
Forever Black by Sandi Lynn

vixybean9's review against another edition

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I liked some of the storyline. I like the characters. But man there was just too much jammed felt she is one unlucky girl ...everyone dying, cancer twice & attempted suicide. Him having his twin die and his girlfriend commit suicide who also conveniently a twin too.
Just too much going on that I never felt connected to the characters or a situation they were in because it skipped to another one within a page! Unfortunately this could have been better both characters had lots of potential.

jeaniewrites's review against another edition

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Words can't express how I feel about this book! I fell in love with Connor and Ellery!!!! It had me choked up, sad, mad, and happy. A lot of emotions! I loved her sassy and smart ass mouth! She is the kind of girl I want my daughter to be. Don't take shit from anyone!!!!

hannibalhamlet's review against another edition

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Such a heart-touching read between to wonderful characters. The author really put a beautifully story together, and made me cry and laugh so many times. This story will do a number to you heart. 5 well deserved stars.

tommiereadsromance's review against another edition

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Okay, so this book is just awful. Awful.

dekadaye's review against another edition

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this book was horrendous
completely ludicrous and filled with tired cliches
the characters were caricatures - shallow, silly, selfish - not well developed AT ALL
the relationships were rushed and not developed well either. why was she hugging the driver after speaking literally two times no more than a few sentences?!? they love each other after 1-2 weeks?!?
conner and ellery are both seriously unhinged and illogical
the kyle outburst and aggression made no sense
the tone of the sex scenes were completely out of place and felt thrown in
there are so many holes and unanswered questions
the author doesnt know the difference between shaking the head to say no and nodding the head to imply yes
ugh i cant believe i read this

audrey678's review against another edition

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Even though this book wasn't perfect and fell flat during some parts I still enjoyed it in a sappy tear jerker kind of way.

mochalattie's review against another edition

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katesgoodreads's review against another edition

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3.5 stars. I wanted to love this book so much more than I did.I mean, I liked it, it was good...but it wasn't as great as I was hoping for, or had the potential to be. Honestly, I think that had the author stretched it out, it could have been amazing. We just never really got to know Connor. There was more there that could have been explored. Really, this story could have been a LOT more and still been great. I wanted to feel more from both of them, understand more about their lives and what was going on in their head.
Overall, I was left wanting.Even with the epilogue. I just wanted to know them better.
Having said that, it was an amazing first effort, and I think that we will see great things from this author in the future.

sonybless's review against another edition

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I really enjoyed this story. Some reviews state that they couldn't connect with the characters, I didn't find that to be an issue. I loved that Ellery was independent and spoke up for herself, although she tended to run when things got tough. Connor could be an ass at times, and the two of them didn't know how to argue without saying things that hurt one another, which on the surface makes its believable. Ellery's secret was what I had suspected, but why she felt the need to hide it didn't make much sense to me.

I still enjoyed it for what it was, a cute love story.

tashspice's review against another edition

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2.5 star rating.
The writing was garbage, but the storyline was pretty cute.