
De tijd hervonden by Marcel Proust

mahiedine's review against another edition

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steven_nobody's review against another edition

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I'm glad I've finished this immense, magnificent, confusing work of art.... totally unique in all of literature, probably.

monkeelino's review against another edition

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In many ways it seems fitting that the first and last volumes of In Search of Lost Time would be my favorite, since they serve to introduce and summarize many of Proust's main themes. It's not to say that the middle volumes are unimportant, but I would agree with the various takes advising those not undertaking the whole set to read the first and last books.

I started reading Proust in 2020 with delusions of finishing in 6 to 12 months. That probably wasn't unrealistic if I had been willing to spend all my time on Proust, but taking a break in between volumes and reading slower and longer durations (say ~30 pages at a time) seemed to work much better. Having spent so much time together with Proust he now feels like a member of my family ... Which is to say: I love him but I don't alway like him. I was much fonder of the young Marcel whose innocence and wide-eyed approach to life was both enlightening and endearing thanks to Proust's ability to blend of-the-moment observation and immersion with omniscient, mature analysis/synthesis. He pulls this off throughout the span of volumes, but his of-the-moment narrator becomes a bit of an asshole as he grows up.
“...loving is like an evil spell in a fairy-story against which one is powerless until the enchantment has passed.”
A ridiculous range of Proust's insights into human nature and social dynamics feel incredibly insightful and accurate, yet two things chafed me consistently that may just be my own different worldview: 1) Yes, I believe in romantic love and "falling in love" but I also don't believe one has to chase every whim and desire. Choice exists but for Proust it often feels like he's completely led by his heart, which is really his prick and his ego, because his notion of loving another person seems to consist almost entirely of attraction and possession/control (or lack thereof, which provides him with the torture needed to create art, which in turn, regains time/recreates the past---this sounds somewhat like a Zoomer quote I came across recently that said "I'm borrowing money I don't have so I can go to school to get a job I don't want so I can pay back this loan.); and, 2) His notion of what love is or how it functions (it felt mostly relegated to passionate love at the beginning of relationships with a fixation on jealousy and possession; his observations and conclusions on these subjects are vast and brilliant, but it's such a limited view of love in my opinion).

[As an aside, I found my knowing that Proust was gay in real life colored my reading quite a bit as I was perplexed by the lack of physical intimacy he seems to have with each female love despite his passionate rhetoric ,and I marveled how one could wax so elegantly about art and truth and yet completely bury such a central part of one's self---easy for me to say having not lived in that time and place and had to disguise or protect the true nature of my sexuality.]

Age and the war itself seem to bring a worldlier more mature Marcel to book 7, with an interesting acceptance of time's changes/effects and almost a revulsion at the physical manifestations to the bodies around him, although he's not without a certain amount of respect, and, as ever, lyricism... Here he describes the Duc de Guermantes:
“He was no more than a ruin now, a magnificent ruin—or perhaps not even a ruin but a beautiful and romantic natural object, a rock in a tempest. Lashed on all sides by the surrounding waves—waves of suffering, of wrath at being made to suffer, of the rising tide of death—his face, like a crumbling block of marble, preserved the style and the poise which I had always admired; it might have been one of those fine antique heads, eaten away and hopelessly damaged, which you are proud nevertheless to have as an ornament for your study.”

In earlier books, memory is triggered by scent, sight, or sound. Here, we move on to actual position/motion of the body. All of these in their fashion trigger a kind of déjà vu---not just memory, but a temporal shift where the past is brought into the present. These type of serendipitous blessings manifest as lucky moments but it is art that facilitates the willful recapturing of time, memory brought back to life. A type of emotional and psychological time travel. According to Proust, a rare few geniuses can tap into this at any time---they can see and communicate the hidden and the divine. But most artists need suffering to reveal what is hidden and bring us closer to the divine. In this sense, I could understand, but perhaps not justify, his virtual imprisonment of Albertine---he needs her to make him suffer so that he may make art. He takes this even further by valuing happiness as the necessary foundation for unhappiness.

