_ifitsthelastthingido's review against another edition

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I think this should be required reading alongside The Empath’s Survival Guide. This book is an excellent call-to-arms for all empaths and HSPs to dig deeper into their own expansiveness. It’s not just telling you how to move through the world, but really calling your forward to a new version of the world (which it seems we’re heading into whether people want it or not!).

jniertit's review against another edition

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So much validation and a path forward for empaths.

dooziekins's review against another edition

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Too spiritual 

cateylady's review against another edition

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Any content I read on empaths/HSPs is valuable to me, and I appreciate Anita’s approach to her simple and decisive language to hone her points. However, the most helpful aspect of the book were the meditations at the end of each chapter; I certainly will be revisiting them.

nstinch54's review against another edition

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** I received a free ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. **

This book isn't what I expected it to be. I definitely wasn't expecting lots of info of empath's absorbing other's energy and reading people's auras. I thought it would be geared toward more "sensitive" people. While I feel like I have some empath traits, it's clearly not enough traits to feel like this book was overly beneficial to me. Might be a good read for others, but it just wasn't for me.

estherscholes's review against another edition

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This book was a disappointment. There were some very well-written, insightful parts of it, that investigated what it means to be an empath (someone very in tune with their own feelings and the feelings of others), so it was useful in giving vocabulary to some instinctive reactions that many of us live with but don’t fully understand.

However, it was SO repetitive. After the initial relief of hearing her put into words how weighty it is to be a highly sensitive person, she just then repeated this same concept over and over and OVER again. There wasn’t really a full books’ worth of material here - it could have been a substantial sized booklet. And after initially feeling connected by her articulation of what the challenges were like, that confidence was lost for me when she purported that the solutions were found in mysticism, reiki, the kind of positive thinking that could cure cancer, etc. If that’s where the book was heading, it should have had a different title as it really felt like it was more of an advert for the new age movement rather than an exploration of the psychological advantages of being empathetic.

jchenwriter's review against another edition

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I found this book helpful and a different way to look at things. The meditations at the end of each section are a concrete way to handle the topics she covers.

kaylynn78's review against another edition

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This book really helped me better understand my empathic spouse who ticks every box when it comes to identifying an empath.

leticiagoluba's review against another edition

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Not gonna lie, the reviews scared me off. Not in the mood to listen to someone else's spiritual bragging. Even the intro wasn't that relatable and I'm thinking hmmm... maybe not for me. Still interested in reading more about empaths though, so I'm grabbing another one that's less author-focused and more reader-focused.

candisreads's review against another edition

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3.5 stars- A lot of this was too “new age” for me.