gigireads3331's reviews
535 reviews

Pen Pal by J.T. Geissinger

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That ending was… definitely a choice lmao! Loved the mystery, though. And yes, the spice was hot as well. 🤷🏼‍♀️ 
Her Grumpy Mailman (The Man For Her) by Kate Hunt

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This was cute! I’m always pumped to see a plus size FMC so I loved that part for sure.  The MMC was so sweet to her and I thought it all tied together wonderfully despite how short this book is.  
Stuffed by the Were-Turkey by Tate McKirk

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 0%.
Tell me why I can read about werewolves and Minotaurs and tentacles but this… no. ☠️ 
Lore by Alexandra Bracken

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 10%.
I was so excited to get into this world. The premise seemed promising, and the Greek mythology aspect of it peaked my interest as well. Lore seemed so cool from the jump, but I just don’t care enough. Insecurity is not enough for me to wanna give a crap about a character. It doesn’t make me root for them. Also, there’s a weird mix of abysmal info-dumping and saying things as if we readers are already supposed know all of this. This book could’ve benefitted from being a shorter, and from being a part of a series.