
De geheime taal van katten by Susanne Schötz

chirson's review against another edition

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Czytałam polskie wydanie tej książki i do tej wersji się odniosę. Książka nie zawiera wielu nowych informacji o kocich zachowaniach i nie ujawnia wielu tajemnic, jak obiecuje clickbaitowy tytuł, ale jest sympatycznym wprowadzeniem do tematu kocich dźwięków, artykulacji i melodii. Autorka posiłkuje się wiedzą z fonologii i własnych badań oraz obserwacji przeprowadzonych na własnych kotach i czyta się te części bardzo dobrze, choć momentami widać, że wiedza autorki o behawiorze kotów (np. ich zapoznawaniu) jest dość fragmentaryczna a miejscami opisy zachowań własnych kotów są sprzeczne (po ośmiu dniach koty się dogadaly... tylko potem trzeba je było trwale odizolować). Szkoda, ze wydanie ani trochę nie wyjaśnia kontekstu szwedzkiego albo nie podaje w przypisach porad dla polskiego: gdy autorka pisze o tym, co zrobić z bezdomnym kotem, jej rady są dopasowane do innej sytuacji prawnej i społecznej i w części nieadekwatne.

Książka niestety zawiera też sporo powtórzeń i fragmentów wypełniaczy. Już wolałabym więcej anegdot czy opisów dźwięków innych kotów zamiast porad behawioralnych dla bardzo początkujących. No i polskie wydanie obiecuje namiary na stronę internetową z nagraniami kotów... nawet mówi, gdzie ten adres będzie, a potem go nie zamieszcza. Ups.

Mimo wszystko sporo ciekawych rzeczy sobie uporządkowałam. Jakby jeszcze było więcej o różnych zwierzętach dla porównania, to byłabym bardzo zadowolona: może w następnej książce?

bibliotequeish's review against another edition

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This was a fun book, however I found it VERY redundant.

She described the sounds cats make and the opening of their mouth a few times, and gave examples of when they make the same sounds repeatedly.

The author is obviously a very smart woman and very skilled in phonetics, but I am not sure it was enough information to fill a book.

I did however really enjoy her writing style. And really liked the stories she told about her cats. She is clearly a very caring person who loves animals.

Even though I didn't think there was a lot of information in the book, I really enjoyed reading it.

el_36's review against another edition

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informative fast-paced


kabrown28's review against another edition

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challenging informative fast-paced


This is definitely written through the lense of linguistics and from the perspective of a phonetician which the title and tagline poorly communicate. However, if that's what you're looking for it's a very good read. It was very interesting and while I'm not sure I learned a lot about cat communication as a whole I did learn a lot about cat phonetics and I can truly say that was novel for me.

iammyowngodandmartyr's review against another edition

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The author is a phonetician!!! This is a real ongoing linguistics research project by a real linguistics professor on cat-human vocal communication!! Genius. The narrator's reading of cat sounds in IPA was admirable but terrible. Includes stuff like a vowel chart w/overlaid cat mouth and acoustic analyses of purring using Pratt. Excellent if ur in the mood for escapist pop linguistics content!

jadesx96's review against another edition

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Recently received this as a gift and it was rather apt given that I love linguistics and have recently taken in a juvenile cat from cat protection, having not cared for a cat in almost a decade. I found the phonetic approach to cat communication really interesting and refreshing, and the IPA transcriptions are really useful for discerning different sounds if you are able to/learn how to read it. I'd say it might not be up the street of people who have no interest in phonetics and it can be repetitive at points, which is why I went for 4 stars. But I am very curious about the funded research Schötz is currently conducting about human-cat interaction and look forward to reading more about it and learning more about my cat Freya's own vocalisations.

admiralette's review against another edition

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funny informative slow-paced


Very focussed on phonetics as that is the author's field of speciality. I would have been interested in more on cats' body language as well and a bit more in depth. 

emsu96's review against another edition

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Pidin kirjasta, mutta minusta se ei vastannut ihan siihen kysymykseen, mihin se lupasi vastata. En ymmärrä omaa kissaani juurikaan paremmin nyt, vaikka sainkin muutamia hyviä vinkkejä. Oli kuitenkin viihdyttävää lukea kirjoittajan omista kissoistaan kirjoittamia tarinoita. Toivon, että kirja olisi hiukan enemmän keskittynyt käytäntöön ja hieman vähemmän foneettisiin merkkeihin.

ghostsofthings's review against another edition

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On loan from a friend because of a recent addition ❤️

nackereia's review against another edition

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informative fast-paced
