altay96's reviews
636 reviews

The Book of Memory: A Study of Memory in Medieval Culture by Mary Carruthers

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informative slow-paced


Tropes cannot be dismissed as “mere” formulas, for they indicate the values of a society and the way in which it conceives of its literature. The choice to train one’s memory or not, for the ancients and medievals, was not a choice dictated by convenience: it was a matter of ethics. A person without a memory, if such a thing could be, would be a person without moral character and, in a basic sense, without humanity. Memoria refers not to how something is communicated, but to what happens once one has received it, to the interactive process of familiarizing – or textualizing – which occurs between oneself and others’ words in memory.
Reina Amelia by Marosa Di Giorgio

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funny slow-paced


Pero, ella aún persistía olvidada y sin saber ya por qué estaba atrapada. Desvestida de todo, ofrecía como por primera vez sus relicarios, sus sombríos lucientes anillos de adentro, a la vez, agrestes y zíngaros; ahora, habían quedado casi remotos y casi cerrados.
Eczema del árbol by Carlos Leiton

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inspiring medium-paced


soy yo el vestido con máscara de escorial en este recoveco 
él no me registra
se pierde al otro lado
alumbra, alhambra
Sociología de la imagen: Miradas ch'ixi desde la historia andina by Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui

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informative medium-paced


esta bien, pero habria que omitir esa parte sobre el mantra en aymara por favor
Misales by Marosa Di Giorgio

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dark slow-paced


grandes incestos del papi-abuelo con la nieta recién nacida