bryckklovesbooks's reviews
630 reviews

Hidden Truths by Neva Altaj

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Sergei and Angelina: Such a good match! 5 Stars!

Book Three in the Imperfectly Perfect series was nothing short of amazing!!!

This book features Sergei, the ticking time bomb of a a half brother to Pakhan, Roman, our hero from book one. The last time we saw Sergei was in Book Two, when he rescued a woman who had been hiding in a truck he rigged to blow from Mexico. The story picks up from what happens when he took her back to his home.

Angelina is so damn likable! She is the only one who seems to be able to reach Sergei when he has blackout episodes with his PTSD. They compliment each other so well and you can’t help but fall in love with these two. Together, their love scenes scorched the pages!

This author has such a way with her characters that have come to make me LOVE Mafia/Bratva books!

These heroes are lethal weapons, yet approach their women with such tender care and affection, you can’t help but LOVE them. Neva, girl… you are doing the damn thing with this series!

Btw: Awesome foreshadowing at the end… I cannot wait to meet “Az”

Happy reading!
Amusement by Albany Walker

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Rafe & Lucy: I don't know which one needed more help, Rafe or Lucy...

OK... don't get me wrong. I enjoyed this book and "love" story but is this really LOVE?

Meh... if I had to answer that question, I'd have to say yes. Was it a healthy love? Absolutely NOT.

Lucy was forced to strip after her mother became disabled due to a car accident. She had to be the sole breadwinner of the family at the age of 16, where she found a job dancing in a strip club even though she is underaged. The club's owner, "Rex" takes a liking to "Fel" (short for "Felony") and becomes obsessed with her. He watches her for two years before he decides to make his move after his hand is "forced" in making an introduction.

"Rex" is Rafe, a very successful, psychotic billionaire who owns much of the town and decides that he wants to make Lucy his, by any means necessary. The fact that Lucy fell for him denying the obvious bright red flags time after time again was confounding to me. I can only chalk it up to age and immaturity. Further, her mother gave her an awful amount of leeway when it came to dating an obviously older man and not minding if she danced in a strip club and kept late hours. She had no problem with her coming in at the wee hours of dawn after dancing naked for strange men all night.

I read this book for what it was and not what I wanted it to or thought it should be. That is the only advice I can give to someone who is interested in reading this book. There are some triggers and of course, the fact that a grown man of 27 years of age is fixated on a teenager and excited at the thought of ruining her. There were a couple of details in this book which I thought were a reach. But as I stated... read the book for what it is. It's sad to think that somewhere, this exact situation may have or could possibly occur, as this is a very strange world.

Nevertheless, the story was well written. I enjoyed the dual POVs from both main characters and the story kept me engaged.

Happy reading!
Ice Planet Barbarians by Ruby Dixon

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Vektal & Georgie: It's All About the "Khui", Baby!- 5 Stars

As an avid romance reader for many years in my life, I was always fixed on reading one specific type of romance; contemporary. As I have gotten older, I have expanded my horizon into other genre's such as paranormal and sci-fi books. Thats why when I saw a TikTok video from a woman raving about this book, I had to search it out and see for myself. This is how I happened upon this book. At first glance at the title, I just knew this was going to be some far-fetched nonsense.


This had to be one of the BEST romance novels that I have read this year!

The books is about a woman named Georgie who is snatched from her bed in the middle of the night by aliens and onboarded to a space craft with a handful of other women in their mid-20s. Sounds ridiculous right? I thought so too... then I kept reading. Something goes wrong and the alien kidnappers have to ditch their "cargo". The ladies are dumped on an ice planet and left to fend for themselves. With very little clothing to stay warm and food, Georgie ventures out to find food and shelter for the ladies. She gets caught in a trap and is found by an native of the strange world, a male by the name of Vektal.

Georgie and Vektal have an obvious language barrier and its interesting and sweet how we see them communicate and interact. However, Georgie and the girls face an unknown threat as they aree no equipped to deal with their new environment. And there is the threat of the aliens returning to retrieve their cargo.

Make no doubt, there is alot of heat and sexy scenes that will make you clutch your pearls. But, this is indeed a love story. You will fall in love with Georgie and Vektal. This is an excellent kick off to this series. It started a bit slow but it really picked up fast. I can't wait to read the rest of the books in this series. This author has talent and I'm here for it!

Happy reading!
A Dark Vampire Curse by Nikki St. Crowe

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Rhys & Emery: Not what I was expecting. But, I enjoyed it.

Don’t get me wrong… the story was good and kept my interest. I guess when I see this particular author, I thought this book would have more steam. This is based off her earlier works. I would guess this is one of her first books. The steam factor was set on LOW for this book. There was only one intimate scene and not enough sexual tension to sell this couple as a match made in heaven.

I liked Emery and her average “girl next door” personality. However, I wasn’t sold on Rhys and found him to be rather boring and bossy. The scene stealer for me were Rhys’ sidekicks, Kat and Dane. They bought way more personality than he did.

Good read but if you want spice and heat, choose one of her later books.

Happy reading!
Vampire King by Rowan Hart

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Ambrose & Eloise: They're Perfect Together- 5 Stars

This is a super-couple! Ambrose and Eloise did not disappoint and have joined the ranks as one of my favorite couples.

Eloise needs a favor from the Vampire King; help her find her friend and she agrees to be his blood slave for three months. Ambrose agrees as he is drawn to her and the unique taste of her blood. He agrees to help find her best friend, Deidre, an investigative reporter who was investigating the strange new drug "Rapture".

