aishaayoosh's reviews
127 reviews

Wonder by R.J. Palacio

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“If every person in this room made it a rule that wherever you are, whenever you can, you will try to act a little kinder than is necessary - the world really would be a better place. And if you do this, if you act just a little kinder than is necessary, someone else, somewhere, someday, may recognize in you, in every single one of you, the face of God.”

I thought kids at school can be awful and they are but you know what?! There are ten fold much nicer kids out there. This book has instilled my faith in little ones to know when to do the right thing, they may not know it right away but it will come.

Tear jerker - cannot wait to watch the film <3
Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi

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I could not put this book down- it went with me everywhere and I took it out everywhere. Even border control at the airport had me at *ahem* because I was lost in another world.

The world of the Orisha!!!

Based on the map of Nigeria a new mythical world is created of places familiar and unfamiliar... new tribes emerge, fairy tale creatures transpire.

The language of magic chosen as Yoruba - the Diviners call upon Oyá - the goddess of Orisha. I could see my self chanting with Zelie the incantations to will her powers... ‘oya ba mi soro....’ - It is such an enchanting book and I’m screaming hoping they make a movie out of it!!

To summarise I love how Temi has written this. Within this she has brought to the forefront the black lives matter movement and anyone powerless in the face of oppression will leave you feeling empowered!! It certainly did for me.
Buy this book, read it, then buy it for all your mates!!

There’s a part 2 - aaahhhhhhhhh!!!!
Swing Time by Zadie Smith

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It’s a good read as are any of Zadie’s books- the focus usually on her writing style. Very London, very South!

I wished she divulged more into Gambian life than she did! Anyway it was an okay read- more for entertainment, not much to say on it.
We Should All Be Feminists by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

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I would like to ask that we begin to dream about and plan for a different world. A fairer world.

A small concise must read for all men and women out there. We must raise our daughters differently. We must also raise our sons differently.....
Stay with Me by Ayọ̀bámi Adébáyọ̀

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This book is a little slow on the uptake but then turns into a Nigerian version of Eastenders... i want to say it is more of a 3.5 because I skimmed a lot of parts that dragged on a little.

What I loved most ...the conversations between the women in the hair salon...

“ she will be a doctor before the stiff soldiers get her. Not that the world will end if they get her first and then she’ll become a doctor. At least we thank God doesn’t kill people.”

“ but this god a great god-o. You know when that thing is asleep, just soft like that, you can disrespect it anyhow. But once it stands like this? Hard like that? I just want to thank the God that made it that way”

“ it is that hardness gives it value and honour, o jare “

“Abi? What do we want to do with a soft pestle? Can it pound yam?”

Innuendos galore lol!! :)
The Day of the Triffids by John Wyndham

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Apocalyptic fiction based in London and surrounding areas about hyper bred sunflowers (triffids) that walk, feed on flesh and are taking over the world- this is after everyone went blind from watching a meteor shower. Few survivors remain, this is their story....

Not generally a book I’d pick but it was the only English novel from a selection of Dutch ones available where I was staying. So I went on and killed this in a day for company!! Nonetheless it amused me :)
What I Know for Sure by Oprah Winfrey

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I love Oprah... at 11 years old dad introduced us to the Oprah Show and bought us her autobiography ....which was tad heavy at 11. Nonetheless I gave it a flick up until the bit she mentioned she was raped and thought well that’s too much for an 11 year old- pick this up later! Lol!

So 19 years later I’ve opted to pick up this book by Oprah instead. Bouts of wisdom on almost every aspect of life, paradigm shifts and ultimately how it all lies with you.

I think this will be my bedside book, one to pick up every now and again...definitely a re read for me :)
The Girl With All the Gifts by M.R. Carey

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Bit of a mammoth book but an amazing one. So took me a while to get through as I was picking up other books along the way beside this one.

Brilliant thriller based in London and the end of the world as it were. A virus has taken over turning humans into ‘hungries’. A few remain but will they survive?

Exciting paced ...always a joy to go back to reading it!
How to Love a Jamaican by Alexia Arthurs

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I really wanted to feel this book as I love the Jamaican culture from what little I know and have experienced!

The collection of short stories was a great way to experience different outlooks and personalities. However I think some were more touching than others which is why I would say this is a more 3.5.

I wish I had some Jamaican connection or had visited because i can imagine reading this would be full of nostalgic moments :)
Giovanni's Room by James Baldwin

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James Baldwin definitely has a seamless way with words. An emotional masterpiece!

Audacious, elegant and intense!!