
Mad, Bad, and Dangerous in Plaid by Suzanne Enoch

transientmeow's review against another edition

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Rowene "Winnie" MacLawry and Lachlan MacTier, Lord Grey

Enjoyed the closer look at clan politics and didn't mind the dialogue (written-out Scots accent) so much in this book, though the heroine spends 95% of it speaking with an English accent, so that could be why. The more serious tone of the last quarter didn't seem quite in keeping with the rest of the book, but it did have a satisfying ending.

allison_ck's review against another edition

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Look, sometimes a girl just needs a historical romance novel. This one was pretty good, although it did kind of drag in the middle and the ending felt a bit rushed.

gonza_basta's review against another edition

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Nice reading even if I do not like so much when the author uses so much of the Scottish brood, I'm not really used to it and it is difficult for me to understand, from time to time.

Lettura piacevole e carina anche se non apprezzo molto gli autori quando scrivono in dialetto scozzese, non é detto che tutti lo capiscano al volo e a volte rendono la scrittura molto meno fluida e scorrevole.


jrkrell's review against another edition

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After deciding that it is no fun being attracted to someone who is not interested Rowena swears off her childhood infatuation with Lachlan. Relieved to be free from Rowena's pursuit Lachlan starts having second thoughts.

lashea677's review against another edition

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Mad, Bad and Dangerous in Plaid is a cute story. The main characters Rowena and Lachlan had me in stitches because I was laughing so hard at some of their antics. Rowena has secretly been in love with Lachlan for a while but her feelings were not reciprocated. When she decides to grow up and move on is when Lachlan starts to notice what was right in front of him all along. Will it be too late? I fell in love. I hope you do too.

karinapplesauce's review against another edition

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Well, this was a little bit of a silly book.

I mean, I believe it's the first of the series to head on back to the Highlands, so now there's even more dudes in kilts. There's a wedding, some Highland games,
Spoilerthe obligatory kidnapping, the sex scenes that come out of nowhere because the chemistry isn't totally believable until the end,
but thank goodness Lachland proves his worth because he goes looking for her even though he's been stabbed! That makes him better than the other guy!
. You know.

This was probably the weakest of the series so far for me, but it was still decently entertaining.

svandeneeden's review against another edition

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emotional lighthearted fast-paced


megs_k's review against another edition

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You're a highlands lass. ~ Suzanne Enoch

romancejunkie1025's review against another edition

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4.25 stars. a really interesting read with lots of twists turns and emotional drama along with an ending to make me truly smile. looking forward to Bear's story