A monumental work of hubris? The most elegantly written society tabloid sprinkled with bon mots ever? Certainly, a genre-defying, auto-fiction-fueled encyclopedic exploration into the human soul.
15 More New-to-Me Words Out of the Series' 1,267,069 Words
infusoria | calumniated | exordium | rachitic | morganatic | seigniorial | ventripotent | Shylock (not new, but one whose origin I've never sought out) | mujishun | nautinal | Erechtheum | obloquy | raillery | aposiopeses | copiators

nzagalo's review against another edition

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Murakami e Bechdel estavam errados. Murakami considerou que para ler “Em Busca do Tempo Perdido” era necessário que alguma vez nos encontrássemos presos ou fugidos durante bastante tempo (no 3º tomo de "1Q84"). Já para Bechdel, as pessoas atingiriam a meia-idade quando se dessem conta que nunca iriam ler “Em Busca do Tempo Perdido” (em “Fun Home: A Family Tragicomic”). Não sei se foi para demonstrar que não tinham razão, apenas sei que era um título que me acompanhava há décadas, e a curiosidade de saber o que nele se encerrava era tremenda. Por outro lado, como disse na resenha do primeiro volume, há 10 anos que andava a tentar ler o primeiro volume, sem sucesso. Então porque li agora os 7 volumes, as 3200 páginas, em 2 meses? Não tenho explicação, mas arrisco a dizer que talvez tenha necessitado de chegar à meia-idade para ter a calma e tranquilidade necessárias à exigência da sua leitura.

Ao iniciar a leitura deste último volume ganhava uma consciência mais clara das motivações de Proust para encetar esta colossal obra, mas ao chegar a meio do livro as minhas explicações eram não apenas confirmadas, mas aprofundadas pelo próprio Proust que resolve dedicar 20 páginas a explicar o sentido da própria obra. Surpreendeu-me, porque não deixa espaço à interpretação, é muito claro e honesto. Proust arranja uma forma muito directa de explicar o sentido do texto, o sentido da arte, e o sentido de toda a sua vida. É um momento magistral, de reconhecimento do todo, em que as páginas se convertem num espaço-tempo de realidade, deixam de ser mero papel, deixam de ser mera história contada, e passam a fazer parte da nossa vida, enquanto realidade verdadeiramente vivida, porque num tempo resgatado por três mil páginas. É o pináculo de “Em Busca do Tempo Perdido”, em que percebemos o que é o "Tempo Perdido", e com o qual nos "Reencontramos". Muito sinceramente não pensei sequer que pudesse ser explicado, que houvesse mesmo essa necessidade, ou vontade por parte de Proust, mas ali de frente àquelas palavras, tudo ganha uma dimensão nova, uma conexão de enorme pureza com o autor, e que imbuído do facto de já não se encontrar entre nós, gera uma carga de enorme melancolia.

Escrevia então eu, antes de chegar àquele momento de rasgo elucidativo, que Proust vai amiúde deixando as suas notas sobre o valor da arte, nomeadamente a pintura, mas cada vez mais a literatura, da sua relevância enquanto registo e ênfase da realidade vivida de todos os dias. Nesse sentido percebe-se que Proust almejava com esta sua obra criar uma espécie de diário literário do seu mundo, para assim se poder dedicar a “pintar” imagens do mundo em que vivia, legando-as a quem viesse depois. Mas não é um registo de auto-biografia que se procura aqui, até porque se vamos sabendo muito sobre a psicologia do autor, nada se diz sobre os seus conhecimentos em concreto, o que sabemos dessa parte está apenas implícito no texto, não sendo atribuído ao narrador/personagem principal, Marcel, mas que sabemos pertencer a quem escreve, ou seja Proust.

Neste sentido quando se procura analisar a obra de Proust, em busca de chaves descodificadoras ou pólos de ênfase, podemos dizer que o principal será mesmo a relação do sujeito, do "Eu", com o mundo que o rodeia, a "Sociedade". Daí que o título da obra busque isso mesmo, a análise do tempo dessas relações, já que elas apenas existem no tempo. As memórias são assim relevantes, mas mais do que elas são o seu registo. Proust tinha receio de morrer sem terminar a obra, porque provavelmente sentiria uma necessidade de passar a registo aquilo que lhe ia no fluxo da consciência e memória, sabendo que depois de morrer, tudo se esvairia, e que a escrita era a única que poderia permitir que aquelas ideas, aquele tempo, continuassem vivos, além da própria vida.

