I was both dreading and dying to read this book. Last books in a series are not usually my favorites, but this one is very *chef's kiss*.
The set up was amazing, the jokes were funny, and the character archs all had their time to shine. I feel like it really rounded up the story in a very solid way.
I would also like to add that the ending in this books might be one of Rick Riordan's best. It just feels like a warm hug or someone giving you some hot chocolate when you're cold. It's that good.
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
This is my first time reading a "choose your own story" type of book, and even though I enjoyed it I don't think I'd choose to read one again. When I read I like to infer on the plot and almost predict and read what happens, so this type of concept kinda didn't do it for me.
The book itself it's good. It's a basic concept but it isn't fool proof (and I am a fool). I felt myself lost in a couple choices, wondering how I could get out of the dead end. (I guess you kinda stop reading at that point, but I'm stubborn and I wanna read the whole thing...) The story itself was a lighter (and funnier) twist on the classic, but even though there is so many different plot line you can go with, I'm basic so I kinda stuck with the og one. That's on me tho.
Would recommend to a younger audience OR Shakespeare nerds.
Maybe this is just me, but I felt like the book had no main storyline. It was just him going to different places and reminiscing about different stages in his life. I'm convinced the book won the Pulitzer prize for it's great writing, not because of its amazing story. I dreaded reading this book a lot of the times, and as I reflected on Less' character I cannot fully love or hate him.
I think this book is a sign that I am growing out of highschool-centered books...I thought this books was a nice read, but I probably would have enjoyed it more if I read it before. Shame on me.
The real conflict of the book really turned the book around for me though. I love that it had a meaningful impact on Henry's life and that he actually suffered the consequences of his own actions.
Seeing a character like Grover, who probably struggles with self esteem and how he has a hard time picturing himself as a leader because all of the trauma his past actions have caused him (Thalia and Pan) being a leader of such a great community of dryad's and trying to make the world more in touch with Nate and get other people to care as much to the environment as he does is just... really sweet. I missed stories like these.
This memoir reads like an old friend, whom you haven't seen in a while, has come back to town and you're meeting up for lunch while she tells you how she's been doing. It has such great narrative in the way the moments impact you as well as if you were living it yourself. The relationships, her emotions all is well expressed to the point you connect and acknowledge every single time.
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
Didn't get stick out of me besides just being another read. The setting and mood are well executed, but the storyline was lacking. I keep thinking of the missed potential this story and book could have had if only it had multiple point of views. It would have made the story feel more real in the way that there's no actual truth. Just people talking about what they know.
My favorite parts of the book were the indigenous stories told and how those reflect the situation they were in. They added more depth to the character's village and their backgrounds.