I loved Eloise's fire. She was the perfect match to Ambrose's broodish nature. Ambrose was sexy AF and so were his sires, Ashe and Kasah. I believe Kasah and Deidre take center stage in Book Two. This is definitely going on my TBR pile.

Happy Reading!
Crimson Night by S.K. Prince

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Draven & Scarlett: They failed to impress me.

Scarlet suffered a tragedy at a time age where her mother was killed by a vampire. So of course she grows up hating them and Jim’s a special task force to regulate vampire affairs, as this has become the new normal.

Enter: Draven, Alpha vampire who comes to town to investigate a string of vampire murders. He feels connected to Scarlett and seeks to claim her as his own.

This story was just OK. There was nothing extraordinary about them. I wasn’t really interested in them as a couple. As a matter of fact, there were no standouts in this book. It was just OK. This is a part of a series and I’m not compelled to finish it, as it ended in a cliffhanger. Perhaps I’ll come back to it one day when there isn’t anything better to read or my TBR pile decreases.

Happy reading!
Harder Betrayal by Penelope Sky

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Cauldron & Camille: A Strong, Satisfying Finish.

The final installment of this series was excellent. There was alot of character development and growth bully all of the characters.

Cauldron finally grew up and let go of the past and became a proper big brother to Grave.

Camille finally put in her big girl panties and saved herself emotionally. She finally exerted her independence.

Grave owned his past mistakes and moved forward to be a better person and face reality.

The lowest part of this book was that Grave had such a hang up about Elise’s children and not wanting to be a stepdad. I thought that was very selfish to him to only want to deal with “his own” babies he has with her. Huge red flag! Wasn’t he upset about his father’s preference of Cauldron to him? Weird. But, I guess that’s the way the story was written.

The scenes stealer was clearly Bartholomew, who I fell in love with! I squealed in delight when I heard he was getting his own book! Can’t wait until January 2023!

This series was awesome and I highly recommend it!

Happy Reading!
Lesser Evil by Penelope Sky

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Cauldron & Camille: Absolutely amazing! From start to finish!

This book has been popping up as a suggestion on my Kindle and tiring of the ad, I finally clicked on it to read.

Best. Decision. Ever!

Camille needs help getting away from her powerful, possessive ex, Grave who has become unhinged where she is concerned. As a last resort, she seeks out the one man who strikes fear in her psycho ex’s heart.

Enter: Cauldron Beaufort, diamond tycoon who’s not above resorting to violence and bad deeds himself. Camille stiles a bargain with Cauldron for protection. This deal isn’t without its own set of strings and complications.

Camille made me laugh throughout the book with her sassy mouth and zero-fucks attitude. Cauldron is the black knight in this story who is sexy af when he’s being bad and barking orders at those who tremble in his wake. Soon, Camille finds herself in a pissing contest between her ex and her rescuer. Confused about her newfound feelings for Cauldron.

Non stop action and intrigue throughout the entire book. I highly recommend if you like sassy heroines and bossy alphaholes.

I can’t wait to start book two!

Happy reading!
Better Man by Penelope Sky

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Cauldron & Camille: Hmm… Not as good as Book One but middle books rarely are…

This book was good but IMO, could have been better. I found myself very frustrated with Cauldron and Camille. Camille seemed to accept the bad behavior exhibited by Cauldron and kept her blinders on for most of the book, despite the red flags. After a while, she came off as silly and naive.

Cauldron didn’t seemed to learn anything from almost losing Camille the first time and co tubules to repeat the same infractions. I was turned off by his arrogance and failure to grow as a person.

The one character that achieved the most growth was Grave, who finally realized his worth and owned his bullshit in his and Cauldron’s relationship. I loved Elise and thought she was the perfect match for Grave.

On to Book three…

Happy reading!
Reaper by A. Zavarelli

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Ronan & Sasha: Two lost Souls find each other and become whole... I love it!

Ronan Fitzpatrick (aptly nicknamed Reaper) is an Irish killing machine. Raised in a training camp for the majority of his life. In light of this, he never learned the basic skill of communication and the gravity of experienced emotions. Especially when it comes to the opposite sex. Ronan is a loner and a man of few words. The object of his affection is a burned-out exotic dancer named Sasha, who dances at the club, Slainte, where Ronan serves the underboss, Crow (hero in book one). Ronan has always been in love with Sasha but much to his chagrin, doesn't know how to show it.

Poor Sasha met the wrong guy and ended up in the wrong situation. After being a tool to be used by her ex and one of the other bigwigs that patronize the club, she has all but given up on love and life. However, she longs to be with the silent enforcer who won't even speak to her. But circumstances push the two into each other's world where Ronan will do everything can to protect Sasha and ends up getting more trouble than he bargained for.

REAPER was a book that I'd had in my Kindle collection for a long time and finally made its way to the top of my pile. Now that I've read it, I could kick myself for not reading it sooner. It was amazing! What I loved most about this book is seeing the relationship between Ronan and Sasha grow into this epic love. They both healed each other's scars, and I cannot remember when I have rooted for a couple this hard! The book had the right touch of sweetness to offset the violence. If you love stories where ordinary people in tough situations triumph, I highly recommend this book! I guarantee, Ronan will steal your heart and Sasha will make you cry tears of joy. Awesome love story!

Happy Reading!