Quando chego então ao miolo do livro, e Proust começa a dissertar sobre o que diferencia as memórias voluntárias das involuntárias, quando ele assume uma franqueza desmedida e se abre sobre o fundamento de todos aqueles tomos escritos, caio a seus pés, a minha sintonia era plena, e Proust propiciava-me ali um dos momentos mais belos de reconhecimento do devir. Acreditando ser aqui que desemboca toda a leitura, o sentido da "Busca", marco os excertos e explicações, que se seguem como potencial spoiler, a ler por quem já leu, ou tem muitas dúvidas que algum dia lerá, ou procura uma motivação para empreender a "tarefa".

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Este volume final dá conta do quão obcecado Proust se tornaria, com a construção da sua obra, de como ela se tornaria no fundamento completo de toda a sua "raison d'être". Trabalhando apenas à noite, quando Paris dormia, para que não fosse incomodado, e num quarto com paredes isoladas por cortiça que impediam os ruído exteriores, para assim se imiscuir totalmente em introspecção, na pesquisa das memórias de si.

“Só pela arte podemos sair de nós mesmos, saber o que outra pessoa vê deste universo que não é o mesmo que o nosso.” p.217

Era a arte que Proust almejava, não um mero registo das suas memórias, voluntárias ou involuntárias. E assim se explica que a primeira página da "Busca" (de que transcrevo o primeiro parágrafo abaixo), tenha sido encontrada pelo biógrafo Jean-Yves Tadié, reescrita 12 vezes. Tadié diria que, teria ficado imensamente contente apenas com a primeira versão.

“Longtemps, je me suis couché de bonne heure. Parfois, à peine ma bougie éteinte, mes yeux se fermaient si vite que je n’avais pas le temps de me dire : « Je m’endors. » Et, une demi-heure après, la pensée qu’il était temps de chercher le sommeil m’éveillait ; je voulais poser le volume que je croyais avoir dans les mains et souffler ma lumière ; je n’avais pas cessé en dormant de faire des réflexions sur ce que je venais de lire, mais ces réflexions avaient pris un tour un peu particulier ; il me semblait que j’étais moi-même ce dont parlait l’ouvrage…” Primeira página do Volume 1, no original, 1913

“Durante muito tempo fui para a cama cedo. Por vezes, mal apagava a vela, os olhos fechavam-se tão depressa que não tinha tempo de pensar: “Vou adormecer.” E, meia hora depois, era acordado pela ideia de que era tempo de conciliar o sono; queria poisar o volume que julgava ter nas mãos e soprar a chama de luz; dormira, e não parara de reflectir sobre o que acabara de ler, mas tais reflexões haviam tomado um aspecto um tanto especial; parecia-me que era de mim mesmo que a obra falava…” Tradução de Pedro Tamen, 2003

Tudo isto faz deste livro um artefacto único, continuando a ser um romance, senão “o romance”. Porque não se confunda o fundamento desta obra, tão pouco a sua forma, com a sua extensão, comparando-se com obras seriadas de aventuras, como os, também, 7 volumes de “Harry Potter” de JK Rowland, ou os vários volumes de “As Crónicas de Gelo e Fogo” de George R. R. Martin.

