It was cute but sometimes A's actions were a bit iffy for me. I didn't really like how abrupt the ending was either. I did really like the art style though
This was such a beautiful story of friendship. The writing is gorgeous. I feel like I don't read enough books about friendship because this was absolutely amazing. The ending made me tear up. This is such a sweet and intricate story
This is the type of book to leave me staring at the wall for the rest of the day after I finish it. I can't believe how well this book manipulated me. I never once expected any of those plot twists. Pretty much everything I have to say about this is a spoiler First off Oliver is probably my least favorite character I've ever read in any book. I was so surprised he wasn't the one who was with the killer because he was so controlling. He tried to kill several of them. I never once expected Arthur and maybe that's because I know he never wanted any of that to happen. His letter at the end was sweet. Even though he was involved, he never wanted anyone to die or get hurt. If I was in his shoes I wouldn't know what to do either. I didn't really trust Maddy most of the book just because she seemed like Red was a burden to her. But after finding out what her and Oliver's mom did, I now understand why Maddy did the things she did. I didn't entirely trust Simon either but I mean he is an actor. I think Simon's character could have been developed a little bit more. This fell short of my expectations after loving AGGGTM. However, I seriously can't wait until Holly Jackson releases another book because she's scarily good at making me think it could be any possible explanation besides the one it actually is. And then going back and seeing all the little clues I missed makes me appreciate it even more.
I had to read this for school and ok it wasn't horrible but it wasn't great. The actual story was interesting. I didn't really like the writing style though. Sometimes it just went on and onnnn over literally nothing. Once one singular sentence took up almost an entire page. An. Entire. Page. And it was just a character explaining how they didn't understand like 3 phrases. Like you could've just said you didn't understand. And maybe that was supposed to be funny but it just didn't do it for me. The social commentary was pretty interesting. I enjoyed the whole time travel thing. But I don't know if it's just me but the ending made absolutely zero sense to me. Like I'm so confused if the time travel was real or like if he was just going crazy or what. I should probably look that up. Anyways the book was ok. Nothing mind blowing
This just isn't for me. Most of the characters are extremely annoying and rude. The main character acts like a child. She's also so disrespectful towards basically everyone. I'm not rooting for the romance at all.