A review by bryckklovesbooks
Amusement by Albany Walker


Rafe & Lucy: I don't know which one needed more help, Rafe or Lucy...

OK... don't get me wrong. I enjoyed this book and "love" story but is this really LOVE?

Meh... if I had to answer that question, I'd have to say yes. Was it a healthy love? Absolutely NOT.

Lucy was forced to strip after her mother became disabled due to a car accident. She had to be the sole breadwinner of the family at the age of 16, where she found a job dancing in a strip club even though she is underaged. The club's owner, "Rex" takes a liking to "Fel" (short for "Felony") and becomes obsessed with her. He watches her for two years before he decides to make his move after his hand is "forced" in making an introduction.

"Rex" is Rafe, a very successful, psychotic billionaire who owns much of the town and decides that he wants to make Lucy his, by any means necessary. The fact that Lucy fell for him denying the obvious bright red flags time after time again was confounding to me. I can only chalk it up to age and immaturity. Further, her mother gave her an awful amount of leeway when it came to dating an obviously older man and not minding if she danced in a strip club and kept late hours. She had no problem with her coming in at the wee hours of dawn after dancing naked for strange men all night.

I read this book for what it was and not what I wanted it to or thought it should be. That is the only advice I can give to someone who is interested in reading this book. There are some triggers and of course, the fact that a grown man of 27 years of age is fixated on a teenager and excited at the thought of ruining her. There were a couple of details in this book which I thought were a reach. But as I stated... read the book for what it is. It's sad to think that somewhere, this exact situation may have or could possibly occur, as this is a very strange world.

Nevertheless, the story was well written. I enjoyed the dual POVs from both main characters and the story kept me engaged.

Happy reading!