venussenvy's reviews
255 reviews

The Good, the Bad, and the Sexy by Emily Carmichael

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The tropes were fun, even if there weren’t any truly sexy moments between Rachel and Jackson.
I've Got You by Abby Knox

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3.25 stars

Cute, quick insta-love read. I wish there had been more! Lane’s lines seemed cheesy too. I would like to have known more about his character.
Eyes and Spies: How You're Tracked and Why You Should Know by Tanya Lloyd Kyi, Belle Wuthrich

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What an interesting and alarming read. Eyes and Spies, an indie-published teen non-fiction book, uses a bright and engaging design to lead us to a startling and fearsome realization: corporations and our governments have access to most things about us, and we both willingly and unwillingly allow access into our personal lives via the internet.

The author effectively encourages young people to think about the kind of information they put online, and poses other ethical questions concerning cyberbullying, child GPS tracking apps, and surveillance used to monitor “pre-criminal” behavior.

I’ve never read a book like this. I found it very informative about state surveillance, both in the U.S. and abroad with relevant examples. Although its main audience is teen and young readers, the content has broad lessons for all of us who use social media/divulge our personal details on the web.
Cheeky King by Nana Malone

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The first half was kiiinda repetitive with the tug of war of Penny and Sebastian hate-fucking and brooding/being mad at each other. I liked the mystery surrounding the King’s death though. And all the other characters were well thought out. The villains are villains too. Good follow up to the first book!
Pleasure by Eric Jerome Dickey

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DNF @ ~32%

When I picked it up I could tell this book was far too long