gigireads3331's reviews
535 reviews

Christmas Melody by Heather E. Andrews, Heather E. Andrews

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Did not finish book.


I don’t care for kids in the adult fiction I read. But this was a cute second chance romance! 
Highland Sorcerer by Clover Autrey

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 36%.
The author kept telling us Charity and Toren had this undeniable connection from the start, but I just didn’t really feel it. 
I Got Stuffed Like A Turkey by Randi Roman

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 29%.
Writing’s not that great. And maybe I misunderstood the synopsis but the cheating trope is definitely not for me. I would’ve accepted a gang bang orrr some good ole consensual cuckholding LMAO 
The BFG by Roald Dahl

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This was fun! The made up words were a trip though, lol! Quite hard to follow and it would take me out of the story every time. But I enjoyed it for what it is. I never read this as a kid so this was an experience. 
Gods of Jade and Shadow by Silvia Moreno-Garcia

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 11%.
If you haven’t gripped me by the beginning, I won’t stay til the end. I wanted to love this. But it just reads all over the place. YA, adult, then YA again. I feel Ike 11% is enough time for me to care or not care for the main protagonist and I just didn’t. Not enough, at least.