WAY WAY less arguing. I also hope Eva's temper and selfish ways simmer some. I am looking forward to the next book and I hope the wait will not be quite as long so I don't get my hopes up again.
When Summer Ends by Isabelle Rae

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Marked as a DNF. I have a e-Reader, so my pages are different. I got to page 1153 out of 1218.

I couldn't finish it, maybe I can later but it was just dragging on and on was being ridiculous at this point. They are in the lovey dovey honey moon stage, which is good and all but I feel like the author has drug that out way too far. The ending should have happened way before now. The writing was too saccharine for me at the end. Overall the book was okay but the ending is too sweet and stupid. The best character out of the whole book is Will's brother I think his name is Sam. I did love Will as a character, and the drama in the book was great, but the relationship with Ollie was way and I mean WAY too long. I think the author did not know what else to write about and just kept talking about the same thing. She should have ended Chloe and Ollie quick. Either way, not a bad read but not a great one either.