Ok I had major issues with the plot and erotica or not if you include a plot I expect it to be solid and it just didn’t work for me. However she did something I haven’t seen done especially with male characters, that I personally am obsessed with, which is platonic romance and I ate up every moment of it. As far as the spice it was good but apparently I’m demisexual when it comes to books because I never connected fully with the characters so it wasn’t as satisfying as it otherwise would have been. I struggle with this authors writing style but I’m always intrigued by her concepts so I keep coming back.
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
Of the bat I liked how hardcore the mate bond was. That man said, fate said you mine so dead all that other noise. Anyone good get it behind his Allure, his pack, his momma, errbody. There were a few minor plot issues but otherwise I enjoyed this, mostly because Allure was true to her nature, Phalen didn’t care and didn’t try to change her, and that man was hardcore obsessed with his girl.
I forgot how many accents were involved in this book, buy James did a good job. Nia has a great voice, so overall it was a great performance. It sort of highlighted some of the weak areas in the plot but I still love this series. Best of all hearing Ty and Tyrs come to life was as amazing as I thought it would be.
It was a bit repetitive in the beginning. I think more time with the mains and less time with them on the phone with the mommas would have been nice. But the interactions at the dinner were so cute.
I know erotica doesn’t have to have a plot but if you’re going to give backstory on the characters it should at least make sense. And I’m not sure how I feel about the fact that sole play seemed more involved than when the mains actually hooked up. And something about the writing didn’t pass the vibe check in this for me. Easton’s work has a tendency to be very hit or miss for me. I either absolutely love it or almost hate it and this falls into the latter.
I loved Nia’s vibe. Duke had good energy about him too. This was quintessential erotica and I enjoyed it. I think the peach play could have been slowed down and given more time and detail. I like the window the author easily gave herself to return to the characters.
This was giving Zane Smex Chronicles energy. I enjoyed the intimacy but I think the dialogue could have been better. I think more dirty talk and small expressions of his desire for her would have made it believable that he wanted more, and I don’t get why she shut him down so hard of she plans on stopping by again. Of the books I’ve read in this series this is one of the few that doesn’t have me hurting for a follow up.
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
Would it be bad if I got a Lana fangirl tshirt? Because I Stan, hard! This is a thrilling read. It like Lifetime meets WE. And talk about getting your attention with that gasp moment at the end. This was compelling, suspenseful, and an easy read I cannot believe how much the author crammed into 130 pages, it wild. But it’s a solid read and I very much enjoyed it.