“Em Busca do Tempo Perdido” não é um livro difícil em termos de enredo, e é verdade que assusta pela sua extensão, mas torna-se verdadeiramente difícil pela escrita imensamente delineada e trabalhada, mais particularmente na forma como Proust constrói parágrafos longos, fazendo uso de todas as formas possíveis de orações subordinadas, que obrigam a memória de curto prazo do leitor a trabalhar arduamente. Mas a sua leitura, a experiência que se constrói em nós e nos transforma, supera facilmente muitas daquelas viagens que sonhámos fazer e fizemos. A "catedral" que Proust sonhou um dia construir, emerge agora dentro de mim, com campanários que cintilam na lembrança de cada um dos seus personagens - Swann, Odette, Marcel, Gilberte, Oriane, Albertine, a Avó e a Mãe, a Sra. de Villeparisis, Vinteuil, Elstir, Berma, Bergotte, os Guermantes, os Verdurin, Charlus, Cottard, Morel, Rachel, Saint-Loup, Françoise ou Jupien.

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doubtfulspring's review against another edition

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Oh boy. This book is pretty good.

msaari's review against another edition

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challenging reflective medium-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? Character
  • Strong character development? Yes
  • Loveable characters? It's complicated
  • Diverse cast of characters? No
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated


Nyt se on valmis! Kadonnutta aikaa etsimässä -romaanisarja on kokonaisuudessaan takana. Viimeinen osa, Jälleenlöydetty aika, ilmestyi vuonna 1927 eli lähes sata vuotta sitten, viisi vuotta Marcel Proustin kuoleman jälkeen. Suomennosta saatiin odottaa vähän pidempään: se ilmestyi vasta 80 vuotta myöhemmin, vuonna 2007, vaatimattomat 30 vuotta ensimmäisen osan suomennoksen jälkeen. Sarjasta valtaosan suomentanut Inkeri Tuomikoski ehti myös menehtyä vuonna 2002, joten tämän viimeisen osan suomensi Annikki Suni
Vuonna 1927 ilmestynyt laitos oli Proustin kuollessa sekava käsikirjoitus, josta kirjailijan veli Robert Proust toimitti Jean Paulhanin kanssa jotain koherenttia. Vuonna 1954 ilmestyi korjattu laitos ja vuonna 1989 vielä Pléiade-laitos, jota oli viimeistelty lisää. Suomennos perustuu tähän viimeisimpään. 
Kirjan alussa kertoja on nuoruudenrakkautensa Gilberten seurassa tämän kotona lähellä lapsuutensa Combrayta. Siellä kertoja selailee Goncourtin veljesten päiväkirjaa, jonka kuvaus Verdurinien salongista herättää tunteita kirjallisuuden mahdista ja kertojan kyvyttömyydestä katsella ja kuunnella keskittyneesti (mikä kirjasarjan kokonaisuuden valossa tuntuu melkoiselta väitteeltä). Näitä kysymyksiä kertoja pohtii myös parantolassa ollessaan. Paluu Pariisiin koittaa vuonna 1916, kun parantolaan ei saatu enää henkilökuntaa. Tästä paluusta saadaan hieno kuvaus Pariisista keskellä ensimmäistä maailmansotaa. 
Keskellä sotaa kertoja kohtaa paroni de Charlusin, jonka sukujuuristaan kumpuavat sympatiat Saksaa kohtaan ovat asettaneet tämän hieman hankalaan asemaan. Erottuaan Charlusista kertoja päätyy pieneen hotelliin, joka osoittautuu kovin eriskummalliseksi paikaksi: se onkin hienompien herrojen bordelli, jossa nämä voivat nauttia rattopoikien palveluksista. Kun bordellinpitäjäksi osoittautuu vanha tuttu Jupien, kertoja saa mielenkiintoisen vilauksen tähän dekadenttiin maailmaan. 
