xennicole's reviews
2180 reviews

The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt

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I found it boring and I had a hard time staying in the story. I skimmed every one and while. The ending I felt was disappointing.
Book of Ages: The Life and Opinions of Jane Franklin by Jill Lepore

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While this book is 442 pages, only 267 pages is the actual book with appendixes and index taking the rest of the pages. It was okay, there was more about the times and culture around the Franklin's than about Franklin. Sure, I learned a few things about Benjamin Franklin, but I learned very little about Jane. Learning very little about Jane is the point of the book. There is not much tangible in the way of her life and even her brother Benjamin never mentions her at all, only in his letters. It was okay, the research was slim, but to be excepted. I felt that this was a hard book to read and I tended to skim through parts that bored me.