zachari's reviews
364 reviews

A People's History of the United States by Howard Zinn

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Excellent introduction to basic Marxist premises and methods for a historically-minded theorist and organizer. If we are condemned to read history at the end of the world, we could hardly ask for a better companion than Zinn.
The Half Has Never Been Told: Slavery and the Making of American Capitalism by Edward E. Baptist

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Fascinating, especially for it's psychoanalytic analysis in Chapter 4: Left Hand, though critical peer reviews have left me uncertain of is historiographic reliability.
On Liberty by John Stuart Mill

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It's continued relevancy as a work if their, rather than merely historical record, is at best suspect in a post-fascist age such as our own.
Consider the Lobster And Other Essays by David Foster Wallace

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Few texts have done more to make me both a better and a worse writer--and several of those were also written by Wallace.
The Making of the President 1960 by Theodore H. White

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Cool insider look into what was probably the first modern presidential campaign.
The Screwtape Letters: Letters from a Senior to a Junior Devil by C.S. Lewis

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For several years in my late teens I would reread this book every year during Lent. during that time few texts were more influential upon me than this--and a majority of those were literally Gospels. One probably cannot fully understand the ways and degrees such a tract continues to determine the kind of vessel, so let it suffice to say it's influence was most definitely extensive and almost certainly excessive.