Vuosia myöhemmin kertoja palaa taas Pariisiin ja vierailee juhlissa ruhtinas de Guermantesin luona. Matkalla hän kohtaa vanhuuden rappeuttaman de Charlusin, jota Jupien palvelee. Eräs kirjan keskeisimpiä elämyksiä tapahtuu pian tämän jälkeen: 
Äsken mainitsemiini synkkiin ajatuksiin vaipuneena olin tullut Guermantesien kaupunkipalatsin pihalle enkä hajamielisyyksissäni ollut huomannut viereeni ajavaa autoa; kuljettajan huudahdettua ennätin hädin tuskin siirtyä sivuun ja astuin hiukan taaksepäin niin että kompastuin epätasaiseen kiveykseen piharakennuksen edessä. Mutta päästyäni taas tasapainoon laskin jalkani kivelle joka oli vähän alempana kuin viereinen, ja sillä hetkellä koko masennukseni häipyi antaen tilaa onnentunteelle, jollaisen olin kokenut elämäni eri vaiheissa: nähdessäni puut jotka olin ollut tunnistavinani ajelulla Balbecin lähistöllä, nähdessäni Martinvillen kirkontornit ja maistaessani madeleinea jota kastoin lehmuksenkukkateehen – ja oli paljon muitakin aistimuksia, joista olen kertonut ja joiden synteesiltä Vinteuilin viimeiset sävellykset olivat minusta tuntuneet. Kuin madeleinea maistaessa häipyi nyt huoli tulevaisuudesta, häipyivät kaikki älylliset epäilyt. Äskeinen ahdistus kirjailijanlahjojeni aitoudesta ja jopa itse kirjallisuuden totuudellisuudesta oli pyyhkiytynyt pois kuin taikaiskusta. 
Pelkäämättä joutumista naurunalaiseksi autonkuljettajien silmissä kertoja jää horjahtelemaan pihakivillä tavoitellessaan epämääräisesti häilyvää mielikuvaa. Lopulta kertoja tunnistaa, mistä on kyse: horjahdus pihakivillä tuo mieleen Venetsian Pyhän Markuksen kastekappelin epätasaisen lattian ja sen mukana tulevat kaikki siihen aistimukseen liittyvät muut aistimukset, samoin kuin madeleinen maku oli tuonut mieleen muistot Combraysta. Sisällä juhlissa joku palvelija kilauttaa lusikalla lautasta ja tämäkin ääni vie kertojan keskelle metsää pysähtyneeseen junaan, tuoden mieleen rautatieläisen vasaraniskun äänen. Tästä lähtee käyntiin syvällinen ja kiinnostava taideteoreettinen pohdiskelu. 
Itse juhlissa kertoja saa järkyttyä siitä, miten ikä on tuttuja henkilöitä kohdellut ja miten maailma on muuttunut. Porvarisrouvista on tullut entisten ylhäisten seurapiirien tähtiä ja vanha aatelisto on mennyttä. Belle Époque on hiipumassa. Gilberten tyttäressä kertoja saa kuitenkin vielä nähdä, miten kirjasarjan alussa kahdelta eri maailmalta tuntuneet Guermantesin tie ja Méséglisen tie yhdistyvät. 
Jälleenlöydetty aika on hieno päätös arvokkaalle kirjasarjalle. Se on muiden loppuosion tapaan varsin sujuvaa tekstiä, tai sitten olen vain tässä kohtaa jo läpikotaisin Proustin proosalla kyllästetty ja siksi tottunut. Teokseen on kaiketi jäänyt edelleen kaikenlaista epäloogista, mutta eipä se lukiessa haitannut – eihän näissä esimerkiksi juonella ole merkitystä. Proustin maailmaan sukeltaminen on oma kiehtova kokemuksensa, ja tässäkin kirjassa on paljon aivan oivallista ainesta. 
Kokonaisuudessaan Kadonnutta aikaa etsimässä on lukemisen arvoinen. Suosittelen lukemiselle selkeää ohjelmaa; näin usko ei lopu kesken matkan ja kirjasarjan saa päätökseenkin joskus. Minulle toimi yhden kirjan lukeminen kuukaudessa. Kun kuukauden Proustin luki aina joka kuun ensimmäisenä kirjana, sarjan lukemiseen ei tullut etenemistä pysäyttäviä taukoja. Ihan jokainen osa ei vetänyt samalla tavalla, varsinkin sarjan keskivaiheilla oli aika raskaitakin vaiheita, mutta sinnikkäällä lukemisella sarjan sain luettua, ja kokonaisuus palkitsi siinä määrin, että ne tahmeammatkin osat kannatti käydä läpi. 


