This was a really interesting book. I was inclined to not agree with it, but the author uses a plethora of primary sources. Seeing the intent of the founders in their own words was helpful to persuading me of Hall's premise: that even if some of the founders were deists, they were still gradually influenced by Christianity.
He did wax somewhat into contemporary politics, like abortion and Trump. This was written in 2019, however seeing how his most recent book's title concerns our Christian nationalism isn't as much of a threat as people think, he probably would not amend those opinions.
For all this later work and opinions (which I have noy read), this book was really helpful in thinking through how the founders viewed religious freedom in a political context.
This is an ok start to the second volume. It's a little more violent, and I didn't like that they kind of flippantly said that cal was a prostitute for a time. Because our culture wants to be sex-work positive, we forget that for most of history prostitutes were victims of violence, not people who simply chose to sell sex.
This was the best one yet in the series! I felt both characters were well developed, and I liked that we got more from the guy's perspective in this one than in previous ones.
As someone who went through deconstruction and stayed in the church, I found their advice and information extremely biased and unhelpful. They deny that many people who are deconstructing ARE faithful Christians; they also share extreme questions/comments from deconstructionists for shock value, when really those people deserve thoughtful questions. I was extremely offended that they lumped complementarianism (wives submitting to husbands) in with basic Christian tenents, like Jesus' substitutiary death on the cross.
I know they meant well - but simply trying to redefine an already existing term isn't helpful and comes off as condescending. If you really want to know how to help people who are deconstructing, point them to podcasts like the Holy Post.
I really liked this one, but it is very dark. I also didn't like how she addressed the constant abuse of Hiccup by Snotlout. There was a scene where Snotlout accused hiccup of "making" him be mean, and it wasn't handled well (hiccup apologizes). Someone needed to say that it wasn't hiccup's fault - because kids who go through bullying and abuse need to know it's not their fault
This was such an amazing intro to amberlyn's new series! The characters are complex and loveable. The mystery is intriguing. I feel like this might be one of her strongest series yet.