This was a lot of fun. Deeply baffling for a large chunk of it, I had to just sit back and let things happen, but the locked tomb books have trained me well for that. The cast of characters is incredibly endearing, I'm so charmed by all of them. All of the main character's relationships are such a bizarre middle ground of almost incredible codependent but everyone involved is lying to each other the whole time. The one thing I struggled with was that it felt quite weirdly paced; I had no clue for most of the book where I was in the narrative arc, and especially towards the beginning the tension that was introduced was pretty short term and was resolved quickly, which left me feeling like I was much further into the book than I really was. It took a while to hook me, but once it did it was really great.
Absolute delight. I am so obsessed with all of these characters. I have read enough other cosmere books in the interim between RoW and this one that (for the first time with a stormlight book) I actually feel like I pretty much understood what was going on on the first read. I really enjoyed how this book absolutely just messed around with the structure and mechanics of the Radiant oaths after the last 4 books established them so firmly. Turns out you can just do whatever, actually, and I love that for them.
Griffith's writing continues to be stellar. I loved seeing familiar faces from Arthurian stories and the ways that they fit in to this version. The magic was really well-written, with the right level of detail to give the whole thing a mythological feeling. Very very good.
This was really good! I think I would have loved this book as a teen, but the teen angst/interpersonal drama was way too relatably written for me to enjoy it as much now as I would have when I was the same age as the characters.
This was quite slow for the first half, but once this book got going it was spectacular. Exactly what I want in alien invasion books. I am deeply obsessed with all of the character dynamics and where they all are by the end.
Way better than I expected. Quite sad, but really really good. I think this is the first Greek mythology retelling where the gods are not involved in the plot/potentially not real, and that was very fun for me.