Finding Time Again is the final part of Marcel Proust's monumental series In Search of Lost Time. Originally published in 1927, five years after Proust's death, it only appeared in Finnish in 2007, some 80 years later, with a translation based on the 1989 Pléiade edition. Like the rest of the series, it explores memory, time, and the changing world.

The narrator begins by reflecting on his youth and literary ambitions while revisiting places from his past. We witness his return to Paris during WWI, encounters with familiar characters such as Baron de Charlus, and an unforgettable scene in a high-class brothel. The book's climactic moments delve into deep reflections on art and memory, sparked by sensory triggers reminiscent of the famous madeleine scene from the series’ earlier volumes.

As the narrator attends a party later in life, he is struck by the transformations time has wrought on both people and society. The fading Belle Époque, once so vibrant, is now a distant memory, with the social hierarchy inverted. However, the merging of two paths from the series' beginning through the character of Gilberte’s daughter brings a poignant sense of closure.

Finding Time Again concludes the series beautifully. Its prose, while intricate, flows smoothly, perhaps aided by the reader's immersion in Proust’s style. Despite occasional inconsistencies, they do not detract from the overall experience. Reading In Search of Lost Time is a profound journey, and perseverance through its more challenging sections is well rewarded. A structured reading plan is recommended, as consistency is key to completing and fully appreciating the series.

fionnualalirsdottir's review against another edition

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The brilliant scenes where the narrator walks through the Paris night during an air-raid reminded me of this painting:

marc129's review against another edition

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Seventh and last part of this classic. Beautiful images of the darkened Paris in World War I and the bombing of the city from Zeppelins.
The second half of the book jumps years ahead and muses about the impossibility of being able to faithfully reconstruct the past. This provides the key to the entire work. A must read!

stingo's review against another edition

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I enjoyed this volume the best of the 6. (Modern Library's edition includes The Captive/The Fugitive in one book.) Here Proust ties up his series with meditations on art, society, old age and death. If you read any of my other reviews, you might remember that Proust's writing is strong when it comes to big topics like this and the volume certainly delivers.

Due to the narrator's poor health, he has been absent from society life for quite some time, and a good portion of the book (once again) about him attending yet another society party. However, this time it is like he is attending a 20 year class reunion and he has not seen anyone in that time. We are spared much of the inane dialogue about various aristocrats, but what is there refers to events that have happened in previous volumes. Here I think Proust exhibits his genius because I, the reader along with Marcel must remember the characters and events that are discussed. This actual act of memory reinforces what Proust has been saying throughout In Search of Lost Time, and as well how time can be regained. Definitely the capstone of the book, it is certainly my favorite of Lost Time.

patfield's review against another edition

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Over the course of 15 months, with a six month hiatus between June and December, volumes III and IV, I read In Search of Lost Time by Marcel Proust. A sprawling narrative spanning 3,700 pages with a couple thousand named characters that occupy a plot that can be summarized in a simple paragraph. No need to describe the plot, it's very simple, instead, stay for the observations, recollections, and general impressions of the French Countryside. A very meandering read, not unlike watching a time-lapse of a blooming flower or a setting sun, despite the slow nature, the series was never really a bore barring a few parts, but it isn't a read that you can't force, it's very indulgent since it's full of copious amounts of descriptions describing everything the narrator sees, if you aren't in the mood for it, save it for another time. From childhood to old age, you read about the life and times of Marcel as he threads a highly detailed narrative that charts his early childhood, cringe teenage years, a young adult worming his way into High Society Parisian salons, and finally reconciling all his experiences as an older man. It includes both a linear progression as Proust describes all the events first hand, and a topographical view as he recollects prior events and how they are recontextualized within the present, not unlike threading a blanket from the two dimensional plane then gazing down on the work in progress from an orthogonal point of view so all the links between the places and names become readily apparent. It's very cool and powerful on both an emotional and spiritual level, I haven't really read anything like it, I suppose Solenoid is the closest to this for me in recent memory, but in terms of payoff, I would rank In Search of Lost Time much higher in comparison, this could be recency bias talking too, but I doubt it. Is this worth reading? Absolutely, but it's a massive commitment, I recommend at least trying volume I and go from there